词根词缀:neuro-, neuron-, neurono-, neur-, neuri-, -neuroma, -neurotic, -neurosis, -neuron, -neural, -neuria
【来源及含义】Greek: nerve, nerve fiber, tendon, sinew, cord; nerve cell, nerve cells
【相关词根词缀】 A cross reference of word units that are related, directly or indirectly, to "cell, cells, cell nucleus": celli-; cellulo-; cyto-; endothelio-; gameto-; glio-; kary-, karyo-.
【同源单词】acroneurosis, acrotrophoneurosis, actilnoneuritis, actinoneuritis, adenoneural, aeroasthenia
词根词缀:syphilo-, syphil-, syphili-, syphi-
【来源及含义】Latin: Syphil[us], the eponymous main character of Girolamo Fracastoro's poem "Syphilus sive Morbus Gallicus" [Syphilus, or the French Disease], published at Verona, Italy [1530]
【相关描述】Syphilis is a venereal disease (of which Fracastoro's hero Syphilus, was a victim) and is caused by the microorganism Treponema pallidum.
Syphilus was a shepard whose name literally means a "friend of swine". Perhaps it was derived from Greek syn-, "together", plus philein "to love", or from Greek siphlos, "crippled, maimed". No one seems to know for certain.
【同源单词】antisyphilitic, dermosyphilopathy, neurosyphilis, syphilide, syphilionthus, syphiliphobia