
  • n. (德)文化争端(1873-1887年罗马天主教会和德国政府之间围绕教育和教职任命权进行的);世俗与教会之间的任何争端或斗争
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Kulturkampf (n.)
1879, originally in reference to the struggle between the German government and the Catholic Church over control of educational and ecclesiastical appointments, 1872-86, German, literally "struggle for culture," from Kultur + Kampf "combat, fight, struggle," from Old High German kampf (8c.), from Latin campus "field, battlefield" (see campus).
1. The 1920's proved to be the focal decade in the Kulturkampf of American Protestantism ( Richard Hofstadter )
20世纪20年代是美国新教文化斗争最激烈的年代( 理查德霍夫施塔特 )
