- Rehoboth
- Hebrew Rehobhoth, literally "wide places" (Gen. xxvi:22).
- 1. Out of that land went forth Asshur and builded Nineveh and the city Rehoboth , and Calah.
- 他从那地出来往亚述去,建造尼尼微, 利河伯,迦拉.
- 2. When Samlah died, Shaul from Rehoboth on the river succeeded him as king.
- 桑拉死了, 大河边的利河伯人扫罗接续他作王.
- 3. Then Samlah died, and Shaul of Rehoboth on the Euphrates River became king in his place.
- 创36:37桑拉死了 、 大河边的利河伯人扫罗接续他作王.