词根:spect, speci, spec(spic, spi, spy) = to look, to see 看
词根spect,spec,speci是同源异形根,都来源于拉丁语的specere,其最早的来源可追溯到古印度的梵语 spac/spek 看,其中speci,是不定式词干;spect是specere的强调形式动词spectare的词干,它的孳生能力最强,spect中的元音e进一步弱化变形成了词根spic,c变成s就演变出了词根spis,spic,spi,spy都是spec的变形。
同义词根有来源于拉丁语的vid/vis及变形vic,view, voy ,vey/vei,vy/vi,ud,来源于拉丁语的the ,tu,来源于希腊语的orama,scop,以及来自盎格鲁-撒克逊语的see等。
1. aspect [看起来很近a<ad(=to)+spect(=look)]
n. 方面;外观;观点
ex) I don't understand all aspects of the subject. 我并不能理解这个主题的所有方面。
2. perspective [通过某物看per(=through)+spect(=look)]
n. 展望;观点,看法;透视画法;透视图
perspectively adv. 依透视画法
ex) It's difficult to get a good perspective on problems while they' re occurring. 人们很难对正在发生的问题有正确的看法。
3. specious [外表上看见的spec(=look)]
adj. 外表美观的,华而不实的;似是而非的,貌似有理的
Al Gore was roundly criticized for his specious claim that he invented the internet. 阿尔.戈尔貌似有理地宣称自己发明了互联网,遭到了严厉的指责。
4. auspicious [看鸟的au<avi(=bird)+spic(=look)+ous(=having the quality of)]
adj. 吉利的,吉祥的;顺利的
5. conspicuous [看起来非常好的con<com(=intensive)+spic(=look)]
adj 显眼的;引人注目的;显著的
conspicuously adv. 显著地
A conspicuous mole disfigures the beauty of her tace. 一颗很显眼的痣破坏了她脸部的美。
6. despicable [向下、向低处看的de(=down)+spic(=look)]
adj. 卑鄙的,卑劣的
despicably adv. 卑劣地
Apologize to your mother for your despicable language. 你要为你卑劣的言辞向你妈妈道欺.
7. perspicacious [通过某事来透视的per(=through)+spic(=Iook)]
adj. 有洞察力的;聪明的,敏锐的
8. respite [在后边看或者拉开距离看re(=back, away)+spi(=look)]
n. 休息;延期.延缓;缓期执行
The shady pines offered respite from the burning sun. 松树的绿荫为我们提供了一个避开灼热阳光的休息场所。
9. circumspect
adj. 慎重的,谨慎小心的 *circum(=around)
circumspection n. 慎重,谨慎小心
10. conspectus
n. (问题、事件等的)概观;概要,摘要;一览表 *con<com(=together)
11. expect
v. 期待;预计;认为;怀孕 *ex(=out), pect<spect(=look)
expected reply 所期望的回答
expected objections 预想到的反对
as was expected 正如所预期的
I am expecting 我怀孕了。
12. expectation
n. 期待,预想;期待、预想的事物;前程;可望继承的遗产 *ex(=out),pect<spect(=look)
beyond expectation 预料之外
expectation of life 预期寿命
not come up to one's expectations 没有达到某人的预期
13. expectancy
n. 期待;预期 *ex(=out), pect<spect(=look)
life expectancy 预期寿命
with a look of expectancy 带着期待的表情
14. expectant
adj. 预期的,期待的;待产的;(父或母)未来的 *ex(= out), pect<spect(=look)
expectantly adv. 期待地,期望地
expectant father 准爸爸
expectant mother 准妈妈,孕妇
15. inspect
v. 检查;视察;检阅 *in(=into)
inspect troops 检阅军队
16. inspection
n.检查;视察;检阅 *in(=into)
medical inspection 检疫
aerial inspection 空中视察
close inspection 严密的检叠
