词根:ped(pod, pus, peach, patch, pet) = foot(足)
来自拉丁语的pes/ pus 意为foot,来自希腊语的ped意为child。当ped意为foot 时,其变形为pod,pus,peach,patch,fet,pes,podi,pode,podo。
(*拉丁文pes(=foot) )——英文字根字典)
1. impediment(把脚放在里面im<in(=in) + ped(=foot))
impede v.妨碍,阻碍
impedimenta n.(行李等)妨碍行进的重负
Overcrowded,uncomfortable classrooms are an impediment to learning .过于拥挤的、不舒适的教室会妨碍学习。
2. expedite(将脚向外迈ex(=out) + ped(foot))
expedition n.探险(队),远征(队);迅速,敏捷
expeditionary adj.探险的,远征的
expeditious 敏捷的,迅速的
expeditiously adv.迅速地
please expedite the shipment of fruit,as it is perishable .水果易于腐烂,所以请迅速装运。
3. expedient(将脚向外迈ex(=out) + ped(=foot))
expedience /expediency 便利;权宜之计;有利
expediently adv.便利地;权宜地
It is expedient to apply to numerous universities rather than just your favorite. 申请多个学校要比只申请你最喜欢的学校有利一些。
4. dispatch(使脚分开走dis (=apart) + patch<ped(=foot))
The executive dispatched a letter to the Chicago field office by overnight express.那位高级官员用隔夜快递向位于芝加哥的驻地机构发送了一封信件。
5. inexpedient
adj.不适当的,不适宜的 *in(=not),ex(=out),ped(=foot)
inexpediency n.不适当
6. pedal
v.踩踏板;骑自行车 *ped(=foot)
pedal cyclists 骑脚踏自行车的人;pedal away on his bicycle 骑上他的自行车离开
7. peddle
v.沿街叫卖;散播(流言等) *ped(=foot)
peddle gossip round the village 在村里到处散播流言蜚语
8. peddling
adj.无关紧要的;叫卖的 *ped(=foot)
9. peddler
n.小贩;传播(流言)的人 *ped(=foot)
10. pedestal
n.(雕像等的)底座;柱脚 *ped(=foot),stal(=put)
11. pedestrian
adj.徒步的,步行的;(文章、演讲方式等)枯燥无味的,平淡的 *ped(=foot)
pedestrians killed traffic accidents 死于交通事故的步行者
pedestrian crossing 人行横道
pedestrian bridge 人行天桥
pedestrian precinct 步行区域
pedestrian speech 平淡无奇的演说
12. pedicure
n.足疗;修脚指甲(<-->manicure 护理(手))*ped(=foot),cur(=take care)
13. pedigree
adj.纯种的 *ped(=foot),ig(=drive)
family pedigree 家系,家谱
pedigree cattle 纯种的牛
pedigree poodle 纯种卷毛狮子狗
14. pedometer
n.计步器,步程计 *ped(=foot),meter(=measure)
15. biped
n. 两足动物 *ped(=foot),bi(=two)
16. quadruped
n.四足动物 *ped(=foot),quadru(=four)
17. centipede
n.蜈蚣;百足 *ped(=foot),cent(hundred)
18. millipede
n.千足虫 *ped(=foot),*mill(=thousand)
19. multiped (=multipede)
adj. 多足的
20. tripod
n.三脚(架)adj.三脚的 《tri- = three》
21. decapod
n.十腕亚目动物(如鱿鱼等);十足目动物(如蟹、虾等)*deca (=ten),pod<ped(=foot)
22. chiropodist
n.手足病医生 *chiro(=hand),pod<ped(=foot) cf.chiropody 手足医术
词根:front = forehead, face(前, 前面 , 前部, 前额)
来源于古法语或拉丁语 front/frons 意为 forehead,face。
1. affront(向某人凑过脸 af<ad(=to) + front(=face,forehead)
affrontive adj.侮辱性的
Priests who marry are an affront to the church. 结婚的牧师对教会来说是一种侮辱。
2. confront(一起对顶额头 con<com(=together) + front (=forehead,face)
confrontation n.对抗
It's important to confront your fears rather than run from them. 重要的是,你应该勇敢地去面对你内心的恐惧,而不是逃避。
3. effrontery(将额头向外探 ef<ex(=out) + front(=forehead))
The doorman had the effrontery to deny me entrance to the hotel. 门卫厚颜无耻地阻止我进饭店。
4. frontage (-age (n.) 名词后缀(前面那个地方,即前方 / 临街 / 房子的正面))
frontage road 沿街道路(与高速公路平行的辅助道路)
adj.正面的 n.额骨
frontal attack /assault 正面攻击
full frontal nudity 全正面裸体
5. frontier (-ier (n.) 名词后缀)
town on the frontier 国境线上的城市
frontier disputes 边境纷争
frontier incidents 边境(冲突)事件
frontier spirit 开拓精神
6. frontiersman
7. frontispiece
8. frontlet
n.(丝带等)额饰 *let(=small)
9. forefront (fore 前 / 在…前(形容在最前面的,即最前部 / 最前线))
n.最前面,最前方;最重要的位置 *fore(=before)
in the forefront of the battle 在战斗的最前线
in the forefront of my mind 在我心中最重要
词根:tri, trit = to rub(擦)
词根tri来源于拉丁语 terere 擦,trit为他的变体,意为to rub 。同义词根为fric。注意tri有同形异义词根:-tri- 三 / 三倍 / 三重,来源于拉丁语或希腊语 tri,如:tribe 部落 / 部族、tribal 部落的 / 种族的;有异形同义词根:-terg- / -ters- 擦 / 清洗,来源于拉丁语 tergere,如:deterge 使清洁 / 去污、absterge 去垢/擦去。
