词根:ver = to feel awe, to fear 敬畏, 尊敬
来自拉丁语的vereri , venerari意为to feel awe,to fear。此外,ver还有true 的意思,注意不要混淆。
(*拉丁文verus (=true) —— 英文字根字典)
1. irreverent(不现感到敬畏的ir<in(=not) + re(=again) + ver(=feel awe))
irreverence n.不敬;不敬的行为(或言辞)
So many teenagers today are irreverence towards authority figures.当今,许多十几岁的青少年对权威人士并不尊敬。
2. revere
v.尊敬,崇敬 *re(=again)
reverent adj.恭敬的;虔诚的
reverential adj.虔诚的;可敬的
my revered grandfather 我受人尊敬的祖父
3. reverence
n.崇敬,尊敬,敬意 *re(=again)
saving your reverence <古>恕我冒昧(地讲)
You/His Reverence (对祖父、牧师等的尊称)尊敬的阁下
4. reverend
adj.值得尊敬的;(the R~)对神职人员的尊称(书面语常写为the Rev.,也略写为Revd.)
n.牧师,教士 *re(=again)
the Reverend (Rev.) Martin Luther King 马丁.路德.金牧师
the Most Reverend 对大主教的尊称
the Right Reverend 对主教的尊称
the Very Reverend 对教长的尊称
the Reverend Father 对天主教司铎的尊称
Reverend Mother 对女修道院院长的尊称
5. very
adj.真正的;同一的 adv.非常地,很
verily adv.真正地;真实地
6. veridical = true speaking
adj.真实的;真正的 《dic = to speak》
7. verifiable
8. verismilar
adj.像是真实的;可能的(看起来像真的一样)《simil = like》
9. verisimilitude
10. veritable
adj. 真实的;实在的
11. veracious
12. veracity
13. verdict
n.(陪审团的)判决;判断(实在的言词)《dict = saying》
14. aver
v.断言;[法律]证明;辩明《a- = ad = to 》
词根:voc, vok(vouc, vow, voic) = to call 喊叫, voice(声音)
说文解字:词根voc源自拉丁文vocare,表示“to call(喊叫)”,词根来源于vox表示“(声音)”,可以追溯到原始印欧语根*wekw-。单词vocation 原义是“由神呼唤出来的东西”,即“神召、天使”。那么,“神召唤你去干什么事情”则是“天职,职业”,当然完成这样的工作需要“禀赋和才能”。所以,与一般表示“工作,职业的单词相比vocation 侧重于那些“需要特殊才能的职业”。与vocation 一字之差的vacation 是表示“假期”,在词源上二者很容易区分开来,词根vac是“空”的意思,空闲出来的时间就是假期了。词根vok是voc的变体,体现了k-c之间的互换关系,例如单词convoke 字面理解就是“喊到一起”(con- = together),引申为“召集开会”的意思。
voc和vok这二个词根因与拉丁语的vox,vocis 相关,所以也有voice的意思。vouc,vow,voic是其变形。
1. avocation [远离上天所赋予的天职a<ab(=away)+voc(=voice,call)]
n. 副业;业余爱好
I am a poet.but only by avocation. 我是个诗人,不过只是业余的。
2. advocate [向人们大喊ad(=to) +voc(=call)]
v. 拥护;主张
n. 拥护者
advocacy n.拥护;倡导
advocator n.拥护者;倡导者
The candidate advocates deep tax cuts. 那位候选人主张大幅削减税金。
3. evoke [向外、向上叫e<ex(=out,up)+vok(=call)]
vt. 招(魂);引起,唤起
evocation n.引起;唤起
evocative adj.引起的;唤起的
That song evokes many pleasant high school memories for me. 那首歌唤起了我许多高中时的美好回忆。
4. avowed [向人们大喊的a<ad(=to)+vow<voc(=call)]
avowal n.公开声明;坦率承认
avow v. 公开声明;坦率承认
avowedly adv.公然地廷
My father is an avowed supporter of the Republican Party. 我父亲坦然承认自己是共和党的支持者。
5. disavow [向人们大喊说不是dis(= not) + a<ad ( = to) + vow<voc ( = call) ]
vt. 否认;拒绝
disavowal n.否认
He put an ad in the nawspaper disavowing any debts of his ex-wife. 他在报纸上登广告表示拒绝对前妻所欠的任何债务负责。
6. invoke [依靠某物呼喊in(=on)+vok(=call)]
invocation n.祈祷;求助