17. inspector
n. (工矿等的)督察员;检阅者;检查员(官);(警察)巡官 *in(=into)
inspectorate n. 视察团
inspector general 督察长
inspector of Taxes 税务稽查员
18. introspect
v. 内省,自省 *intro(=within)
introspection n. 内省
introspective adv.内省的,自省的
19. prospect
n. 预想;期待的事物;
v. 勘探(金矿、油矿等)勘察 *pro(=forth)
prospector n. 勘探者,勘察者
prospect for gold 勘探金矿
good/bad prospect 好的/不好的前景
20. prospective
adj. 预期的;未来的 *pro(=forth)
prospective advantage/wealth 预期的好处,财富
prospective buyer 可能的买主
my prospective bride 我未来的新娘
prospective Republican candidate 未来的共和党候选人
21. prospectus
n. (新公司等的)创办计划书;(新出版书籍的)内容说明书 *pro(=forth)
22. respect
n. 尊敬,尊重;童视;关系;方面;(pl.)问候
v. 尊敬,尊重;重视;关于,涉及 *re(=again)
in all/some/any/every/this respect(s) 在所有/某些/任何/每个/这个方面
with respect to 关于…
pay respect to 尊敬…
23. respectable
adj. 值得尊敬的;体面的;相当的 *re(=again)
respectability n. 可敬;体面:受尊敬者
respectably adv. 体面地;高尚地;相当地
respectable citizens 正派的市民
respectable position 相当高的地位
24. respectful
adj.表示敬意的,恭敬的;有礼貌的 *re(=again)
respecttully adv. 恭敬地,谦恭地
stand at a respectful distance from 恭敬地、保持距离地站着
25. respective
adj. [一般和复数名词一起使用]分别的,各自的,各个的 *re(=again)
respectively adv. 各个,各自,分别地
have one's respective merits 各有优点
according to one's respective abilities 根据各自的能力
26. retrospect
n. 回顾,回急 *retro(=backward)
retrospection n. 回顾,回想
in retrospect 回想起来,事后看来
27. retrospective
adj. 回顾的,回想的:(法律或决定)溯及既往的 *retro(=backward)
retrospective exhibitiOn of a painter's work 画家的作品回顾展
retrospective legislation 有追溯效力的立法
retrospective wage increase 有追溯效力的加薪
28. spectacle
n. 壮观的景象;公开展示;(pl.)眼镜
spectacled 板眼镜的
see everything through rose-coIored spectacles 乐观地看待每一件事
29. spectacular
adj. 引入注目的;壮观的;惊人的 n. 奇观 精彩的表演:惊人之举
president Nixon's spectacular visit to Peking 尼克松总统访问北京的惊人之举
spectacutar display of fireworks 壮观的烟火表演
Christmas T.V. spectacular 精私的圣诞节的节目
30. spectator
n. (公开展示或比赛的)观众;旁观者
spectator sports 吸引众多观众的体育运动,如足球
31. specter
n. 幽灵,鬼怪;(萦绕在心头的)担忧
32. spectral
adj. 幽灵的,鬼怪的;光谱的
spectral apparatus 分先器
spectral colors 谱色
33. spectroscope
n. 分光镜 *scop(=see)
spectroscopic adj. 分光镜的
34. spectrum
solar spectrum 太阳光谱
the whole spectrum of recent philosophical inquiry 近来哲学探索的总体范畴
a broad spectrum of 广泛的
35. suspect
v. 怀疑;疑有,察觉 n. 嫌疑人,嫌疑犯;可疑分子
adj. 可疑的;不可信的 *sus<sub(=under),pect<spect(=to look)
political suspect 政治嫌疑犯
36. especial
adj. 特别的,特殊的 *e<ex(=out)
especially adv. 特别,尤其
in especial 特别,格外
37. spec
n. 投机(speculation的缩略形式)
on spec 碰运气
