词根:mers, merg = to dip, to plunge
来自拉丁语的merg,mers意为to dip,to plunge。
(*拉丁文mergere(=to sink,to dip),过去分词mersus。—— 英文字根字典)
1. immerse(向内浸、浸湿im<in(=into) + mers(=dip,plunge))
vt.sb/sth + in + sth 浸入;使深陷入;使埋首于;给...施浸礼
immersion n.沉浸;专心;浸礼 cf. immerge (=immerse)
He immersed himself in his studies to the detraction of his social life.他因埋头于学业而忽视了社交生活。
2. emerge
v.出现;浮现;(事实、想法等)显现出来 *e<ex(=out)
emergence n.显现,出现
emergent adj.显现的,出现的;新兴的
emergent countries of Africa 非洲的新兴国家
The moon emerges from behind the clouds.月亮出现在云层后面。
3. emergency
n.紧急情况,突然事件 *e<ex(=out)
emergency power 紧急备用动力
emergency exit/ fund 紧急出口/应急奖金
emergency call 紧急呼叫
emergency case/box 急救箱
emergency measures 应急措施
4. submerge
v.把...浸入水中;淹没;潜入水中 *sub(=under)
submergence / submersion 淹没,浸没
submersible adj.能潜入的
5. submerged
adj.浸没的;浸在水中的;陷于贫困的;[海]水下的;水下运行的 *sub(=under)
submerged at high tide 涨潮时被淹没的遇难船只
submerged rocks 暗礁
wreck that is submerged speed 水下行驶速度
submerged tenth 社会的最底层
6. merge
merger n.(公司等的)合并
mergence n.没入;消失
The small banks were merged into one large organization. 那家小银行被并入一家大机构。
His fear was gradually merged into curiosity. 他的恐惧逐渐被好奇心所代替。
7. immerge
v.浸入;使陷入(沉没其中)《im- = into》
词根:anim = life, mind, breath
来处拉丁语的anim 意为life,mind,breath。同义词根有来自拉丁语的viv,vit,vig/veg和来自希腊语的bio等。
(*拉丁文anima =( breath) ,animus (=mind)—— 英文字根字典)
1. inanimate(没有生命、生气的in (=not) + anim(=life,mind,breath))
Some people believe that inanimate objects possess soul or spirit. 一些人相信无生命物体也有灵魂和精神。
2. animosity(狠下决心 anim(=mind,breath,life))
We quarreled once but now there's little animosity between us.我们之前虽有过争执,不过现在我们之间几乎没有敌意。
3. equanimity(心不动、不变equ (=equal,same) + anim(=mind,life,breath))
She's dealing with her lung cancer with inspiring equanimity. 面对肺癌,她表现提极其镇定。
4. animate
adj.活的;生机勃勃的 v.赋予生命;使有活力;鼓舞;绘制(卡通影片)
things animate and inanimate 生物和无生命物
animated cartoon 卡通影片
5. animation
with animation 活泼地,生机勃勃地
6. animal
animal kingdom 动物界
animal desires 肉欲
7. animism
n. 万物有灵论(认为木石等也有灵魂的信仰)
8. animadvert
v.批评,遗责 *vert(=turn)
animadversion n.批评,遗责
9. animus
animus against me 对我的故意
10. pusillanimous
adj.胆怯的,怯懦的 *pusill (=very small)
pusillanimity n.懦弱,胆怯
11. unanimous
adj.全体一致的;无异议的 *un<uni(=one)
unanimously adv.全体一致地
unanimily n.全体一致
unanimous decision 一致通过的判决,一致通过的决定
12. animalcule
n.微生动物《-cule 表示小的名词字尾》
13. animalism
14. disanimate
v.使失却生命;使失去生气;使灰心《dis- = to deprive of 》
15. magnanimity
n.宽大;雅量(心地宽阔)《magn- = great》
16. renimate
v.使复活;使恢复生气;激励《re- = again》
17. unanimity
n.全体一致(只有一种心意)《un- = one》
unanimous adj.意见一致的
词根:aqu 水
aquarium [aqu水,-arium表示场所地点;’放养水生动物的地方”] 水族馆,养鱼池
aquatic [aqu水,-atic形容词后缀,…的] 水的,水中的
aqueduct [aqu水,-e-,duct引导;’引导水”] 引水槽,水道,沟渠,导水管
aqueous [aqu水,-eous…的] 水性的,多水的,含水的,水状的
aquosity [aqu水,-osity名词后缀,表示状态] 多水状态,潮湿
aquiculture [aqu水,-i-,cult养育,-ure名词后缀] 饲养水栖动物,养鱼,水产养殖
