词根:clud, clus(clos, clois, claus, clot) = to shut(关闭)
clud,clus是同源异形根,来源于拉丁动词claudere意为to shut(关闭)。clud来自不定式词干claud,常见于英语动词;clus 来自动名词词干claus,多见于相应的名词和形容词。clos,clois,claus,clot 是它们的变形。
1. conclusive(一起关闭的 con<com(=together) + clus(=shut) + -ive)
conclude v.下结论
conclusion (conclude 的对应名词:conclus = to conclude 结束,决定;-ion n. = the act or result 表示行为或结果 --> " the act result of concluding 结束,决定的行为或结果" -->)n.结论
conclusively adv.决定性地,最终地
The investigator presented conclusive evidence that the criminial was guilty. 那位调查员出示了确凿的证据,证明那个犯人有罪。
2. preclude(事先关上、关押起来pre(=before) + clud(=shut))(pre预先,提前+clud关闭+e→提前关闭→阻止)
vt. 阻止,妨碍;排除;防止
preclusion n.排除;妨碍;防止
preclusive adj.排除的;妨碍的;防止的
Some medical conditions preclude getting facial cosmetic surgery. 某些医疗条件妨碍脸部整形手术的进行。
3. recluse(不露面,躲在里面过着封闭的生活 re(=back) + clus(=shut))
My aunt is agoraphobic and something of a recluse. 我姑姑有广场恐惧症,活得像个隐士。
4. seclusion(脱离,过着封闭的生活se(=away) + clus(=shut))
seclude v.隔绝;使隐退 (se分开+clud关闭+e→分开关→隐居的)
secluded adj.隔绝的;隐退的;偏僻的
She went into seclusion after the traffic death of her toddler. 自从她那蹒跚学步的孩子死于车祸后,她便过起了隐居的生活。
5. exclude (ex-(=out 外) + clud(=to shut关闭) + -e --> " to shut out 关在外面 " )
exclusion n.拒绝;排除
exclude all possibility of doubt 排除一切怀疑的可能性
6. exclusive
adj.排除的,除外的;孤傲的;(集团、团体)排他的;(商品)独家经营的;独占的,唯一的 *ex(=out)
exclusively adv.专有地;排他地;独占地
exclusive economic zone 专属经济区(缩写:EEZ)
exclusive right 专有权
7. include (in- (= in 内) + clud (= to shut 关闭) + -e -->" to shut in 关闭在内 " -->)
v.包含,算入 *in(=in)
inclusion n.包含,算入
This atlas contains fifty maps,including six of North America. 这本地图册共由50幅地图组成,其中包含6张北美地图。
postage included 包含邮资
8. including
prep. 包含,包括 *in(=in)
There are seven of us including myself. 把我算在内共有7个人。
9. inclusive
adj. (~of)包括的,包含的
inclusively adv.包括地,在内地
five inclusive of the driver 包括司机共5个人
10. disclose (dis分开,打开+clos关闭+e→把关的打开→揭发)
v.揭露,暴露,揭开,透露;分开 *dis(=not)
refuse to diclose one's name and address 拒绝透露姓名和地址
11. disclosure
n.暴露,透露;公开;被揭发的事 *dis(=not)
12. enclose (en进入+clos关闭+e→被关起来→包围)
v.围绕,(用围墙或栅栏等)围起来;封(信);放入(纸袋、包裹),封入 *en(=in)
A check for 50 dollars is enclosed. 附上一张50美元的支票。
Enclosed please find a check for 50 dollars . 请收下附上的50美元支票。
13. enclosure
enclosure of common land 用围栏圈起一块公有土地
14. close (close=clos关闭→靠拢→近的→接近)
close a deal 成交
close call/thing/shave 侥幸脱险
close cut 捷径
close friend 密友
close relatives 近亲
close election/contest/match /finish 势均力敌的选举/竞争/比赛/结局
You are very close. 你已经接近正确答案了。
in close order 以密集队形
15. closed
Closed today. 今日停业