38. special
adj. 特别的,特殊的;专用的;额外的 n. 临时巡警;专列;特刊,号外;特色菜
specially adv. 特别地
special effects 特殊效果
Special Forces <美>[军]特种部队
39. specialist
n. 专家;专科医生
eye specialist 眼科医生
specialist in plastic surgery 外科整形专家
40. specially
n. 专业,专长;特制品;名产
make a specialty of 以…为专业,专攻某学科
Embroidery is her specialty. 她的专长是刺绣。
Wood-carvings are a specialty of this village 木刻是这个村庄的名产。
41. specialize
v. 专门从事,专攻;专业化;限定(意义、范围等)*ize(=make)
specialization n. 专业化;限定
specialize in political science 专攻政治学
specialized knowledge 专业知识
specialized magazine 专业杂志
42. species
n. [生]种
speciation n. 物种形成
a species of 一种
ex) The Origin of Species 《物种起源》
43. specific
adj. (叙述等)明确的,具体的;特有的;[医]有特效的;[生]种的凡.特效药 *tic(=make)
specifically adv. 明确地;具体地
specific orders 明确的命令
specitic remedy 特效药
specific purpose 明确的目的
44. specification
n. 详述:(产品的)说明书;( pl.)明细(单);规格 *fic(=make)
technical specifrcations of a new car 新型汽车的技术规格
45. specify
v. 明确说明,载明;详述;把…列入计划或说明书 *fy(=make)
46. specimen
n. 样本,标本;(化验用的)抽样;家伙,怪人
zoological specimens 动物标本
urine specimen 化验用尿样
What a queer specimen he is! 他真是个怪人!
47. speculate
v. 思索;玄想;推测;投机,做投机买卖
speculate in oil shares 做石油股票投机买卖
on speculation 碰运气
48. speculative
adj. 思索的,冥想的;[哲]思辨的;推测的;投机的
speculative philosophy 思辨哲学
speculative purchase of grain 投机购买谷物
speculative market 投机市场
speculative stock 投机股票
speculative buying 投机购买
49. speculator
n. 沉思者;投机商;票贩子
50. perspicuous
adj. 明了的 *per(=completely,intensive)
perspicuity n. 明了
perspicuously adv. 明了地
51. spice
n. 调味品,香料;(喻)风味,情趣;香味 v. 加香料于;使增添趣味
spicy adj. 香料的;香的;下流的;痛快的
mixed spice(s) 混合香料
a spice of humor 幽默情趣
52. suspicion
n.嫌疑;怀疑,猜疑;少量 *sus<sub(=under),pic<spic(=look)
above suspicion 不容置疑
ex) There was a suspicion of sadness in her voice. 她的声音里带着一丝伤感。
53. suspicious
adj.可疑的;怀疑的;多疑的 *sus<sub( = under), pic<spic( = look)
inspect all suspicious cars 检查所有可疑的车辆
suspicious look 怀疑的眼神
suspicious nature 多疑的性格
54. despise
v. 蔑视,鄙视 *de(=down)
56. despite
n. 侮辱;损害;恶意prep,尽管 *de(=down)
despiteful adj. 有恶意的
57. espionage
n. 刺探;间谍活动 *e<ex(=out)
counterespionage 反间谍活动
58. espy
v. 发现;窥见 *e<ex(=out)
59. frontispiece
n. (书的)卷首插画 *front(=forehead)
60. spy
n. 间谍;密探以暗中监视;发现
police spies 警方的密探
industrial spies 工业间谍
spy on the enemy's movements 侦察敌人的动态
spy satellite 间谍卫星
spy ship 间谍船
词根:punct, pung(punc, pounc, polgn, pon, point) = to prick(刺),
