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词根词缀:kymo-, kym-

【来源及含义】Greek: wave, sprout; swollen

【同源单词】kymatology, kymocyclograph, kymogram, kymograph x-ray, kymography, kymoscope

词根词缀:roentgeno-, roentgen-

【来源及含义】German: radiation, "x-ray"; X-ray; 1896, translation of German X-strahl, from X, "algebraic symbol for an unknown quantity", + Strahl, "beam, ray"

【相关描述】So called after its discoverer, a German physicist, Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen [1845-1923], who discovered roentgen rays [x-rays] in 1895; winner of the Nobel prize in physics in 1901.

【相关词根词缀】 Related "roentgen, x-ray" units: Roentgen Biography; Chemical Element: roentgenium.

【同源单词】bioroentgenography, cineradiograhy, cineroentgenography, fluororoentgenography, kiloroentgen, microroentgen