词根:teg, tect = to hide, to cover
来自拉丁语的teg,tect意为to hide,to cover。同义词根有来自拉丁语的cond,cel(ceal,cul),cover/cur等和来自希腊语的crypt。
(*拉丁文tegere(to cover)——英文字根字典)
1. protégé(事先隐藏、遮盖 pro(=before) + teg(=cover,hide))
Mr.Higgins treated me as his protégé during my first years with the firm.在我进入公司最初几年的时间里,希金斯先生一直把我当成他的门生。
2. detect
v.发现,察觉;探测;侦察 *de(=away,reverse the action of )
detectable adj.可察觉的
detector n.探测器
3. detection
n.察觉,发现;探测;侦察 *de(=away,reverse)
detection of crime 犯罪的侦查
4. detective
n. 侦探 *de(=away,reverse)
detective story 侦探小说
5. protect
v.保护 *pro(=before)
6. protection
n.保护;[经]保护贸易制度 *pro(=before)
protectionism n.保护贸易主义
protectionist n.保护贸易主义者
7. protective
adj.保护的,防护的 *pro(=before)
protective foods/clothing/coloring (含必要维生素、矿物质等的)保健食品/防护衣/(动物、鸟类、昆虫的)保护色
protective tariff 保护性关税
protective covering 防护罩
8. protectorate
n.保护国;保护关系 *pro(=before)
protector n.保护者,防御者;保护物,防御装置
9. tegument
n.外皮;外壳《拉丁文tegumentum = tegere = to cover》
词根词缀:tang-, tact-, tast-, ting-, -tig -tag, -teg-
【来源及含义】Latin: touch, feel; try; reach; handle; evaluate, estimate
【同源单词】anticontagious, atactilia, attain, attainable, attainder, attainment
词根词缀:teg-, tecto-, tect-
【来源及含义】Latin: to cover
【相关描述】Closely related to Greek stego-, steg-, "cover, covering".
【同源单词】autoprotection, cryoprotectant, cryoprotective, detect, detectable, detecter