词根来源于拉丁动词pungere,"to prick or stab",和拉丁名词punctum," point"。punc,pounc,poign,pon,point 等是它们的变形。同义词根有来自拉丁语的stinct/sting/stig/sti。
(*拉丁文pungere(=to prick)。过去分词是由“穿刺”引申为“(突出之)点”的意思。 —— 英文根字典)
1. compunction (用力地、狠狠地扎 com(=intensive)加强意义 + punct(=prick)刺 + -ion 名词后缀;“良心受到刺痛”-->内疚,后悔)
compunctious adj.内疚的,后悔的
compunctiously adv.后悔地
Some parents feel no compunction at beating their disobedient children. 有些父母因为孩子不听话崦打孩子时,从不感到内疚。
2. punctilio (突出的小点)
stand upon punctilios 过分拘泥于细节
3. punctilious (punct点,变尖,指,针+ilious→[做事]点滴不漏→小心的)
punctiliously adv. 谨小慎微地;拘泥于细节地
4. punctual (punct点,变尖,指,针+ual……的→着眼于一点的→限于一限于一点的→不偏不差的→)
punctually adv.严守时间地
(as) punctual as the clock (像钟表般)准时的
punctual to the minute 分秒不差,准时
be punctual for the lecture /in payment of one's rent 准时上课/按时交纳房租
5. punctuality (punctual[adj.严守时刻的,准时的,正点的]+ity表名词后缀→n.准时)
6. punctuate (punct点,变尖,指,针+ -u- + -ate 动词后缀→加上点→加标点)
speech punctuated with cheers 不时被叫喝彩声打断的演说
punctuate one's remarks with thumps on the table 时不时敲击桌子打断某人的话
7. punctuation (punctuate[v.加标点于;不时打断]+ion表名词→punctuation标点)
punctuation mark 标点
8. puncture (punct点,变尖,指,针+ -ure 名词后缀→点[进去]→刺穿;(转为动词后为(用针)刺,刺破))
puncture an abscess /her husband's ego 刺破脓肿/刺伤自己丈夫的自尊心
Two of my tires punctured while i was on that stony road. 经过满是石子的马路时,我的两个车胎被扎破了。
9. expunge
v.擦去,抹去;删除 *ex(=out)
10. pungent (pung(=punct,punct通过音变g <-- ct,变成了pung)点,变尖,指,针+ent……的→尖的→尖锐的)
pungently adv. 辛辣地;刺激地
pungency n.辛辣;尖锐;刺激性
pungent sauce 辛辣的酱汁
pungent criticism /remarks /satire 尖刻的批评/话/讽刺
11. pounce
v.猛扑;突袭 *pounc<pung(=prick)
The tiger pounced savagely on a mouse. 那只老虎猛地扑向一只老鼠。
12. punch (punch=punct点,变尖,指,针→n.冲压机,冲床;穿孔机 v.冲压,穿孔)
n.打孔;打孔机,穿孔机,冲压机;猛击,用拳头击打;力量;活力;潘趣酒(酒、果、汁、香料等混合而成的饮料)v.(用打孔机)打孔、冲孔;用拳头猛击 *punc<pung(=prick)
give him a punch on the nose 对他的鼻子猛地一击
punched cards 打孔卡
punch him on the chin 对他的下巴猛地一击
face i'd like to punch 欠揍的脸
Punch-and-Judy show 英国滑稽木偶剧(主人公潘趣杀死了孩子和妻子朱迪,最终被判处绞刑)
(as) pleased / proud ad Punch 非常开心/骄傲的
13. poignant
adj.痛切的;伤心的;辛酸的 *poign<pung(=prick)
poignantly adv.惨痛地;伤心地;辛酸地
poignancy n.辛酸;惨痛;伤心
poignant sorrow/regret/memories 彻骨的伤痛/深深的懊悔/痛苦的回忆
14. poniard
n.短剑,匕首 v.以匕首刺 *pounc<pung(=prick)
15. point
n.要点,要义,论点;项目,细目;特点;瞬间,刹那;(钉子、铅笔、刀的)尖头,尖端;岬;(作为符号的)点;(空间、时间上的或想法的)点;(温度计、指南针等的)度;得分,评分;学分 *point<pung(=prick)
The clock points to twelve. 时钟指向12点
Don't point a finger at a lady. 不要用手指着女士。
point a pencil 把铅笔削尖
miss the point 没抓住要点
What's the point? 重点是什么?
