1. A long time ago, Francois Millet and I were young artists. 很久以前,弗朗索瓦·米勒和我都是年轻的艺术家。 来自互联网
2. I always said to my customer, "I am a fool to sell a picture of Francois Millet's at all, for he is not going to live three months, and when he dies his pictures can't be had for love or money." 我总是对我的顾客说:“我真是个傻瓜,居然卖掉弗朗索瓦·米勒的画,因为他活不过三个月,等他死后无论如何也买不到他的画。” 来自互联网
3. By 1538, francois I had closed the French bath houses. 到1538年,francois一世已经关闭了法国的浴池。 来自互联网
4. It is Suleiman's first letter to francois , written in 1526. 它是苏莱曼给弗朗索瓦的第一封信,写于1526年。 来自互联网
5. Staffer Etienne Francois and Jeff volunteered for the job. 职员安提雅•弗朗索瓦与杰夫志愿做这项工作。 来自互联网
6. To download Francois ' demo, refer to the Resources section. 要下载Francois的demo,请参考参考资料小节。 来自互联网
7. Leonardo da Vinci came to France with the painting, invited by French king francois Ist. 当年达芬奇就是带着此画应法王·弗朗索瓦一世的邀请来到法国的。 来自互联网
8. The first time that he saw her, francois Tessier felt that her face pleased him extremely. 弗朗索瓦·泰西耶第一次看见她的时候,便觉得她的脸蛋非常讨他喜欢。 来自互联网
9. Earlier, French Finance Minister Francois Baroin had also stressed the need for Europe to act decisively. 早前,法国财长巴罗恩也强调,欧洲有必要就此事采取果断行动。 来自互联网
10. Joe Francois , for example, has estimated that an RMB revaluation against the USD would cost the US jobs on net. 例如,乔弗朗索瓦估计,人民币兑美元升值会减少美国的净岗位数。 来自互联网
11. Bad weather prevented the Turks from returning to Constantinople, and francois provided winter shelter at Toulon. 糟糕的天气阻碍了土耳其人返回君士坦丁堡,弗朗索瓦在土伦为他们提供了冬季御寒之所。 来自互联网
12. Unusually, the Garibaldi trophy has two "godfathers"; Diego Dominguez of Italy and Jean Francois Tordo of France. 更不同寻常的是,加里波第奖杯有两个“教父”。他们是意大利的Diego Dominguez和法国的JeanFrancoisTordo。 来自互联网
13. The sixteenth century French buccaneer Francois le Clerc was nicknamed "Jambe DE Bois" because of his wooden leg. 16世纪法国海盗弗朗索瓦·克莱尔因为他的木制腿而获得了“Jambe deBois”的绰号。 来自互联网
14. Asked Francois Taddei, a molecular geneticist at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM). 法国国家健康与医学研究院(INSERM)的分子遗传学家弗朗索瓦·塔代伊问到。 来自互联网
15. "Asked Francois Taddei, a molecular geneticist at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM)." 法国国家健康与医学研究院(INSERM)的分子遗传学家弗朗索瓦·塔代伊问到。 来自互联网
16. Francois Boucher's "Standing Woman Seen from Behind", a study in black, red and white chalk, is particularly captivating. 布歇的《站立女子背面像》用黑色、红色和白色粉笔绘成,格外引人注目。 来自互联网
17. Prince William and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, take a canoe ride with elder Francois Paulette at Blachford lake in Canada. 威廉王子与剑桥公爵夫人——凯特与弗朗索瓦·莫兰长老在加拿大的布拉什·福德湖上泛舟。 来自互联网
18. When francois Mitterrand nationalised France's Banks in 1981 he did so because he thought the state would run them better. 密特朗在1981年将法国银行实行国有化是因为他认为国家能够更好地运营银行。 来自互联网
19. The idea for this application is based upon a demo created by Francois Orsini, presented at ApacheCon in December of 2005. 该应用程序的理念以Francois Or sini在2005年12月的ApacheCon上展示的一个Demo为基础。 来自互联网
20. Reports last week of a pact between Enel and francois Pinault, a retail and luxury-goods tycoon, added to the uncertainty. 上周,有媒体报道称意大利国家电力集团enel和零售及奢侈品业巨头弗朗索瓦·皮诺(francoisPinault)签定一项和约,这加剧了不确定性。 来自互联网
21. Francois Couder, 43, began working at the age of 17 laying underground cable in hazardous conditions for state-run France Telecom. FrancoisCouder,43岁,从17岁时就开始为国有的法国电信工作:在比较危险的环境中铺设地下电缆。 来自互联网
22. The world record is held by French couple Francois Fernandez, then 96, and Madeleine Francineau, then 94, who married in 2002. 目前“世界年龄最大的结婚者”纪录保持者是法国夫妇弗兰科斯•费南德兹和玛德莱娜•弗兰西妮奥。 两人于2002年结婚时,费南德兹96岁,弗兰西妮奥94岁。 来自互联网
23. "You can't be federalist on your own," points out francois Heisbourg of the International Institute for Strategic Studies in Paris. “你自己一个人无法成为联邦主义者”,巴黎国际战略研究所研究员弗朗索瓦·海斯伯格如是说。 来自互联网
24. He saw Spitz run out his scarlet tongue in a way he had of laughing; and he saw Francois , swinging an axe, spring into the mess of dogs. 他看见Spitz吐着猩红色的舌头,一如他狂吠时那样,还看见Francois挥舞着斧头冲向那群狗。 来自互联网
25. Ecouen today is again filled with Renaissance tapestries, ceramics, jewels, enamels and sculpture that would have given pleasure to francois . 文艺复兴时期的挂毯、瓷器、珠宝、珐琅器、雕塑,些曾给弗朗索瓦带来愉悦的艺术品,再度陈列在今日的埃库昂城堡。 来自互联网
26. Both parents have black fur but as little Tango's mother is a rare Francois ' langurs monkey, a flame colored coat is typical in offspring. 猴爸猴妈都是一身黑色猴毛。但是猴妈是一只稀有的黑叶猴,在这一种族里,生下一只毛色鲜艳的小猴子是很正常的。 来自互联网
27. Next to such patent nonsense, promises by the two front-running candidates, Martine Aubry and francois Hollande, seem merely frozen in time, circa 1981. 除了这样公开的荒谬言论,两位领先的社会党候选人玛蒂娜·奥布里和弗朗索瓦·奥朗德给出的承诺,似乎几乎冻结在了1981年前后。 来自互联网
28. Next to such patent nonsense, promises by the two front-running candidates, Martine Aubry and francois Hollande, seem merely frozen in time, circa 1981. 除了这样公开的荒谬言论,两位领先的社会党候选人玛蒂娜·奥布里和弗朗索瓦·奥朗德给出的承诺,似乎几乎冻结在了1981年前后。 来自互联网