词根:lig (li, leag, ly) = to bind, to tie 绑
词根lig来源于拉丁语 ligare 绑 / 约束;li,leag,ly 为 lig 的变体,同义词根有来源于拉丁语的cinct,nect/nex,strain/strict/string/stress等和来源于盎格鲁-撒克逊语的bond。此外,意为to join 的junct/join/jug也与此词根含义相似。
词根lig还有二个同形异源词根一个是与来源于拉丁语 lustrare 表示“光”的lust异形同义词根lig;一个是表示“选”的意思的lig。即如果不看这个词根的来源lig有“绑”、“选”、“光”的意思,但是他们的来源完全不一样,注意区别。
1. alliance [捆得很近al<ad(=to,near)+li<lig(=bind)]
n. 同盟;联姻
ally v. 结盟;联姻;联合;(n.)同盟国,联盟国;姻亲
allied adj. 结盟的
In alliance with my mother, we convinced my father to buy us kids a car. 我们和妈妈联合起来说服爸爸给我们小孩子买了一辆汽车。
2. obligate [用力地捆 ob(= intensive)+lig(=bind)]
vt. sb+to do 使负有责任、义务
obligation n. 义务,责任
obligatory adj. 有义务的;必须的
A typical rental lease obligates the landlord to make any needed repairs. 典型的租赁合同上都规定房东有义务负责所有必要的维修。
3. liaison [起到捆的作用li<lig(=bind)]
n. 联络;私通
liaise n. 取得联系;充当联络人
I work as a liaison between top management and the union leaders. 我负责最高管理层和工会领导人之间的联络工作。
4. liability
n. 责任,义务;倾向;(pl.)债务;负债;不利(的事情) *li<lig(=bind)
liablity insurance 责任保险
liability for military service 兵役义务
liability to disease 易于患病的倾向
5. liable
adj. 有责任的,有义务的;可能遭受…的;易患…的 *li<lig(=bind)
6. league
n. 联盟,同望;盟约;里格(长度单位,约为3英里、5公里或3海里) v.(使)结盟,联盟,(使)订立盟约 *Leag<lig(=tie)
7. ligament
n. 系带,纽带;韧带
8. ligature
n. 带子,绳索;绷带;结扎线
9. oblige
v. 迫使;施恩于;答应…的请求 *ob(=to)
obliging neighbors 乐于助人的邻居
10. rally
n. 大会,集会;(重新)集合 v. 重新集合、聚集;召集 *r<re(=again), al<ad(=near), ly<lig(=tie)
political rally 政治集会
peace rally 和平集会
11. reliable
adj. 可靠的;可依赖的 *re(=again),li<lig(=tie)
reliability n. 可靠性,可信赖性
reliable information 可靠的信息
12. reliance
n. 信任,信赖;可依赖的人(或物)*re(=again),li(lig(=tie)
reliant adj. 信任的;依赖的
13. rely
v. 依靠;信赖 *re(=again),li<lig(=tie)
14. religion
n. 宗教:信仰;信条 *re(=again)
great religions of the world 世界主要宗教 (Christianity, Judaism, lslam,Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.)
freedom of religion 宗教信仰自由
15. religious
adj. 宗教的,宗教上的;虔诚的;修道的;认真的, n. 修道士;修女;和尚;尼姑 *re(=again)
religious rites 宗教仪式
religious life 修行生活
religious man 虔诚的人
词根:bell = beautiful, war
来自拉丁语的bell意为beautiful,war,在盎格鲁-撒克逊语里意为bag,to swell。当bell 用做beautiful 这一含义时,其同义词根有来自拉丁语的pulchr和来自希腊语的calli,cosmet。
(*拉丁文 bellum(=war) —— 英文根字典)
1. embellish(使变美丽em<en(=make) + bell (=beautiful))
vt. sth + with + sth 美化;装饰;使(故事等)更有趣;润色
embellishment n.装饰(物);润色
She embellished the cake with real cut flowers. 她用折来的鲜花装饰蛋糕。
2. belle
n.美女 *bell (=beautiful) ,e(=person who)
the belle of the ball/society 舞会花魁/交际花
3. belles-lettres
n.<法>纯文学(与商业,技术、科学等文献相对)*bell (=beautiful)
4. belladonna
n.(植物)颠茄;颠茄制剂 *bell (=beautiful),don(=give)
5. bellicose
adj.<正>好战的,好争吵的,好斗的;黩武 *bell(=war)
6. Bellona
n.司战女神 *bell(=war)
Mars 战神
7. rebel
n.造反者;叛逆者;反抗者 adj.选择者,叛逆的 v.造反;反叛;反抗 *re(=against) ,bell(=war)
rebel forces 叛军
8. rebellion
n.造反,叛乱 *re(against),bell(=war)
rebellion against the dictator 针对独裁者的叛乱
9. rebellious
adj.造反的;反叛的;难控制的 *re(=against),bell(=war)
rebellious behavior 造反行为
10. antebellum
11. belly
n.肚子,腹部;胃;鼓起(或凹进去的)部分(小提琴等的腰部)v. 涨满,鼓胀 *bell(=bag,swell)
belly button 肚脐
The sails bellied in the wind. 帆在风中鼓起
12. Belgium
13. bellied
adj.(构成合成词)有腹的;腹...的 *bell(=bag,swell)
big-bellied 大腹便便的
empty-bellied children 饥肠辘辘的孩子们
14. bellyful
n.过量(of);满腹 *bell(=bag,swell)
a bellyful of advice 过多的功告
15. bellow
n.(像牛一样)吼叫,怒吼,咆哮;大声发出 *bell(=bag,swell)
bellow out a drinking song 放声高唱祝酒歌
16. bellows
n.(用以送风助火的或风琴的)风箱;肺 *bell(=bag,swell)
词根:flat = to blow(吹)
来自拉丁语的flat 意为to blow。
(*拉丁文flare(=to blow),过去分词是flatus。)
1. inflate(在里面吹 in(=in) + flat(=blow))
inflation n.膨胀;通货膨胀
inflatable adj.可充气的;可膨胀的
inflationary adj.通货膨胀的
