词根:tenu = thin(细薄)
词根tenu 来源拉丁语的tenuis 意为thin。同义词根为mac。反义词根:-dens- 稠密的 / 紧密的 / 浓密的,来源于拉丁语 densus,如:dense 密集的 / 浓厚的、densimeter 比重计 / 密度计
1. attenuate(使变得非常细at<ad(=to, intensive) + tenu(=thin))
vt. 使减弱;使减少
attenuation n.减弱;减少
attenuator n. 衰减器
Aspirin normally attenuates the severity of a fever. 通常阿司匹林可以退高烧。
2. extenuate(脱离于罪,使罪变轻ex(=out) + tenu(=thin))
extenuation n.(罪行等的)减轻
Her youth extenuates her error of judgment. 因为他年纪小,所以对她的判断失误减轻了处罚。
3. tenuous(-tenu- 薄 + -ous (a.) 形容词后缀,表示“…的”, 形容与稀薄有关的词汇)
tenuity n.细;薄;稀薄;微弱
the tenuous web of a spider 蜘蛛的细丝网
4. tenuity (-ity (n.) 名词后缀(很细,很薄,但不代表很稀薄,即细 / 薄 / 稀薄))
n.细 , 薄 , 稀薄
词根:press = to press (压)
press 是个非常显现的拉丁词根,因为它成为英语的单词press,广为初学者所认识。press 来自拉丁动词pressare,意为to press (压),其动名词pressum 的词干也是press,所以不存在异形根。
(来源拉丁语 premere 压;它相应的希腊语词根为:baro 压,如:isobar 等压线、barometer 气压计 ——出自赢在单词)
1. compress (一起按 com(=together) + press(=press))(全部文章被压成一段精炼的话,即压缩 / 摘要)
vt. 压缩;压紧;概括
n. 温敷布,压布
compression n.压缩
compressor n.压缩机
compressed adj.压缩的
compressible adj.可压缩的
You can compress a flower between the pages of a book. 可以把花夹压在书页中间。
2. expressly(挤压出外边 ex(=out) + press(=press))
adv. 明白地,清楚地;特别地,特意地(把自己的情感有内向外的压出来,即表达 / 表示)
express v.表达,表示;快递;(adj.)明白的,明示的;快递的;快速的 (n.)快车;快运;快递公司
expression n.表达,措辞;表情
expressionism n.表现主义
expressive adj.表现的
expressionless adj.无表情的
The web site was expressly created to support recently widowed women. 那个网站是为支持那些刚刚失去丈夫的女性们特别制作的。
3. oppress(逆着某物压 op<ob(=against,intensive) + press(=press))(封建主不断压迫我们,我们当然要反抗啊!即压迫 / 压抑)
vt. 压迫,压制;使(心情)沉重
oppression n.压制,压抑
oppressor n.压制者
oppressive adj.压制的,压迫的;烦闷的
Organized religion is often used to opress people,in my view. 依我看,组织性的宗教往往被用来压制人民。
4. repress(向后按压 re(=back) + press(=press))
vt. 压抑,抵制;镇压
repression n.压抑;镇压
repressive adj.压抑的
repressed adj.被压抑的
I've tried to repress my memories of being raped,but without success. 我努力压抑着那段被强奸的记忆,不过却没什么用。
5. suppress(向压 sup<sub(=under) + press(=press))(清政府向下不断压制农民起义,即镇压 / 抑制)
vt. 镇压,压制;隐蔽,隐藏;抑制
suppression n.镇压,压制;隐蔽;抑制
suppressor n.压制者,镇压者
suppressive adj.压制的,镇压的
She was struggling to suppress her sobs. 她拼命不让自己哭出声音。
6. depress (某人不断地向下压制你,即使沮丧 / 使消沉)
v.压下;使沮丧,使忧郁;使萧条 *de(=down)
depressed classes 印度的最下层人民
depressed area 不景气地区
7. depression
n.意志消沉,忧郁;坑,洼地;萧条,不景气;低气压 *de(=down)
Great Depression 大萧条
in a slight depression 在较浅的低洼处
depression over Icelan 冰岛上空的低气压
8. depressive
adj.压下的;抑郁的,忧郁的 n.经常忧郁,沮丧、消沉的人 *de(=down)
depressive financial measures 为抑制贸易活动而采取的财政措施
depressive fit 忧郁症
9. impress
v.盖印;使感动,留下印象 n.印记 *im<in(=on)
10. impression
n.压痕;印刷;印次;印数;印象;(模糊的)观念 *im<in(=on)
impressionism n.印象主义
impressionist n.印象主义者
impressionistic 印象主义的