aquiferous [aqu水,-i-,fer带有,-ous…的] 带有水的,含水的
aquiform [aqu水,-i-,-form有…形状的] 水状的
subaqueous [sub-下,aqu水,-eous…的] 水下的,用于水下的
superaqueous [super-上,aqu水,-eous…的] 水上的,水面上的
aqualung [aqua=aqu水,lung肺] (潜水员背的)水中呼吸器
aquashow [aqua=aqu水,show表演] 水上技艺表演
词根词缀:hernio-, herni-
【来源及含义】Latin: protruded viscus; rupture; in the sense of "protrusion of tissue or part of an organ through an abnormal opening in the surrounding walls"
【相关词根词缀】 A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, indirectly, or partially with: "opening, hole, cavity, tract, tube": alveolo-; antro-; anu-; celo-; coelio-; concho-; fenestra-; hiat-; meato-; ora-; parieto-; poro-; pyl-, pyle-; pylor-; sphinctero-; splanchn-; stomato-; syringo-; uretero-; urethro-; vagino-; ventricul-.
【同源单词】diaphragmatic hernia, endoherniotomy, hernia, hernia of the brain, hernia of the lungs, hernia truss
词根词缀:lobo-, lob-
【来源及含义】Greek > Latin > French: a rounded projection, especially a rounded projecting anatomical part; such as, lobe of the ear, lobe of the liver, lobe of the lung; seed, pod
【同源单词】lobar, lobate, lobated, lobation, lobe, lobectomy
词根词缀:merg-, mers-
【来源及含义】Latin: dip, dive, plunge; rise out of a liquid; combine into one
【同源单词】demersal, emerge, emerge, emergence, emergency, emergent
【来源及含义】Greek: mucus; a protective secretion from the mucous membranes in the nose, throat, and lungs; a thick fluid produced by the linings of some tissues of the body and is secreted as a protective lubricant coating by cells and glands of the mucous membranes
【相关描述】Don't confuse this myco- meaning "mucus" with another myco- meaning "fungus, fungi".
【同源单词】actinomyces, actinomycetes, actinomycosis, basidiomycetous, blastomycosis, chromoblastomycosis
词根词缀:pleuro-, pleur-
【来源及含义】Greek: side, rib; a thin membrane with two layers that line the chest cavity
【相关描述】One lining the outside of the lungs and the other the inside of the chest cavity; fluid between the two layers provides lubrication and so allows smooth, uniform expansion and contraction of the lungs during breathing; pertaining to the side.
【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word families that are related, partially or totally, to: "breast, breasts, chest": mammill-; mammo-; masto-; mastoido-; mazo-; pectoro-; sterno-; stetho-; thorac-.
【同源单词】cutis laxa, pleura, pleurectomy, pleuric, pleurisy, pleuritic
词根词缀:pneumo-, pneum-, pneumono-, pneumon-
【来源及含义】Greek: lung; breath, breathe
【相关词根词缀】 Word units related to breath and breathe: hal-; pneo-; pneumato-; psych-; spiro.
【同源单词】amphipneust, amphipneustic, angiopneumography, apneumia, apneuses, apneusis
词根词缀:pulmo-, pulmoni-, pulmono-, pulmon-, -pulmonary, -pulmonic
【来源及含义】Latin: lung, lungs
【同源单词】apulmonic, apulmonism, gastropulmonic, intrapulmonic, pulmoaortic, pulmocardiac