- Celia
- fem. proper name, from Italian Celia, from Latin Caelia, fem. of Caelius, name of a Roman gens. Sheila is a variant.
- 1. Celia was in full spate as usual, so I just sat there waiting for her to finish.
- 西莉亚像往常一样口若悬河说个不停, 我只得坐在那儿等着她把话说完.
- 2. Celia's letter, handwritten and addressed to Sam, was brief.
- 西莉亚亲笔写下的致萨姆的信篇幅不长.
- 3. It was an impressive conclusion, as Celia admitted to herself.
- 这一结论很能煽动人心, 西莉亚心里也承认.
- 4. Celia is a part of that greedy, ruthless, moneycoining, high - pressure drug business.
- 西莉亚也是那贪婪 、 无情 、 发横财 、 施加高压的药品工业的一分子.
- 5. Celia belived the description was, on the whole true.
- 西莉亚相信这种比喻总的来说是正确的.