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词根:sag = to perceive

  来自拉丁语的sag意为to perceive。


1. presage(事先感觉、感知pre(=before) +sag(=perceive))
  Chest and arm pains,nausea,and shortness of breath can presage a heart attack.胸部和手臂疼痛、恶心以及气短都可能是心脏病发作的前兆。

2. sage
  n.贤人,哲人 adj.智慧的;贤明的;<谑>道貌岸然的;一本正经的

3. sagacious

4. sagacity
  Sagacity,unlike cleverness,may increase with age.与伶俐不同,睿智可能会随着年龄的增长而增长。

词根词缀:aniso-, anis-

【来源及含义】Greek: unequal; by extension: unsymmetrical, uneven; dissimilar, unlike

【相关描述】A combination of an- (Greek), "negative", "no", or "not"; plus iso-, "equal" resulting in unequal or not equal.

A formative of technical terms, in many cases merely the negative of corresponding terms in iso-.

【同源单词】aniseikonia, anisergy, aniso, anisocarpous, anisochromasia, anisochromia

词根词缀:heter-, hetero-

【来源及含义】Greek: different, other, another, unlike; irregular, abnormal

【相关描述】This Greek element forms many scientific and other terms, often in opposition to homo-. Sometimes it is also the antonym of auto-, homoeo-, iso-, ortho-, and syn-.

【相关词根词缀】 Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "another, other, different, alternating, varied, changing": ali-; allo-; alter-; allelo-; mut-; poikilo-; reciproc-; vari-.

【同源单词】heteracanth, heteracanthous, heteracmy, heteradelphus, heteradenic, heteralius