1. attrition(用力擦at<ad(=to,intensive) + trit(=rub))
attrit v.消耗;削弱
attrited adj.磨损的
The company is downsizing its staff by attrition rather than layoffs. 公司减员是通过人员自然缩减实现的,而非通过裁员。
2. contrite(用力擦的 con<com(=intensive,together) + trit(=rub))
contrition n.懊悔,忏悔
My nephew seemed genuinely contrite about having taken money from my purse. 我侄子看起来是在真心懊悔从我钱包里拿钱的事。
3. detriment
n.损害,损伤 *de(=away,intensive)
to the detriment of his health 对他的健康有害
4. detrimental
adj.有害的 *de(=away,intensive)
detrimental to our interests 有损我们利益的
5. detritus
n.[地]岩屑(岩石因风化作用掉下来的石粒或碎屑),碎石 *de(=away,intensive)
6. trite
词根:mit, miss(mis, mess) = to send(送), to throw(投;掷)
来自拉丁语的mit,miss意为to send,to throw。变形为mis和mess。同义词根有来自拉丁语的leg和来自希腊语的stle。
(*拉丁文mittere (=to send,to throw),过去分词为missus。——英文字根字典)
1. surmise (关于、对于某事迹寄送sur(=over) + mis (send))
vt. 推测;猜想
The Republicans in this district aren't as conservative as you might surmise.这个地区的共和党人不像你想的那么保守。
2. demise (远远地、完全地寄送de(=away,intensive) + mis(=send))
The demise of a national administration in the United States is never a crisis.在美国,一个政府的消亡不会成为危机。
3. emit(向外寄送e<ex(=out) + mit(send))
Smoke detectors emit a warning sound when the battery is low. 当电池电量低时,烟雾探测器会发出警报声。
4. intermittent(送向其间的 inter(=between) + mit(=send))
intermit v.暂停,间断
intermission n.中断;休息时间,幕间休息
intermittently adv.间歇地;断断续续地
Our smoke alarm makes an irritating intermittent beep that won't stop.我们家的火警器没完没了地发出烦人的间歇性的响声。
5. noncommittal (不传送自己的意见的 non(=not) + com(=with) + mit(=send))
She was noncommittal about selling the house,but i think she wants to .尽管她对卖房子一事的态度并不明确,但我觉得她还是想卖的。
6. remit (远远地、向后寄送 re (=back,away) + mit(=send))
remission n.宽恕,赦免;免除;缓解
remittance n.汇款(额)
remittent adj.[医]弛张的
We'll ship the merchandise as soon as you remit payment in full.你一将货款全部汇到,我们就用船运送货物。
7. remiss (向后寄送 re (=back,away) + mit(=send))
I was remiss not to greet you as you came in.我怠慢了,在您进来的时没跟您打招呼。
8. submissive(把自己向下运送的 sub(=under) + miss(=send))
submit v.服从,屈服;提交
submission n.服从;投降
Rather than being submissive or aggressive,it's healthier to be assertive. 比起服从或者挑衅,自信坚定要更健康有益。
9. transmit (越过去输送 trans(=over,across) + mit(=send))
vt. 送(货物等),传递;发射(信号);传送(光、热、电等),传导;遗传(给子孙)
transmission n.传递;传达;传导;遗传;(汽车的)变速器
transmitter n.传递者;传达者;话筒;发报台
Long documents can easily be transmitted over the internet.长篇幅的文件可以通过网络轻松传送。
10. compromise
v.妥协,让步;泄露;危及 *com(=together),pro(=forth,forward)
compromise agreement 和解协议
effect a compromise 达成和解
compromise one's honor 有损某人的名誉
【来源及含义】Greek: "monster, marvel"; a decimal prefix used in the international metric system for measurements
【相关描述】Used in the metric [decimal] system as one trillion [U.S.] and billionfold [U.K.]: 1012 [1 000 000 000 000] or a million million. The metric symbol for tera- is T.
According to the Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, 1992: Tera- comes "from a Greek term meaning 'marvel' or 'monster,' with the sense that this is a huge and marvelous quantity." Oh, PLEASE!
It would make much more sense to have tera based on tetra- (Greek), "four" rather then terato-, "monster, marvel"; which has no relative connection with this or any other metric unit.
【相关词根词缀】 Related "metric" families: yotta; zetta; exa; peta; giga; mega; kilo; hecto; deka; deci; centi; milli; micro; nano; pico; femto; atto; zepto; yocto.
【同源单词】terabit, terabyte, teracurie, teracycle, teraflop, terahertz