词根:gross = large, thick
盎格鲁-撒克逊语的gross 意为large,thick,它的变形为groc。
1. engross(使变厚en(=make) + gross(=thick,large)
vt. sb + in + sth 占用(时间),吸引(注意力),使全身贯注;用大字体清晰或端正地书写(或誊写)
engrossment n.全神贯注,专注;(誊写成文的)文件
engrossing adj.使人全神贯注的;非常有趣的
Detective fiction invariably engrosses me. 侦探小说总是很吸引我...
2. gross
adj.总的,总体的,全部的;臃肿的(以至看起来令人生厌);(错误、不正当行为等)严重的;不雅的,粗俗的;(食物)粗劣的;(植物)茂盛的,茂密的 v.总共收入...
grossly adv. 非常,很
gross national product 国民生产总值(缩写:GNP)
gross domestic product 国内生产总值(缩写:GDP)
his gross income 他的总收入
the gross vegetation of the tropical rain-forest 热带雨林的茂密植物
3. grocer
4. grocery
后缀:-en ①[动词后缀]
shorten 使缩短
gladden 使快活
harden 使变硬
flatten 使变平
strengthen 加强
moisten 弄湿,使湿
deepen 加深,使深
sharpen 削尖
rechen 使富
quicken 加快
darken 使黑,变黑
youthen 变年轻
heighten 加高,提高
fatten 使肥
lengthen 使延长,伸长
straighten 弄直,使直
broaden 加宽
sweeten 使变甜
thicken 使变厚
soften 弄软,使软化
wooden 木制的
leaden 铅制的
woolen 羊毛制的
golden 金质的,似金的
silken 丝的,如丝的
wheaten 小麦制的
earthen 泥质的,泥制的
waxen 蜡制的,似蜡的
ashen 灰的,似灰的
oaken 橡树制的
warden 看守人
citizen 公民
vixen 刁妇,泼妇
denizen 居民
maiden 少女
chicken 小鸡
kitten 小猫
词根词缀:athero-, ather-
【来源及含义】Greek: groats, meal, porridge; soft, pasty materials
【相关描述】This element used to mean "of or pertaining to a sebaceous cyst" and "of or pertaining to arteriosclerosis", the "thickening of the arteries".
【同源单词】atherectomy, atherogenesis, atherogenic, atheroma, atheromatous, atherome
词根词缀:calibra-, calibr-, caliber-
【来源及含义】French: degree of merit or importance; diameter of a bullet, cannon-ball, etc.; instrument for measuring the thickness, width, or distance through the center of a tube
【同源单词】caliber, calibrate, calibrated, calibrated airspeed, calibrated altitude, calibrating tank
词根词缀:callus-, callous-
【来源及含义】Latin: hardened skin, thick skin; a knob
【相关词根词缀】 Cross references directly, or indirectly, involving the "skin": chorio-; cicatri- (scar); cori-; cuti-; hymen-; lepido- (scab, scale); papulo- (pimple); psoro- (itch, mange); pustu- (blister, pimple); rhytid- (wrinkle); scabio- (mange, itchy); sebo- (grease, oil).
【同源单词】callositas, callosity, callous, calloused, callousness, callus
【来源及含义】Greek: thick, shaggy, hairy, dense
【同源单词】dasymeter, dasypedes, dasyphyllous, dasypod
词根词缀:densi-, dens-
【来源及含义】Latin: thick, thickly set, crowded, compact
【同源单词】condensable, condensate, condensate well, condensation, condensative, condense
词根词缀:duro-, dur-, dura-
【来源及含义】Latin: hard [as wood], lasting; thick, tough
【同源单词】dour, dourly, dourness, dura mater, durability, durable
词根词缀:lochmo-, lochm-
【来源及含义】Greek: thicket, bush
【同源单词】lochmocolous, lochmodophile, lochmodophilous, lochmodophyte, lochmophile, lochmophilous
【来源及含义】Latin: specter, witch, mask, nightmare > Italian mascera > French, masque [covering to hide or to protect the face]
【同源单词】enmascarar, mascara, mascaraing, thickening mascara