1. The mercatorprojection is one of the most used world map projection.
2. The UTM system divides the Earth into 60 zones, each based on the Transverse Mercatorprojection.
UTM系统将地球分为60 个区,每个区基于横轴墨卡托投影。
3. The most common projection after geographic (latitude and longitude) is the transverse Mercatorprojection.
地理学投影(维度和经度)之后,最常用的投影是横向Mercator 投影。
4. This was not a big problem from 16th-century sailors, of course, and the Mercator projection remains popular to this day.
5. Only prejudice, and the trick of the Mercatorprojection, prevents us from recognizing the enormity of the African continent.
6. But it comes at the expense of accuracy - the Mercatorprojection makes countries close to the pole look much bigger than they really are.
7. OpenLayers does not have the ability to re-project data itself, so all data included in a map must also be provided in Spherical Mercatorprojection.
8. Sometimes, you will be able to request data in the Spherical Mercatorprojection, and the data provider will project it for you — but don't rely on this.
9. Map projection in cartography is a way to present a two-dimensional curved surface on a plane, such as a normal map. Figure 2 shows a Traverse Mercator projection.
10. You can almost say that the "opposite" of the Plate Carree is the Mercatorprojection which stretches areas close to the poles in the opposite direction, making them look very big.
11. The map you're used to seeing pinned on classroom walls and in Atlases is known as a Mercatorprojection, and was first presented by the Flemish geographer Gerardus Mercator back in 1569.
12. For example, the Mercatorprojection is widely used by boats and ships because it produces a map in which lines of constant bearing are a straight line, which greatly simplifies navigation.
13. You then project (or transform) the coordinate from WGS84 latitude and longitude (EPSG: 4326) to the map's current projection (Spherical Mercator) and zoom to it.
14. These and many other commercial free data sources use the spherical Mercator data projection (identified by European Petroleum Survey Group [EPSG] code 900913).