- Trenton
- city in New Jersey, U.S., originally Trentâs Town, from William Trent, Philadelphia merchant who laid it out in 1714.
- 1. What is the Trenton like made of?
- 特伦顿自行车是用什么做的?
来自超越目标英语 第4册
- 2. You know how many retired cops there are in trenton?
- 你知道特伦顿有多少退休警察 吗 ?
- 3. Yard sale shopper Larry Sutton pauses with purchases in Trenton , Ga.
- 乔治亚州特伦顿市场的一位摊主在摊位旁稍作休息.
- 4. Tad Trenton : Except for the one in my closet.
- 泰德·特伦顿: 除了我壁橱里的那一个.
- 5. Delaware River and surprised the British at Trenton, New Jersey.
- 美国革命期间,乔治.华盛顿将军穿越了特拉华河在新泽西的特蓝顿给予英国军队出其不意的袭击.