good /bad points 优点/缺点
turning point 转折点
at the point of the sword/bayonet 剑拔弩张
decimal point 小数点
the boiling /freezing/melting point 沸点/冰点/熔点
vantage point 优势地点
trading point 交易地点
to a certain point 到某种程度
score twenty points 得20分
Grade Point Average 平均成绩点数(缩写:GPA)
point system 驾驶违规的记分制度
16. pointed
adj.有针对性的(明确指向某人或行为);尖锐的 *point<pung(=prick)
pointed reproof 尖锐的指责
show pointed attentions to the glamorous movie star 十分关注那位迷人的电影明星
17. point-bland
adj.(射击)近距离平射的;直截了当地 *blank(=white),point<pung(=prick)
fire at point-blank range 近距离射击
point-blank refusal 直截了当的拒绝
18. pointer
n.指针;短毛大猎狗 *point<pung(=prick)
19. pointless
adj.无意义的;没有目标的,无目的的;未得分的 **point<pung(=prick),less(=without)
pointless draw 零比零
20. appoint (ap加强+point指→指定)
v.任命,委任;指定(时间、地点等);约定;给...提供装备 *ap<ad(=to),point<pung(=prick)
appointee n.被任命者
21. appointed
adj.指定的,指派的;约定的;设备好的 *ap<ad(=to),point<pung(=prick)
at the appointed time 在约定的时间
his appointed task 指派给他的任务
well-appointed/badly-appointed library 设备好的/简陋的图书馆
22. appointment
n.指定;任命,作用;约会;职位,职务;(pl.)设备,阵设 *ap<ad(=to),point<pung(=prick)
make /keep/break an appointment with him 约好和他见面/遵守约定与他见面/失约没去和他见面
get a good appointment in a business firm 在公司里谋求到一个好职位
23. disappoint (dis不+appoint任命→不被任命→使失望)
v.使失望;挫败(计划等);使(希望等)破灭 *dis(=away,apart),ap<ad(=to),point<pung(=prick)
disappointed adj.失望的
disappointing adj.令人失望的,辜负期望的
disappointedly adv.失望地,灰心地
24. disappointment
n.失望;令人失望的人(或事物) *dis(=away,apart),ap<ad(=to),point<pung(=prick)
to my great disappointment 令我极其失望的是
suffer many disappointments in love 经历多次失恋
25. acupuncture (acu尖+punct点+ure表名词→用尖[针]点→针炙)
26. punctate(punct 点 + -ate 形容词后缀,...的)
27. punctum(点,-um 名词后缀)n.斑点
词根:vac(vas) = empty(空)
1. devastate(使完全变空 de(=intensive) + vas<vac(=empty))
devastation n.破坏,荒芜;蹂躏
The tornado devastated a 4-block area of the small town. 那场龙卷风使小村庄的四个街区遭到了破坏。
2. vacate(使清空vac(=empty))
vt. 腾出屋子,搬出;退出,让出
vacancy n.空房,空地,空白;空虚
vacant adj.空的;空虚的
The school was vacated for 2 hours while the police searched for a bomb. 在警方搜寻炸弹期间,学校清场两个小时。
3. vacillate(使成空的状态vac(=empty))
vacillation n.踌躇,犹豫
During my teenage years my singing voice vacillated between baritone and tenor. 在我十几岁的时候,我的嗓音总是在男中音和男高音之间变换不定。
4. evacuate
evacuation n.撤离,撤退;疏散;排泄(物)
evacuee n.避难民,被疏散者
evacuate a fort 撤离要塞
The children were evacuated to the country. 孩子们被送到乡下避难。
5. vacancy
look into vacancy 失神地望着
good vacancies for typists and clerks 优厚的打字员和办事员的空缺
fill(up) a vacancy 填补空缺
three vacancies in the apartment 公寓里的三间空房
I'd like to make a reservation for tonight. Do you have any vacacies ? 我想今晚订一间房,请问还有空房吗?
