词根词缀:phobo-, phob-, -phobia, -phobias, -phobe, -phobiac, -phobist, -phobic, -phobism, -phobous
【来源及含义】Greek: fear, extreme fear of; morbid, excessive, irrational fear, or terror of something or someone; however, sometimes this Greek element also means a strong dislike, dread, or hatred for something or someone
【同源单词】ablutophobia, ablutophobic, acarophobia, acarophobiac, acerbophobia, acerophobia
词根词缀:pyro-, pyr-
【来源及含义】Greek: fire, burn, burning, heat, produced by heating, hot; and sometimes also referring to "fever as shown at this link"
【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word groups that are related, directly, indirectly, or partly to: "fire, burn, glow, or ashes": ars-, ard-; -bust; cand-, cend-; caust-, caut-; crema-; ciner-; ether-; flagr-; flam-; focus, foci-; fulg-; gehenna-; ign-; phleg-; phlog-; pyreto-, -pyrexia; spodo- (ashes; waste); volcan-.
【同源单词】antipyrotic, empyrean, empyromancy, glossopyrosis, purogenic distillation, pyracanth