【词根来源】:来源于拉丁语中由前缀se-(分离,没有)和名词cura(关心)组成的securus(无忧无虑的,没有危险的); securus直接进入英语产生了词汇secure,而经由古法语sur进入英语则产生了-sur-。
【同源单词】:assurance, assure, ensure, insurance, insurant
【词根来源】:来源于拉丁语super, 古法语sour-/sur-。
【同源单词】:assurgent, insurgency, insurgent, insurrection, resurrect
词根:sur = certain(确定的), secure(安全的)
1. assurance [对于某事很确信as<ad(=to)+sur(=certain)]
n. 保证;表示保证的话;信心
assure v.使确信;使放心
assured adj.确定的;有保证的;自信的
assuredly adv.确信地;自信地
The doctor gave me every assurance that my cancer is curable. 医生使我确信我得的癌症是可以治愈的。
2. ensure
v.使确信,保证;使安全 *en(=make)
3. insure
v.确保,保证;投保 *in(=to)
the insurer 保险业者.保险公司
insurant n. 被保险人;投保人
the insured 被保险人
4. insurance
n.保险(业);赔偿费;保险金额;保险契约 *in(=to)
insurance policy 保险契约,保险单
accident insurance 意外保险
automobile insurance 汽车保险
aviation insurance 航空保险
endowment insurance 养老保险
life insurance(人寿保险)
marine insurance(海上保险)
insurance premium(保险费)
5. reassure
v.使放心;再保证 *re(=again),as<ad(=to)
6. reassuring
adj.反鼓气的;安慰的 *re(=again),as<ad(=to)
reassuring word/pat(令人安心的话/安慰的轻拍)
7. reinsure [re- 再,见上]
v. 再投保
reinsurance n. 再投保 [见上,-ance 名词后缀]
词根:sur = sure, 表示“肯定”
surety n. 保证;保证人(sure+ty)
assure v. 保证;确信(as→再+sure→一再肯定→确信)
assurence n. 保证(assure+ance)
reassure v. 使确信,使放心(re再+assure确信→再次使人确信)
assuredly ad. 无疑地
insure v. 保险;保证(in进入+sure→进入肯定→不担心→保险)
insurance n. "n,保险(in+sur+ance)"
前缀:suc-, suf-, sup-, sur- 等在同辅音词根前表示“在…下面”
succeed 成功(suc+ceed走→从下走到上面→成功)
succinct 简洁的,简明的(suc+cinct捆→在下面先捆好→简洁的)
succumb 屈从;死亡(suc+cumb躺→躺下去→屈从;死亡)
sufficient 足够的(suf+fici做+ent→在下面先做好,用的时候→足够的)
suffer 受苦(suf+fer带→带到下面去→受苦)
suffix 后缀(suf+fix固定→在后面固定→后缀)
suffocate 窒息(suf+foc喉咙+ate→把〔手〕放喉咙下→窒息)
suffuse 弥漫,染遍(suf+fuse流→流下去→流遍,染遍)
supplant 排挤,取代(sup+plant种植→种在下面,把上面的取代)
supplicant 哀求的恳求的(sup+plic重量+ant→双膝重叠跪下→哀求的)
supplicate 恳求,乞求(sup+plic重叠+ate→〔膝盖〕重叠跪下→恳求)
support 支持(sup+port带→带来支持)
suppress 镇压,压制(sup+press压→压下去)
suppose 猜想,推测(sup+pose放→放下去想→猜想)
surreptitious 鬼鬼崇崇的(sur+rept爬+itious→在下面爬→鬼鬼崇崇的)
surrogate 代替品;代理人(sur+rog要求+ate→要求下面〔有人〕→代理人)
surround 包围(sur+round圆圈→在下面围一圈)
surrounding 环境(surround+ing→被围起来的状态→环境)
前缀:sur- 表示“超过, 在上面”
surface 表面(sur+face脸面)
surpass 超过(sur+pass通过→在上面通过→超越)
surrealism 超现实主义(sur+realism现实主义)
surmount 登上,超越(sur+mount山→在山上→登上)
surplus 多余的(sur+plus多余;加→多出很多)
surcharge 附加费(sur+charge收费→额外的收费→附加费)
surveillance 临视;看守(sur+veil看+lance→在上面看→临视)
survival 幸存,生存(sur+viv活+al→经过事故活着→幸存)
前缀:sur- 上、外、超
surface 表面
surrealism 超现实主义
surpass 超过,超过
surcoat 外衣、女上衣
surcharge 超载
surmount 登上
surtax 超额税
surprint 加印于...之上
surround 围绕,包围
surplus 多余的,过剩的
词根词缀:sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus-, su-
【来源及含义】Latin: under, below, beneath; used as a prefix as shown in various formats below
【相关描述】The prefix sub- often becomes suc- before c: succumb.
The prefix sub- often becomes suf- before f: suffuse.
The prefix sub- often becomes sug- before g: suggest.
The prefix sub- often becomes sum- before m: sumptuous.
The prefix sub- often becomes sup- before p: suppression.
The prefix sub- often becomes sur- before r: surrogate.
The prefix, sub- is often simplified to su- before sp; as seen in suspect, suspend, suspicion, suspension, et al. Before c, p, and t; it is sometimes formed into sus-.
【同源单词】oversufficient, sub specie, sub voce, subabdominal, subaquatic, subaquatics
词根词缀:super-, supra-, sur-
【来源及含义】Latin: above, over, more than; excessive
【相关描述】Sur- is a form of super- formed through the French and shouldn't be confused with another assimilated sur- form that comes from sub- and means: "under, below, beneath".
In some words, super- is amplified to mean: "on top of; higher in rank or position than; superior to; greater in quality, amount, or degree than others of its kind; to a degree greater than others of its kind; to a degree greater than normal; extra, additional".
【相关词根词缀】 Related "above, over, beyond the normal, excessive" word units: epi-; hyper-; ultra-, ult-. Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "more, plentiful, fullness, excessive, over flowing": copi-; exuber-; hyper-; multi-; opulen-; ple-; pleio-; plethor-; poly-; total-; ultra-; undu-.
【同源单词】anterosuperior, archaeological survey, beta-gamma survey meter, costosuperior, cybersurfer, electromagnetic surveying
词根词缀:surg-, sur-
【来源及含义】Latin: to raise, to erect; to rise
【相关词根词缀】This unit is directly related to the regi-, reg-, rec- family of word units.
【同源单词】assurgent, counterinsurgency, counterinsurgent, counterinsurgent, insurgence, insurgency