closed-door 秘密的,非分开的 <-->open-door 公开的
closed primary 仅由一个政党的成员参加的预选
16. closing
adj.结尾的,结束的;闭会的 n.密封,封闭;终结,结束;结算
closing date 截止时间
closing address 闭幕词
17. closeness
the closeness of a resemblance 非常想像
18. closely
listen closely 倾听
closely contested election 势均力敌的选举
19. closure (clos关闭+ure表名词→close的名词)
pit closures 闭坑
20. closet (clos关闭+et小东西→关的小东西→壁橱)
n. 壁橱;(旧用法)私室;书斋;厕所 adj.私人的;空谈的;关起门来的;秘密的
v.把...引进私室密谈 *et(=small)
closet thinker/strategist 纸上谈兵的空想家/战略家
closet theory 空谈理论
He was closeted with his advisor for two hours. 他和他的导师密谈了两小时。
21. cloture
n.结束;截止 v.结束辩论 *clot<clos(=shut)
22. cloister
n.修道院;(修道院、大教堂等的后院围成四角形的)有房顶的回廊;(the ~)隐居生活
v.使居于修道院中 *clois<clos(=shut)
live a cloistered life 过修道院的隐居生活
23. clause
penal clause 处罚条款
clause by clause 逐条地
subordinate clause 从句
24. claustrophobia
n.幽闭恐怖(症) *phob(=fear)
25. mare clausum
n.领海(<-->mare liberum 公海) *mar(=sea)
26. occlude (oc一再+clude=clud关闭→一再关起来不畅通→堵塞)
词根:linqu ( lic, lict) = to leave
来自拉丁语的linqu 意为 to leave,它的变形为lic,lict。同义词根有来自拉丁语的lip。
1. delinquent(从某物上分离出去 de(=away) + linqu(=leave))
delinquency n.懈怠;过失;少年犯罪;违法
The power got shut off because i've been delinquent in paying the electric bill. 我拖欠了电费,所以断电了。
2. derelict(完全置后de(=intensive) + re(=back) + lict<linqu(=leave))
dereliction n.遗弃;玩忽职守
The family farm where i grew up is now a derelict ruin .我在家里的农场上长大,如今那里已经成为一片被遗弃的废墟。
3. relinquish
v.放弃,抛弃;让与 *re(=back)
relinquish a hope/shares to a partner 放弃希望/把股份让给合作伙伴
4. relic
n.圣骨,圣徒遗物;(风俗、信仰等的)残余;遗物;遗迹 *re(=back),lic<linqu(=leave)
relics of antiquity 古代的遗风
relics of superstition 迷信的残余
cultural relics 文化遗迹
5. relic
n.遗孀,寡妇 *re(=back) ,lict<linqu(=leave)
Alice,relict of Arthur Williams 阿瑟.威廉斯的遗孀艾丽斯
词根:mar = war
词根来源于拉丁语的mar 意为war,也有sea的意思。
(mari = sea(海)来自拉丁文mare(=sea(海))——英文字根字典)
1. martial (作战的mar(=war))
The reenactment of The civil War provided a display of martial splendor.重演的《南北战争》展示了战争的恢弘壮阔。
2. Mars
n.[罗神]战神;[天]火星 *mar(=war)
3. Martian *mar(=war)
4. submarine
adj.海底的;水下的;水下发生的 *sub(=under),mar(=sea)
submariner n.潜水艇人员
submarine plant /cable 海底植物/电缆
5. marine
n.(一个国家的)全部船舶;(常作M~)海军陆战队士兵 *mar(=sea)
marine products 海产品
marine plants 海生植物
marine insurance 海上保险
marine transportation 海运
the Marine Corps 海军陆战队
Tell that to the marines.<口>说给鬼听才会相信。
6. marina
n.(快艇、摩托艇专用的)船坞,码头 *mar(sea)
7. mariner
n.船员,水手 *mar(=sea)
mariner's compass 船用指南针
the master mariner (货船、渔船的)船长
8. maritime
adj.海洋的;海上的;海事的;近海的 *mar(=sea)
maritime law 海商法
great maritime powers海上诸强国
maritime provinces of the Soviet Union 前苏联的沿海省
