词根:-proper-, -propri-
【词根来源】:来源于拉丁语形容词proprius, propria, proprium(个人的,自己的)。
【同源单词】:improper, proper, property, appropriate, appropriation
词根:propr, proper, propri = proper(适当的), one's own(自己
词根来自拉丁语的propr 意为one's own。
1. propriety (自身所固有的性质propr(=one's own))
proper adj. 合适的,妥当;有礼貌的;本身的
properly adv.合适地;有礼貌地;彻底地
proprietor n.所有者;经营者;房东
proprietorship n.所有权《-ship = 抽象名词后缀》
I question the propriety of his promoting his own son to V.P. at such an early age. 我怀疑他将自己如此年轻的儿子提升为副总裁是否妥当。
2. appropriate
adj.适合的,适当的 *ap < ad(=to,near)
Don't appropriate other's ideas. 不要盗用别人的见解。
appropriate $500,000 for the new school buildings 为建新校舍拨款50万美元
The legislature appropriated the funds for the university.州议会为那所大学拨了款。
Sports clothes are not appropriate for a formal wedding.运动服不适合正式的婚礼。
3. appropriation
n.私用,挪用(资金);拨给的费用 *ap<ad(=to,near)
make an appropriation for payment of debts 为了偿还债务而支出
4. expropriate
v.没收(财产);征用(土地等的)使用权;夺取所有权 *ex(=out,away)
expropriation n.没收;征用
5. impropriety
n.不适当;不正当的行为;错误的词句《im- = in- =not》
6. misappropriate
v.误用;侵占;盗用(不当地使用)《mis- = wrong》
misappropriation n.误用;侵占;盗用
词根:proper, propri = one's own, 表示“拥有”, 引申为“恰当的”
property n. 财产;所有物;特性(proper+ty)
proprietor n. 所有者(propri+etor→拥有者)
proprietory a. 私有的(proprietor所有者+y…的)
appropriate v. 拨款;挪用a. 适当的(ap一再+propri+ate→一再拥有[公物]→挪用)
expropriate v. 没收,征用(ex出+propri+ate→不再拥有→没收)
propriety n. 适当;礼节(propri+ety→拥有[风度]→适当)
improper a. 不适当的(im不+proper适当的)