6. vacant
vacant space 未使用的空间
vacant room 空房间
vacant position 空职位
vacant possession 空屋(或空地)的合法占有
vacant expression/stare 茫然的表情/茫然的凝视
7. vacation
n.(大学的)假期;(法庭的)休庭期;休假日,休假;(特指避暑、避寒等的)休假旅行;(房屋等的)空出;辞职 v.度假
vacationist n.休假者
on vacation 休假中
His vacation of a good position in the Civil Service was unwise. 他辞去不错的公务员工作非明智之举。
8. vacuous
vacuously adv.直愣愣地;愚蠢地
vacuity n.心不在焉;空虚;愚蠢;空洞无聊的话(或行为)
9. vacuum
vacuum cleaner 真空吸尘器
vacuum flask/bottle 保温瓶,热水瓶
vacuum pump 真空泵,真空抽气机
vacuum tube/valve 真空管
10. vain
11. vanity
12. vanish
13. evanesce
v. 逐渐消失(出去而消失)《e- = ex- = out》
14. evanescence
15. evanescent
16. ineviable
adj. 不可避免的《in- = not;e- = ex- = out》
《in(not) + 拉丁文evitare(to avoid》
17. vainglorious
adj.自负的;虚荣心强的《vain(empty) + glor(glory) + -ious(形容词后缀)》
词根:am(em, im, m) = to love, frendly
来自拉丁语的am意为to love,frendly,它的变形为em,im,m等同义词根有来自希腊语的phil和ero。
(*拉丁文amare(=to love) —— 英文根字典)
1. enmity(不爱en(=not) + e<am(=love))
Longstanding enmity between Muslims and Jews has caused much loss of life. 穆斯林和犹太人之间长久的不和导致很多人丧生。
2. inimical(没有爱的in(=not) + im<am(=love))
Obesity is inimical to good health and longevity. 肥胖不利于健康和长寿。
3. amenity(使喜欢上 am(=love))
I always stay in Marriott hotels because of all the amenities. 万豪国际酒店的设施便利舒适,所以我们总是住在那里。
4. amiable(很容易喜欢上的 am(=love,frendly) + i + albe(=capable of ))
amiably adv. 和蔼可亲地
while they aren't close friends,both men were amicable throughout. 尽管两人不是亲密的朋友,但彼此一直很友好。
5. enamor(常被动语态)使倾心;使迷变 *en<in(=in)
I was enamored of her. 我被她迷住了。
6. paramour
n.情妇(夫);<古>情人 *par<per(=by)
7. amity
treaty of amity 友好条约
8. amorous
amorous looks 好色的表情
amorous poetry 情诗
9. amateur
词根:scend, scent, scens, scan = to climb
来自拉丁语的scend意为to climb。变形有scent,scens,scan等。另外,来自拉丁语的scal有ladder的意思。含义相似。
1. transcend (越过某物爬tran<trans (=over,beyond) + scend (=climb))
transcendent adj.出众的,卓越的 transcendental 先验的;越自然的;晦涩的
transcendence/transcendency n. 卓越,超越
You can transcend your shyness by doing these exercises daily.你每天做这些练习可以克服羞涩。
2. condescend (和别人一样爬下来con<com(=together) + de(=down) + scend(=climb))
vi.to + sb/do 屈尊;带着优越感表示亲切
That instructor condescends to his students by treating them like babies.那个教练不摆架子,像对待孩子似的亲切地对待他的学生。
3. ascend
v.攀登(山);登上;上升 *a <ad(=to,toward)
The path ascends here. 路从这里开始就是上坡了。 ascend the throne 登基
4. ascendancy
n.权势;优势 *a < ad(=to ,toward)
ascendency (=ascendancy)
have the ascandancy over his rivals 比他的对手更有优势
5. ascendant
adj.上升的;优势的 *a < ad(=to ,toward)
in the ascendant 占优势的
6. ascension
n. 攀登;上升*a < ad(=to ,toward),scens<scend(=climb)
the Ascension [基督教]耶酥升天节
7. ascent
n.上升;上坡路;登高;提高 *a < ad(=to ,toward),scens<scend(=climb)
ascent of the mountain 登山 last part of ascent 坡路的尽头
8. descend
v. 下来,下降;(财产等)一代一代传下来;为...的后裔 (be descended from sb.);袭击,出其不意地访问(~on/upon);降低身份做...(~to) *de(=down)
descend the stairs 走下楼梯
descend upon the defenseless village 突袭毫无防备的村庄
9. descendant
n.孙子,后裔 *de(=down)
the descendants of Queen Victoria 维多利亚女王的后裔
10. descent
n.下降,下来;血统;(财产等)P继承,世袭;遗传;袭击;出其不意的拜访 *de(=down),scens<scend(=climb)
the descent of the mountain 下山
of French descent 有法国血统的
Darwin's Descent of Man 达尔文的《人类的由来》
The Danes made numerous descents upon the English coast during the 110th century. 10世纪的时候,丹麦人多次袭击过英国海岸。
11. scan
v.细看,审视;浏览(报纸等);扫描,用雷达监测(特定区域);标出韵律;符合韵律 *scan<scend(=climb)
scansion n.(诗歌的)韵律节奏分析;按韵律诵读
scan the hourizon anxiously every mouring 每天早晨不安地望着地平线
scan the newspaper while having his breakfast 吃早饭的时候浏览报纸
