- 1. Dave organized a cleaning rota.
- 戴夫安排了打扫卫生轮值表。
- 2. Dave and I had a falling-out.
- 戴夫和我闹翻了。
- 3. Dave and I go back twenty years.
- 我和戴夫相识有二十年了。
- 4. Dave thumped the table in frustration.
- 戴夫懊恼得捶打桌子。
- 5. I got a letter from Dave this morning.
- 今天早上我收到戴夫的一封来信。
- 6. Dave took a quick peep at the last page.
- 戴夫迅速地瞟了一下最后一页。
- 7. Dave was in a hurry to get back to work.
- 戴夫急于回去工作。
- 8. Dave drank heavily and became verbally abusive.
- 戴夫喝多了,嘴里脏话连篇。
- 9. It looks like I'm the winner again. No hard feelings, Dave, eh?
- 看来我又赢了。你不会不高兴吧,戴夫?
- 10. Dave made a U-turn on North Main and drove back to Depot Street.
- 戴夫在北干道掉头,把车开回了第伯街。
- 11. She couldn't resist a dig at Dave after his unfortunate performance.
- 戴夫演出失败之后,她忍不住给了他一顿嘲弄。
- 12. I can still only tell Mark and Dave apart by the colour of their shoes!
- 我依然只能通过马克和戴夫的鞋的颜色区分他们。
- 13. The owner of the stall, a large, thuggish man, grabbed Dave by the collar.
- 摊主是个野蛮凶狠的大块头,他一把抓住了戴夫的衣领。
- 14. The championships proved to be a personal triumph for the coach, Dave Donovan.
- 那些冠军称号证明了教练戴夫·多诺万的个人成就。
- 15. Due to the large volume of letters he receives Dave regrets he is unable to answer queries personally.
- 由于收到的来信数量太多,戴夫很遗憾不能亲自回复各种询问。
- 16. When is Dave going to a concert?
- 戴夫什么时候去听音乐会?
- 17. Good morning. Dave Smith speaking.
- 早上好,我是戴夫·史密斯。
- 18. Go and say sorry to your Mom, Dave.
- 戴夫,去和你妈妈道歉。
- 19. Now you see how I feel about Dave, right?
- 现在你明白我对戴夫的感觉了吧?
- 20. How will Dave and Alice go to the concert?
- 戴夫和爱丽丝将怎样去听音乐会?
- 21. What does Dave ask Alice to bring to the concert?
- 戴夫让爱丽丝带什么去音乐会?
- 22. Dave was making a model plane in the classroom at that time.
- 那时戴夫正在教室里做模型飞机。
- 23. Dave was very happy and paid eight thousand dollars for the bird.
- 戴夫非常高兴,花了八千美元买下这只鸟。
- 24. "Old Dave", as people called him, was selling minced beef sandwiches in his lunch bar as early as the 1880s.
- 早在19世纪80年代,人们就称他为“老戴夫”,他的餐吧在卖碎牛肉三明治。
- 25. Other confirmed players include Nigel Clough, Des Walker, Dave Watson, Alan Stubbs, Trevor Steven and Graham Stuart.
- 其他确定的球员包括: 奈杰尔·克拉夫, 德·沃克,戴夫沃森,艾伦·斯塔布斯,特雷弗·斯蒂文和格雷厄姆·斯图尔特。
- 26. One of the many great points Dave made was that donors do not give to the needy of you; they give to the impact of the project.
- 戴夫最重要的观点之一是,捐款人不会按照你的需要捐款;他们根据项目的影响捐款。
- 27. Wotcha Dave—thanks for coming.
- 你好,戴夫,谢谢光临。
- 28. She knew from experience that Dave was about to tell her the truth.
- 她根据经验得知戴夫将要告诉她实情。
- 29. Dave didn't want to give blood to his sister.
- 戴夫不想给他妹妹献血。
- 30. Dave, could you tell me how I can get to Renmin Square?
- 戴夫,你可以告诉我怎么到人民广场吗?