21. He met his future wife, Kathleen, during his last year in the service — they're still married 42 years later — and decided it was time to settle down.
22. One hot, sun-washed morning at the temple in May 2010, Kathleen Martinez was bundled in a long-sleeve shirt, head scarf, and fingerless woolen gloves.
23. If you paste this query into linkedmdb.org's SNORQL interface, you'll see that only Kathleen Turner has been in a film directed by each of the two Coppolas.
24. Falling marriage rates and falling divorce rates could be two sides of the same coin, says Kathleen Kiernan, a professor of social policy at York University.
25. Topeka —Advocates say they will urge Gov. Kathleen Sebelius and the Legislature to support services that give Kansans with disabilities more independence.
26. The approval was announced by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius at a hearing that was held by the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
美国卫生及公共服务部部长凯瑟琳•赛贝林斯(Kathleen Sebelius)在国会能源和商务委员会(Energy and Commerce Committee)举行的听证会上宣布了甲流疫苗获批的消息。
27. The approval was announced by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius at a hearing that was held by the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
美国卫生及公共服务部部长凯瑟琳•赛贝林斯(Kathleen Sebelius)在国会能源和商务委员会(Energy and Commerce Committee)举行的听证会上宣布了甲流疫苗获批的消息。