词根:log, loqu, locut = to speek(说话)
来自希腊语的log 意为speech;
(*希腊文legein(=to speak),logos(=word,speech,thought),拉丁文loqui(=to speak)。由“说话”衍生出“语言”、“思想”、“学问”等意思——英文字根字典)
1. logomachy (斗言语的行为log(=speech) + mach(=fight))
They're just two ivory tower academics engaged in a literary logomachy. 他们不过是两名热衷于文学论战的象牙塔式的学者而已。
2. logical (话语正确的log (=to speak))
logic n.逻辑(学)
logicality n.合乎逻辑,逻辑性
logician n.逻辑学家
logically adv.逻辑上;符合逻辑地
The only logical conclusion i can draw is that he's guilty. 我可以得出的唯一合乎逻辑的结论就是他有罪。
3. apology
v.赔罪,道歉;辩解,辩护 *apo(=away)
apologize v.赔罪,道歉;辩解 apologize to his sister for being so rude 因自己如此无礼而向他妹妹道歉。
apologetic adj.道歉的,认错的;辩护的
write an apologetic letter写一封道歉信
4. analogy
n.类似,相似;比拟;类推 *ana(=again)
analogous adj.类似的,相似的;可比拟的
analogy between the human heart and a pump 人的心脏和抽水泵的相似性
false analogy 错误的类推
forced analogy 牵强的类推,牵强附会
5. catalogue
v.做目录;将...编入目录 *cata(=completely)
library catalogue (图书馆的)图书目录
6. dialogue
n.对话(式的作品);意见交换 *dia(=between)
dialogue between the two Presidents 两个总统之间的意见交换
7. eulogy
n.赞辞;赞颂 *eu(=good)
eulogize v.赞颂,称赞
eulogistic adj.颂扬的;歌功颂德的
eulogist n.赞颂者,称赞者
8. monologue
n.独白;(戏剧等的)独角戏 *mono(=one)
9. prologue
n.序言;(戏剧的)开场白;一系列事件的开端,序幕;念开场白(或开场诗)的演员 *pro(=before)
10. epilogue
n.(文学作品的)跋文;结语;尾声(在上面附加的言辞) *epi(=after)
11. decalog(ue) (deca (=ten) + log(ue) (=speak))
12. anthropology
n.人类学 《anthropo = man》
13. astrology
n.占星术《astro = star》
14. biology
n.生物学《bio = life》
15. chronology
n.年代学;年代记;年表《chrono = time》
16. entomology
n.昆虫学(将昆虫切成两部分来研究的学问)《en- = in;tom- = to cut》
17. etymonlogy
n.语源学;语源 (研究语言真义的学问)《etymo = true》
18. genealogy
n.宗谱;系谱;家系 《genea = birth,race,descent》
19. geology
n.地质学;地质《geo = earth》
20. meteorology
n.气象学;气象《meteor = 大气中的现象;流星》
词根词缀:aletho-, aleth-
【来源及含义】Greek: true; nothing concealed; real [from a-, "no, nothing" and letho-, "forgetfullness, oblivion"]
【相关词根词缀】 Etymologically related "forget, forgetfulness" word families: letho-; oblivio-. Related "memory, remember" word families: memor-; mne-.
【同源单词】Alethea, Aletheuontes de en Agape, alethia, alethic, alethiology, alethology
【来源及含义】Latin: raw, not cooked; literally, trickling with blood, bleeding; raw, bloody, cruel
【相关描述】The terms, cruelty and crudeness are closely linked etymologically. Cruel came via Old French cruel from Latin crudelis, a relative of Latin crudus; which actually meant "cruel" as well as "raw" and "bloody".
【同源单词】crude, crudely, crudeness, crudity, cruel, cruelly
词根词缀:epistemo-, epistem-
【来源及含义】Greek: knowledge, know; understand; believe
【同源单词】epistemic, epistemolater, epistemolatry, epistemological, epistemologically, epistemologist
词根词缀:eschato-, eschat-
【来源及含义】Greek: last, furthest, remotest, outermost
【同源单词】eschatocol, eschatological, eschatologically, eschatologist, eschatology, eschatology of Jehovah
词根词缀:ethero-, ether-, aethero-, aether-, aither-
【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: burn, shine, to kindle; light up; the heavens; the upper air, the sky
【相关词根词缀】 Etymologically related "light, shine, glow" word families: fulg-; luco-; lumen-, lum-; luna, luni-; lustr-; phengo-; pheno-; phospho-; photo-; scinti-, scintill-; splendo-. Cross references of word groups that are related, directly, indirectly, or partly to: "fire, burn, glow, or ashes": ars-, ard-; -bust; cand-, cend-; caust-, caut-; crema-; ciner-; flagr-; flam-; focus, foci-; fulg-; gehenna-; ign-; phleg-; phlog-; pyreto-, -pyrexia; pyr-; spod- (ashes; waste); volcan-.
【同源单词】ether, ether lavage, etherated, ethereal, ethereality, etherealization
词根词缀:fulg-; fulmi-
【来源及含义】Latin: to shine, to flash, to glow, to burn; fulmi-, lightning, thunder forth, denounce; related to fulg-
【相关词根词缀】 Etymologically related "light, shine, glow" word families: ethero-; luco-; lumen-, lum-; luna, luni-; lustr-; phengo-; pheno-; phospho-; photo-; scinti-, scintill-; splendo-. Cross references of word groups that are related, directly, indirectly, or partly to: "fire, burn, glow, or ashes": ars-, ard-; -bust; cand-, cend-; caust-, caut-; crema-; ciner-; ether-; flagr-; flam-; focus, foci-; gehenna-; ign-; phleg-; phlog-; pyreto-, -pyrexia; pyr-; spod- (ashes; waste); volcan-.
【同源单词】circumfulgent, effulge, effulgence, effulgent, fulgency, fulgent
【来源及含义】Greek: web, cloth, tissue
【相关描述】Many etymologically related words with the same family meanings with slightly different spellings are available at this histo- unit of words.
【同源单词】histiocyte, histiocytoma, histioid, histio-irritative, histionic, histocytosis
【来源及含义】Latin: from -icalis, a suffix that forms adjectives from nouns; of or having to do with; having the nature of; constituting or being; containing or made up of; made by or caused by; like, characteristic of; art or system of thought; chemical terms
【同源单词】abdominovesical, abiological, ableptical, academical, acarological, acarologically
词根词缀:letho-, leth-
【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: lie hidden, secret; forgetfulness, forget, inactive through forgetfulness; also sleepy, drowsy, dull, sluggish
【相关词根词缀】 Related "sleep" units: dorm-; hypno-; narco-; oneiro- (dream); somni-; sopor-. Etymologically related "forget, forgetfulness" word families: aletho-; oblivio-. Related "memory, remember" word families: memor-; mne-.
【同源单词】alethia, lethargic, lethargical, lethargically, lethargize, lethargogenic