- 1. Randall would just now be getting the Sunday paper.
- 兰德尔这个时候正应该要去取星期日的报纸。
- 2. I had high hopes that Derek Randall might play an important part.
- 我对德里克·兰德尔发挥重要作用抱有很大希望。
- 3. There was silence, except for Randall, who was obliviously shovelling food into his mouth.
- 到处一片寂静,除了正在忘乎所以地把食物大口大口地塞进嘴里的兰德尔。
- 4. Randall Schriver is a former deputy assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs.
- 兰德尔·施奈弗是美国前任助理秘书代表,负责东亚和太平洋的事务。
- 5. RANDALL STEPHENSON has no time for doubts.
- 兰德尔·斯蒂芬森没有时间疑虑。
- 6. Randall Terry is recording his daily radio show.
- 兰德尔·特里正在给他的每日电台播音录音。
- 7. Randall: Oh, great! I'm going to book a lesson right away.
- 兰德尔:噢,太好了!我马上就去报名。
- 8. Randall said: "It's just huge, I've never seen anything like it.
- 兰德尔说:“它实在太大了,我从来没有看到过这么大的牡蛎。
- 9. Judge Randall White: and knowing that, you wish to plead guilty?
- 兰德尔·怀特法官:在这个前提下,你认罪了吗?
- 10. Randall: We are moving. Let's hope I don't stall the engine.
- 兰德尔:我们在动了。希望我们不会熄火。
- 11. Judge Randall White: Do you understand all of the consequences of your plea?
- 兰德尔·怀特法官:你明白你不申辩的后果吗?
- 12. I had to restrain Randall from writing to Bragg complaining about your behaviour.
- 如果兰德尔写信给布拉格抱怨你的行为,我会制止的。
- 13. What's more, Randall herself is a scientist and not above a little inside-the-clubhouse bias.
- 更重要的是,Randall她自己是一个科学家并且没有一点那种象牙塔的偏见。
- 14. Randall stood looking at her with a singular expression of aversion on his listless face.
- 兰德尔站在那儿看着她,脸上带着一种厌恶的奇异神情。
- 15. Randall: I promise to always drive responsibly and think about all the other people on the road.
- 兰德尔:我承诺开车的时候会一直保持责任感,并且考虑路上其他的人。
- 16. Randall: You're right. I've never really thought about it like that. It's a huge responsibility.
- 兰德尔:你说得对。我没好好考虑过。这是一个很大的责任。
- 17. California's fiscal woes have also reduced the amount of money available to the Berkeley lab, Randall said.
- 加州的财政困境也减少了伯克利实验室的经费。Randall说。
- 18. Randall Jones, an economist at the OECD, does not believe house prices in South Korea are excessively frothy.
- 经合组织的经济学家兰德尔·琼斯不认为韩国的房价上涨极度泡沫化。
- 19. Randall Stross is an author based in Silicon Valley and a professor of business at San Jose State University.
- RandallStross是矽谷的一位作家,同时也是圣何塞州立大学的一名商学教授。
- 20. It is seven years later, and Randall is pacing the deck of an ocean steamer, outward bound from New York.
- 七年后的一天,兰德尔正踱步在从纽约开出的轮船甲板上。
- 21. With Randall refusing to help him, it falls to Brewster and his captive gorilla to find appropriate donors.
- 随着兰德尔拒绝帮助他,现在由他的圈养大猩猩布鲁斯特和寻找合适的捐赠者。
- 22. "Once skills... become second nature, you can call them up much more easily when you need them," Randall writes.
- 一旦技能成为你的第二天性,你就能够在需要它的时候轻而易举地唤醒它。
- 23. "Herr Randall, the carriage waits and you will lose the train," said Frau Werner from the door, in a husky voice.
- “兰德尔先生,快点,马车在等你了,要不你就赶不上火车了,”从门口传来沃纳夫人沙哑的声音。
- 24. The quote above was written by Dr Randall A. Schroeder, which was part of an article we highly recommend you read.
- 上面所引用的是我们强烈推荐你看的那篇Randall A.Schoroeder博士所写的文章中的一部分。
- 25. The tragedy in the heart of the seal Randall a deep imprint, strong guilt that he nearly gave up their rescue career.
- 这场悲剧在兰德尔的心中印下了一个深深的烙印,强烈的内疚感使得他几乎快要放弃自己的营救职业。
- 26. In this recent audio interview, Randall talks about the beauty of the Higgs mechanism and the bright future of particle physics.
- 在这份最新的音频访谈中,Randall谈及了希格斯机制的优美之处以及粒子物理学的光明前途。
- 27. In this recent audio interview, Randall talks about the beauty of the Higgs mechanism and the bright future of particle physics.
- 在这份最新的音频访谈中,Randall谈及了希格斯机制的优美之处以及粒子物理学的光明前途。