词根:luc(lux, lus), lust, lustr = light, bright(明亮的)
词根lust来自拉丁语的lustrare,lustris 意为 enlighten,它的变体是lustr;词根luc来源于拉丁语的lucidus(=bright),它的变形为lux,lus。同义词根有来自拉丁语的lumin(lun) 和来自希腊语的photo 以及来自盎格鲁-撒克逊语的light。
1. elucidate(拉出外边使清楚e<ex(=out) + luc(=light))
elucidation n.说明,解释
elucidator n.解说者
The fules of rhetoric are elucidated in several works by Aristotle.亚里士多德的几部作品都对修辞规则作了阐述。
2. lucubration(在火光、灯光下努力后出现的结果luc(=light))
lucubrate v. 刻苦研究,用功学习;著书立说
All those hours of lucubration have furrowed your forehead.长期的刻苦在你的额头上留下了深深的皱纹。
3. pellucid
adj.透明的;清晰的,明白的 *pel<per(=through)
4. translucent
adj.半透明的 *trans(=through)
translucent body 半透明体
5. lucid
adj.清晰的,明白的;易懂的;头脑清楚的,神志清醒的;光辉的,明亮的 *id(=having the quality of )
lucidity n.明朗,清晰;神志清醒
lucidly adv.清晰地
lucid explanation 清晰的说明
lucid mind 清醒的头脑
6. Lucifer
n.金星;晨星;撒旦,魔鬼 *fer(=carry)
7. lucent
8. lustre
n.光泽,光亮;光彩;光荣;玻璃吊灯架 *lus<luc(=light)
luster of pearls 珍珠的光泽
9. lustrous
n.有光泽的,光亮的 *lus<luc(=light)
lustrous pearls 明亮的珍珠
her lustrous eyes 她亮晶晶的眼睛
10. lusty
adj.强壮的,健壮的;精力充沛的;活泼的 *lus<luc(=light)
lusty girl from the country 乡下来的活泼女孩
lusty cheers 热烈的欢呼声
11. illustrate
v.(用实例、图解)说明;加插图于 *il<in(=into,in),lus<luc(=light)
well-illustrated textbook 插图丰富的教科书
12. illustration
n.图解;实例,例证;(用实例、图解等的)说明 *il<in(=into,in),lus<luc(=light)
illustrator n.插图画家;说明者
13. illustrative
adj.说明的,解释的;例证的 *il<in(=into,in),lus<luc(=light)
14. illustrious
adj.杰出的;著名的;(功绩等)辉煌的,卓越的 *il<in(=into,in),lus<luc(=light)
15. luxury
n.奢侈,奢华;奢侈品;享受,乐趣 *lux<luc(=light)
life of luxury 奢侈的生活
luxury hotel /ocean liner 豪华饭店/豪华远洋客轮
16. luxurious
adj.奢侈的,豪华的;贪图享受的;放纵的 *lux<luc(=light)
luxurious surroundings 奢侈的环境
luxurious hotel 豪华饭店
luxurious habits 贪图享受的习惯于
17. luxuriant
adj.繁茂的,浓密的;丰富的;(文体、艺术样式)华丽的 *lux<luc(=light)
luxuriance n. 茂盛;丰富;华丽
luxuriant vegetation of the tropics 热带茂密的植被
luxuriant imagination 丰富的想像力
18. luxuriate
v.繁茂地生长;心情享乐,过奢侈的生活 *lux<luc(=light)
luxuriate in the warm spring sunshine 享受春天温暖的阳光
19. deluxe
adj.高级的;豪华的;奢华的 *de(=intensive),lux<luc(=light)
deluxe edition (of a book) (书的)精装版
deluxe hotel 高级饭店
articles deluxe 奢侈品
20. noctilucent
adj.夜间发光的《nocti = light》
前缀:suc-, suf-, sup-, sur- 等在同辅音词根前表示“在…下面”
succeed 成功(suc+ceed走→从下走到上面→成功)
succinct 简洁的,简明的(suc+cinct捆→在下面先捆好→简洁的)
succumb 屈从;死亡(suc+cumb躺→躺下去→屈从;死亡)
sufficient 足够的(suf+fici做+ent→在下面先做好,用的时候→足够的)
suffer 受苦(suf+fer带→带到下面去→受苦)
suffix 后缀(suf+fix固定→在后面固定→后缀)
suffocate 窒息(suf+foc喉咙+ate→把〔手〕放喉咙下→窒息)
suffuse 弥漫,染遍(suf+fuse流→流下去→流遍,染遍)
supplant 排挤,取代(sup+plant种植→种在下面,把上面的取代)
supplicant 哀求的恳求的(sup+plic重量+ant→双膝重叠跪下→哀求的)