maritime college 海事大学
9. marsh
n.湿地,沼泽 *mar(=sea)
marsh gas 沼气
miles and miles of marsh 绵延数英里的沼泽(地带)
10. mare clausum 领海 *mar(=sea),claus<clus(=shut)
mare liberum 公海 *mar(=sea),liber(=free)
11. mermaid
n.(女性)美人鱼;女子游泳健将 *mer<mar(sea)
merman (男性)人鱼;男子游泳健将
12. mariculture (culture = 养殖)
13. transmarine
adj.海外的;来自海外的;横越海洋的(跨海的)《trans- = across》
14. ultramarine
adj.海外的;海那边的;深蓝色的《ultra- = across》
clud =close,shut关闭(clud也作clus)
exclude [ex-外,clud关;“关在外面”→不许入内] 排斥,拒绝接纳,把…排除在外
exclusive [见上,-ive形容词后缀,…的] 排外的,排他的,除外的
exclusion [见上,-ion名词后缀] 排斥,拒绝,排除,排外
exclusionism [见上,-ism主义] 排外主义
include [in-入,内,clud关闭;“关在里面”,“包入”] 包含,包括,包住,关住
inclusion [见上,-ion名词后缀] 包含,包括,内含物
inclusive [见上,-ive形容词后缀,…的] 包括在内的,包括的,包含的
conclude [con-表示加强意义,clud关闭→结束,完结] 结束,完结,终了
conclusion [见上,-ion名词后缀] 完结,结束,结局,结论
conclusive [见上,-ive形容词后缀,…的] 结论的,总结性的,最后的
seclude [se-离,分开,clud关闭;“关闭起来,与外界隔离] 使隔离,孤立,隐居,退隐
seclusive [见上,-ive形容词后缀,…的] 隐居性的,爱隐居的
secluded [见上,-ed形容词后缀,…的] 隔离的,隐退的,僻静的
recluse [re-回,退,clus关闭;“闭门退居”] 退居的,隐居的,隐士,遁世者
reclusive [见上,-ive形容词后缀,…的] 隐退的,隐居的,遁世的
occlude [oc=against,clud关闭;“关闭起来,不让通过”] 使堵塞,使闭塞
occlusion [见上,clud→clus,-ion名词后缀] 堵塞,闭塞
occlusive [见上,-ive形容词后缀,…的] 闭塞的,堵塞的
preclude [pre-前,先,预先,clud关闭;“预先关闭”] 阻止,预防,排除,消除
preclusion [见上,clud→clus,-ion名词后缀] 预防,防止,排除
preclusive [见上,-ive形容词后缀,…的] 预防(性)的,排除的,阻止的
后缀:-le ①[动词后缀]
winkle 闪烁,闪耀
twinkle 闪烁,闪耀
wriggle 蠕动,扭动
joggle 轻摇
jingle 作丁当响
tinkle 发丁当声
sizzle 发咝咝声
gurgle 发咯咯声
darkle 变暗
speckle 使弄上斑点
sparkle 发火花
handle 拿,搬弄,操纵
thimble 顶针(thimb=thumb拇指)
shuttle 织布梭(shut=shoot抛出)
stopple 塞子
spindle 纺纱锭子(spin纺)
handle 柄,把手
girdle 带,腰带
词根词缀:claustro-, claustr-
【来源及含义】Latin: lock, barrier; to close, to shut; a confined space
【同源单词】claustral, claustrophial, claustrophile, claustrophilia, claustrophilic, claustrophobia
词根词缀:cleisto-, cleist-, clisto-, clist-, cli-, clei-
【来源及含义】Greek: closed, shut
【同源单词】acleistocardia, cleistocarp, cleistocarpous, cleistogamic, cleistogamous, cleistogamy
词根词缀:cleithr-, cleithro-
【来源及含义】Greek: bar for closing a door; to shut, to close
【同源单词】cleistophobia, clithrophobia
词根词缀:clud-, claud-, claus-, clos-, -clude, -clois, -cluding, -cluded, -clus, -clusion, -clusive
【来源及含义】Latin: to close, to shut
【同源单词】aclusion, aqua exclusa, aquiclude, buccoclusion, clause, claustral
词根词缀:hor-, horr-
【来源及含义】Latin: bristling, rough, roughness; rudeness; shaking, tremble, trembling, shutter; shock; disgust, hatred; resulting in horror, horrid, etc.
【同源单词】abhor, abhorred, abhorrence, abhorrent, abhorrently, abhorrer