词根词缀:os-, oss-, ost-, oste- os [singular] or ossa [plural]
【来源及含义】Latin: bone
【同源单词】deossification, interosseous, ossature, osseous, ossicle, ossiculectomy
词根词缀:singl-, singular-
【来源及含义】Latin: one each, one at a time
【同源单词】single, singleness, singleton, singly, singular, singularism
词根词缀:singul-, singult-
【来源及含义】Latin: a hiccup; a sob, a speech broken by sobs
【同源单词】hiccup, singult, singultation, singultient, singultous, singultus
词根词缀:-sperse, -spersed, -spersing, -spersion; spars-; -spargic
【来源及含义】Latin: to scatter, to strew or to spread here and there, to sprinkle
【同源单词】aquaspargic, asperse, aspersion, disperse, dispersion, insperse