- Grady
- surname and masc. proper name, from Irish Grada "noble."
- 1. Then she collapsed one evening while attending a football game and was rushed to Grady Hospital.
- 一天晚上,她在观看一场足球赛时虚脱了,当即被送入格雷迪医院.
- 2. The first act of Colonel Altamont was bellow to Grady for a of pale ale.
- 阿尔塔芒上校的第一个行动是吆喝格雷迪,要他送一品脱白啤酒来.
- 3. Manager Grady Little said he will tell Kuo he's starting Thursday in Chicago against the Cubs.
- 总教练葛雷迪说,他要告诉郭,礼拜三在芝加哥先发战小熊.