People who say blessings at mealtime invoke the name of God with thanks. 就餐时祈祷的人心怀感激地呼唤上帝的名字。
7. irrevocable [无法叫回的ir<in(=not)+re(=back)+voc(=cali)
The country club gave my father an irrevocable lifetime membership. 那个乡村俱乐部授予我父亲终身会员资格。
8. provoke [向前召唤 pro(=forward,forth)+ vok ( = call) ]
provocation n.激怒;刺激;挑拨
provocative adj.令人生气的;刺激的
provoking adj.刺激的;惹人恼火的
My words provoked her so much that she stopped speaking to me. 我的话让她很生气,所以她没再跟我说话。
9. avouch
v.肯定;保证 *a<ad(=to).vouc<voc(=call)
10. revoke [叫回 re(=back) +vok(=call, voice)]
revocation n.度止,取消
revocable adj.可以废止(或取消)的
His driving license was revoked after his DUI arrest. 他酒后驾车被捕后,驾照被吊销了。
11. convoke
v. 召集 *con<com(=together)
12. convocation
n.(会议的)召集;(人学毕业生的)评议会;(英国教会的)主教区会议 *con(com(=together)
13. invoice
n.发货单;清单 v.开清单;将…列入清单
14. unvoiced
adj.(想法等)未说出的 *un(=not).voic<VOC(=call)
15. vocabulary
n.词汇 *ary ( = place where)
a writer with a large vocabulary 词汇量大的作家
16. vocal
vocalize v. 说;唱
vocalist n. 声乐衮;歌手
vocally adv.发声地:歌唱的
vocalcores 声带
vocalorgans 发声器官
vocalmusic 声乐
vocalscore 声乐钢缩编谱
17. vocational
vocational guide 职业指导
18. vocative
adj. 反称呼的;[语]呼格的
vocative case 呼格
19. vouch
v.保证,担保;证明 *vouc<voc(=call,voice)
vouch for him /for his ability to pay,for the truth of his story 为他担保/证明他有支付能力,证明他所说的是事实
20. voucher
n.收据,凭单;代金券 *vouc<voc(=call.voice)
luncheon voucher(作为工责的一部分发给雇员供在餐馆使用的)就餐券
meal voucher 餐券
gift voucher 礼券
hotel vouchers 住宿券
21. vow
n.誓言,誓约以发誓,鼗誓 *vow<voc(=call,voice)
marriage vows 婚誓
break a vow 违背誓言
22. vowel
n.元音 *vow<voc(=call,voice)
23. vox
n.嗓音;声音;言醉 *vox<voc(=call,voice)
Vox Populi Vox Dei 民之声,人之声
24. vociferate
v. 大声喊叫;吼叫(使声音能传送至远处)fer(=to carry)
vociferous adj. 大声喊叫;喧哗的;嘈杂的
25. equivocal [equi相等的,一样的,两可的,voc声,言语,-al形容词后缀,…的]
equivocallity n. [见上,-ity名词后缀] (语言的)含糊,两可,多义性
equivoke n. [见上] 模棱两可的话,双关语,两义语
26. multivocal
adj. 多义的;暧昧的;喧哗的(许多声音前缀multi-的意思是many)
词根词缀:agora-, -gor-
【来源及含义】Greek: assembly, market place; open space, public speaking; originally, "to unite"
【同源单词】agora, agoramania, agoraphobia, allegory, diagorize, Harpagornis
词根词缀:foren-, fore-
【来源及含义】Latin: forensis of a forum, place of assembly; public, public speaking; foras, foranus, outside, residing outside, out of doors
【同源单词】affeer, afforest, agroforestry, coafforest, deforest, disafforest
词根词缀:legi-, -leg-, -ligi-, -lig-, -lect-, -lectic, -lection
【来源及含义】Latin: read, readable [to choose words; to gather, to collect; to pick out; to read, to recite]
【相关描述】Closely related to lexi-, -lexia, -lexic, -lexis (Greek: a word; a saying, a phrase; speaking).
