9. In the past year, in cases that were not decided unanimously, Mr Souter has voted 86% of the time with Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Supreme Court’s liberal lioness.
10. Bigfoot hunters were perhaps the most surprising group, Bader said. They defied all stereotypes of paranormal pursuers who wear flowing clothes and commune with spirits.
11. He is said to want to nominate a woman: since the retirement of Sandra Day o 'connor, a notable swing vote on the court, only Ruth Bader Ginsburg remains, and she has been battling cancer.
12. "Their friends and family consider them kooky," Bader said. "everyone is saying they're nuts." So, they have a real aggressive style and seriousness of purpose. They want to prove everyone wrong.
13. "Their friends and family consider them kooky," Bader said. "everyone is saying they're nuts." So, they have a real aggressive style and seriousness of purpose. They want to prove everyone wrong.