词根词缀:alcoholo-, alcohol-, alcoho-
【来源及含义】Arabic > Latin: alcohol, originally an "essence or very fine powder"
【相关描述】A finely pulverized antimony ore or metallic powder used for painting the eyelids that is related to Hebrew kahal.
The term comes from Arabic al-kuhl which is from al-, "the" and kohl or kuhl, "antimony sulfide".
【同源单词】alcholimetric, alcholizer, alcholometrical, alcogel, alcohol, alcohol
词根词缀:arseno-, arsen-
【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: yellow orpiment [pigment of gold]; arsenic trisulfide, having a lemon-yellow color and a resinous luster; used as a pigment
【同源单词】arseniasis, arsenic, arsenotherapy