imression of a seal on wax 蜡上面的章印
first impression of 5,000 copies 第一次印刷5000册
11. impressionable
adj.敏感的,易受影响的 *im<in(=on)
children who are at the impressionable age 处于敏感年龄的孩子们
impressionable young lady 很容易受感动的年轻女子
12. impressive
adj.给人深刻印象的 *im<in(=on)
impressive ceremony 给人深刻印象的仪式
13. pressing
adj.紧急的,迫切的,需立即处理的;恳切的,再三要求的 n. (同一指压制的)唱片
pressing invitation 恳切的邀请
100 pressings of a symphony 100张交响乐唱片
pressing business 紧急事务
14. pressure
atmospheric/blood pressure 气压/血压
pressure cooker 高压锅
pressure gauge 压力计
pressure of work 工作压力
under strong pressure 承受巨大压力的
pressure group (为影响政策或舆论而组织的)压力集团
15. pressurized
16. press
1. put steady force on 压:to press the doorbell 按门铃 。2.squeeze 挤取,榨取:to press the grapes to produce wine 榨葡萄汁造酒。3. emphasize with force 强调,坚持:to press for a reform on the
education 坚持要求教育改革。
n. 1. the act of pressing 压按:three presses on the bell 按三下铃。2.printed publications or news organizations as a group 出版业,新闻机构: Oxford University Press 牛津大学出版社
pressing adj.迫切的;坚持的
pressure n.压,按;紧迫
词根:egyr = to bring together
来自希腊语的egyr意为 to bring together。
panegyric n.颂词(所有的东西一起带来pan(=all) + egyr(=bring together))
Read this panegyric Elton John on this website. It's great! 读一读这个网站上关于埃尔的赞词。真是太棒了!
词根:ultim = end, last(最后的)
词根ultim来源于拉丁语的ultim 意为end,last。同义词根有来自拉丁语的fin,termin和来自希腊的bys。
英文字根字典的解释为:*拉丁文ultimus (=last)
1. ultimate [最后的、最终的ultim(=last)]
ultimately 最后,最终
ultimatum n.最后通牒
The website is the ultimate guide to science fiction web pages,with 6,000 links!那个网站有6000个链接,是科幻小说网页的终极指南!
2. ultimogeniture n.[律]幼子继承制(primogeniture长子继承制)*gen(=birth)
3. ultimo adj.上个月的(缩写:ult.)
4. penultimate n./adj.倒数第二(的);[语](词的)倒数第二个音节(的) *pen(=almost)
5. antepenultimate n./adj. 倒数第三章节(的)(antepenult)(倒数第二个的前一个)《ante- = before》
词根词缀:arachno-, arachn-
【来源及含义】Greek: spider; the arachnoidea; when used in medicine this Greek element refers to a membrane, veins, or any web-like structure in the body
【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "spider; arachnoidea": acaro-; arano-; mite, mites.
【同源单词】arachnactis, Arachne, arachnean, arachnephobia, arachnid, Arachnida
【来源及含义】Greek: web, cloth, tissue
【相关描述】Many etymologically related words with the same family meanings with slightly different spellings are available at this histo- unit of words.
【同源单词】histiocyte, histiocytoma, histioid, histio-irritative, histionic, histocytosis
词根词缀:histo-, hist-, histi-
【来源及含义】Greek: tissue [web]; beam or warp of a loom; hence, that which is woven; a web or tissue; used in the sense of pertaining to [body] tissue
【同源单词】histaffine, histaminase, histamine, histamine blocking agent, histamine phosphate, histaminia