supplicate 恳求,乞求(sup+plic重叠+ate→〔膝盖〕重叠跪下→恳求)
support 支持(sup+port带→带来支持)
suppress 镇压,压制(sup+press压→压下去)
suppose 猜想,推测(sup+pose放→放下去想→猜想)
surreptitious 鬼鬼崇崇的(sur+rept爬+itious→在下面爬→鬼鬼崇崇的)
surrogate 代替品;代理人(sur+rog要求+ate→要求下面〔有人〕→代理人)
surround 包围(sur+round圆圈→在下面围一圈)
surrounding 环境(surround+ing→被围起来的状态→环境)
词根词缀:ambi-, amb-, ambo-
【来源及含义】Latin: both, on both sides; around, about; vague; obscure
【相关词根词缀】 Related "around, round, surrounding" units: ampho-; circ-; circum-; cyclo-, -cycle; gyro-; peri-.
【同源单词】ambiance, ambiciliate, ambicolorate, ambidexter, ambidexterity, ambidextrous
词根词缀:ampho-, amph-, amphi-
【来源及含义】Greek: around, about, both, on both sides of, both kinds
【相关词根词缀】 Related "around, round, surrounding" units: ambi-; circ-; circum-; cyclo-, -cycle; gyro-; peri-.
【同源单词】amphanthium, amphiarthrodial, amphiarthrosis, amphiaster, amphiatlantic, Amphibia
词根词缀:capsulo-, capsul-, caps-
【来源及含义】Latin: a small box or chest; repository, case; enveloping or surrounding a structure
【同源单词】articular capsule, auditory capsule, bacterial capsule, capsid, capsitis, capsula
词根词缀:cingo-, cing-, -cinct-
【来源及含义】Latin: surrounding, to encircle, to go around; to bind, to gird
【同源单词】cinch, cincture, cingle, cingulectomy, cingulomania, enceinte
【来源及含义】Latin: circle [a ring; wheel], round
【相关词根词缀】 Related "around, round, surrounding" units: ambi-; ampho-; circum-; cyclo-, -cycle; gyro-; peri-.
【同源单词】circa, circadian, circle, circled, circlet, circling
【来源及含义】Latin: around, about, surrounding, closed curve, circling, circular on all sides; literally, "in a circle"
【相关词根词缀】 Related "around, round, surrounding" units: ambi-; ampho-; circ-; cyclo-, -cycle; gyro-; peri-.
【同源单词】Antarctic Circumpolar Current, circuit, circuitous, circuitously, circuitousness, circuitry
词根词缀:cyclo-, cycl-, -cycle, -cyclic, -cyclical, -cycles
【来源及含义】Greek: around, round, circle, circular
【相关词根词缀】 Related "around, round, surrounding" units: ambi-; ampho-; circ-; circum-; gyro-; peri-.
【同源单词】acyclic, anticyclone, anticyclonic, bicycle, biogeochemical cycle, cycle
词根词缀:gyro-, gyr-
【来源及含义】Greek: turning, spinning, whirling, bend, circular motion; originally, "circle, curved, ring"
【相关词根词缀】 Related "around, round, surrounding" units: ambi-; ampho-; circ-; circum-; cyclo-, -cycle; peri-. Inter-related cross references involving word units meaning "bend, curve, turn": diversi-; diverticul-; flect-, flex-; meand-; -plex; streph-; stroph-; tors-; tropo-; verg-; vers-; volv-.
【同源单词】autogyro, dextrogyral, dextrogyrate, dextrogyration, gyral, gyrate