【相关词根词缀】 Related "word, words" units: etym-; lexico-; locu-; logo-; onomato-; -onym; verbo-.
【同源单词】coil, collect, collectanea, collected, collectedly, collectedness
词根词缀:lexico-, lexi-, lex-, -lexia, -lexias, -lexic, -lectic, -lexis
【来源及含义】Greek: word or words, vocabulary; a saying, a phrase; speaking, speech
【相关描述】Closely related to legi-, ligi-, lig-, lect-, -lectic (Latin: read, readable [to choose words; to gather, to collect; to pick out, to choose; to read, to recite]).
【相关词根词缀】 Related "word, words" units: etym-; legi-; locu-; logo-; onomato-; -onym; verbo-.
【同源单词】alexia, bradylexia, cardiologists lexicomedy, daffynition, dictionary of lexicomedy, dictionary
词根词缀:-ology, -logy, -ologist, -logist
【来源及含义】Greek: a suffix meaning: to talk, to speak; a branch of knowledge; any science or academic field that ends in -ology which is a variant of -logy; a person who speaks in a certain manner; someone who deals with certain topics or subjects
【相关描述】The word -ology is a back-formation from the names of certain disciplines. The -logy element basically means "the study of ____". Such words are formed from Greek or Latin roots with the terminal -logy derived from the Greek suffix -λογια (-logia), speaking, from λεγειν (legein), "to speak".
The suffix -ology is considered to be misleading sometimes as when the "o" is actually part of the word stem that receives the -logy ending; such as, bio + logy.
Through the years -ology and -logy have come to mean, "study of" or "science of" and either of these suffixes often utilize the form of -ologist, "one who (whatever the preceding element refers to)".
The examples shown in this unit represent just a small fraction of the many words that exist in various dictionaries.
【相关词根词缀】Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "talk, speak, speech; words, language; tongue, etc.": cit-; clam-; dic-; fa-; -farious; glosso-; glotto-; lalo-; linguo-; locu-; logo-; loqu-; mythico-; ora-; -phasia; -phemia; phon-; phras-; Quotes: Language,Part 1; Quotes: Language, Part 2; Quotes: Language, Part 3; serm-; tongue; voc-.
【同源单词】abiology, abiophysiology, academic anthropologist, academic anthropology, acanthologist, acanthology
词根词缀:publi-, pub-
【来源及含义】Latin: people, belonging to the people, concerning people, population
【相关词根词缀】Related "people, human" word units: anthropo-; demo-; ethno-; ochlo-; popu-.
【同源单词】ludi publici, Non tua te moveant, Per scientiam ad salutem publicam, political-public speaking, Pro bono publico, Pro Christo et Republica
【来源及含义】Greek: rhetorike tekhne, "the technique or art of public speaking" > Latin: orator; that which is spoken
【同源单词】rhetor, rhetoric, rhetorical, rhetorical question, rhetorically, rhetoricaster
词根词缀:serm-, sermo-
【来源及含义】Latin: a speaking, talking, delivering religious messages; literally, "that which is put together in a certain order"
【相关词根词缀】Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "talk, speak, speech; words, language; tongue, etc.": cit-; clam-; dic-; fa-; -farious; glosso-; glotto-; lalo-; linguo-; locu-; logo-; loqu-; mythico-; -ology; ora-; -phasia; -phemia; phon-; phras-; Quotes: Language,Part 1; Quotes: Language, Part 2; Quotes: Language, Part 3; tongue; voc-.
【同源单词】sermocination, sermocinator, sermon, Sermon on the Mount, sermonesque, sermonic