19. For their study, Drs. Andrea Mannetje and Neil Pearce of Massey University in New Zealand analyzed previous studies on occupation and bladder cancer risk.
20. Massey also reduced its estimate of coal shipments for this year and 2011, citing the difficulty of running some mines under new regulatory requirements.
21. The local citizens and activists of Coal River mountain Watch want Massey Energy to return to tunnel mining and use the mountaintop for a wind installation.
22. Professor Massey, a cosmologist, explained that the moon was almost as old as the earth, and it would be a shame to lose such a marvelous piece of planetary history.
23. Massey University has the third-largest engineering and technology faculty in New Zealand, with many staff acknowledged internationally as experts in their fields.
24. Alpha Natural Resources and Massey Energy announced a merger in an $8.5 billion deal that creates the world’s third-biggest supplier of metallurgical coal to steelmakers.
25. For several years Mr Massey has also been on the board of BP, which he believes benefited from its work with NGOs after a deadly accident at a refinery in Texas in 2002.
26. David C. Hughart once run a Massey coal mining sub-city area in west Virginia and implicated former CEO Don Blankenship as he plead guilty to federal conspiracy charges.
27. Massey, 71, has been a member of the Bank of America board since 1998 and during that time approved all of the Lewis deals that many shareholders were protesting by their votes.
28. Massey, 71, has been a member of the Bank of America board since 1998 and during that time approved all of the Lewis deals that many shareholders were protesting by their votes.