【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: [originally, Academus/Akademus, a name of a hero in Greek mythology; then it became a gymnasium near Athens where Plato taught]
【相关描述】In the beginning, academy referred to the "olive grove of Academus" or "the groves of Academe". Plato established his school in 387 B.C. Music, philosophy, and literature were taught there. Some accounts say that Plato sat on the ground and taught while resting against the trunk of an olive tree.
Now academies generally exist as private-secondary schools, military institutions; as art, literary, and scientific societies; and institutions in the entertainment world. According to John Ayto, the more general meanings "college, place of training" derive from French.
【同源单词】academe, academia, academic, academical, academician, academicism
词根词缀:-aceous, -acea, -aceae, -aceaen, -aceus
【来源及含义】Latin: a suffix; having the quality of, of the nature of, characterized by, belonging to, resembling
【相关描述】There are hunderds of words that utilize the -aceous suffix which are not shown here; however, the following will present important examples.
A suffix that forms adjectives and is used with technical combinations, especially in biological terms: "pertaining or belonging to, of the nature of, or characterized by; to be full of, to possess abundantly". The suffix -acea usually denotes "orders and classes in zoology" while the suffix -aceae usually denotes "orders and families in botany" and -aceaen is used to denote members of "orders of the animal kingdom".
【同源单词】acanthaceous, -aceous, alliaceous, ampullaceous, amygdalaceous, amylaceous
【来源及含义】Latin: within, inside, on the inside
【相关描述】Borrowed from late Latin intra-; closely related to inter-, "between". The use of intra- is largely a product of modern times, occurring in words of common and technical vocabulary, where once it was generally a term used in science and the academic world.
While some words are borrowings from Medieval and even Late Latin, few if any come from Classical Latin.
【相关词根词缀】Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "internal organs, entrails, inside": ent-; enter-; fistul-; incret-; inter-; splanchn-; viscer-.
【同源单词】Ab intra, abdominohysterotomy, Discere si cupias intra, endopelvic, international, intra muros
词根词缀:leg-, lex
【来源及含义】Latin: pertaining to the law, legal
【相关描述】From Latin legalis and lex, legis, law; lex is singular while leges is plural.
【同源单词】colleague, college, collegial, collegian, collegiate, delegate
词根词缀:morpho-, morph-, -morphous, -morphically, -morphia, -morphosis, -morphously, -morphy, -morphic, -morphism
【来源及含义】Greek: shape, form, figure, appearance
【相关描述】The Roman god of sleep is Somnus; so, when we are sleepy, we are "somnolent". Sleep walking is "somnambulism" which in Latin means exactly the same thing; that is, "sleepwalking".
The son of Somnus is Morpheus, the god of dreams, indicating that sleep gives birth to dreams. Morpheus goes back through Latin to the Greek word for "form" or "shape" because dreams are forms and shapes developed in the mind while sleeping.
【相关词根词缀】 Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "form, shape, appearance": eido-; figur-; form-; icono-; ideo-; imag-; -oid; typo-.
【同源单词】acrostomorphilia, actinomorphic, actinomorphous, actinomorphy, adelomorphous, aeromorphosis