The street vendors often inflate their prices for tourists .路边的小贩常常向游人的高价格。
2. deflate
v.紧缩(通货);放出(车胎等的)气体,抽出空气;使某人泄气 *de(=down)
deflate a pompous politician 使傲慢的政治家骄气大挫
3. deflationary
adj.通货紧缩的 *de(=down)
deflationary measures applied by the Secretary of Treasury. 由财政部长实施的通货紧缩措施
4. deflation
n.通货紧缩;抽出空气 *de(=down)
5. stagflation
n.(不景气状况下的)滞胀 *stag(=pool)
6. afflatus
n.灵感 *af<ad(=near,to)
7. flatulent
8. conflate
v.汇集在一起;(将异文)合并(一起吹气)《con- = together》
conflation n.异文合并
9. inflate
v.(灌入气体)使膨胀;使得意;通货膨胀(吹入空气)《in- = into》
inflation n.膨胀;得意;通货膨胀
10. reflation
n.通货膨胀《re- = again》
词根:sci = to know
来自拉丁语的sci意为to know。同义词根有来自拉丁语的gno,not。
(*拉丁文scire(=to know),scientia(=knowledge)——英文字根字典)
1. prescience(事先知道pre(=before) + sci(=know))
prescient adj.预知的;有先见之明的
Thanks to his prescience,he got out of the stock market before it fell.幸亏他有先见之明,能在股市下跌之前脱身。
2. omniscient(无论什么都知道的omni(=all) + sci(=know))
omniscience n.无所不知的
Life would be boring if one were truly omniscient.如果一个人真的通晓一切,那么他的生活将会很无聊。
3. conscience
n.良心;道义,善恶观念 *con<com(=together)
have no conscience 没有良心
4. conscientious
adj.凭良心的;诚实的;认真的,勤勤恳恳的 *con<com(=together)
conscientious student /worker 勤奋的学生/勤勤恳恳的工人
conscientious objector (根据宗教、道义上的信念)拒服兵役的人(缩写:C.O)
5. conscious
adj.意识到的;神志清醒的;(行为等)有意的 *con<com(=together)
consciously adv.有意识地;自觉地
be conscious of 意识到...
class-conscious 阶级意识的
6. consciousness
n.知觉;意识 *con<com(=together)
class consciousness 阶级意识
stream of consciousness 意识流
consciousness of kind 同类意识
moral consciousness of a political party 政党的道德意识
lose /regain(recover) consciousness 丧失/恢复意识
7. unconscionable
adj.不合理的;没良心的 *un(=not),*con<com(=together)
unconscionable bargain 不合理的交易
8. unconscious
adj. 无意识的,不知不觉的;没有知觉的,不省人事的 n.无意识 *un(=not),con<com(=together)
unconscious houmor 无意识间产生的幽默
unconscious neglect 无意的疏忽
be unconscious of danger 没有意识到危险
9. nescience
n.无知 *ne(=not)
nescient adj.无知的
10. plebiscite
n.(对国家重要问题的)公民投票 *pleb(=people)
11. sciolistic
sciolist n.一知半解的人
12. science
scientist n.自然科学家
natural (physical)/social/applied sciences 自然科学/社会科学/应用科学
science fiction 科幻小说
political science 政治学
13. scientific
adj.科学的;系统的;精确的;有技术的 *fic(=make)
scientific methods/farming 科学方法/科学种田
scientific name 学名
scientific argument 科学的论证
14. subconscious
adj.潜意识的;昏迷的;未察觉的《un- = not》
词根词缀:copi-, copy-
【来源及含义】Latin: abundance, plenty, plentiful, well supplied, abounding
【相关词根词缀】 Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "more, plentiful, fullness, excessive, over flowing": exuber-; hyper-; multi-; opulen-; ple-; pleio-; plethor-; poly-; super-; total-; ultra-; undu-.
【同源单词】copier, copiosity, copious, copiously, copiousness, copy
词根词缀:crypto-, crypt-
【来源及含义】Greek: hidden, secret, secrets, secret writing; by extension, applied to secret code or ciphers
【相关词根词缀】 A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "secret, hidden, confidential, concealed": ceal-; clandesti-; myster-; occult-; orgy; stego-, stegano-.
【同源单词】allocryptic, Ammocrypta, amphicryptophyte, anticryptic, apocryphal, Apocryphon
【来源及含义】Latin: to build, to erect a building; a building, a sanctuary, a temple; originally, aedes, "building a hearth" or "to build a hearth" because the fire in the hearth was the center of the home in early times since it supplied both heat and light; over time, the meaning expanded from the hearth itself to the home and building that enclosed it
【同源单词】edification, edifice, edifier, edifieth, edify, edile
词根词缀:gnatho-, gnath-, -gnatha, -gnathan, -gnath, -gnathia, -gnathic, -gnathous
【来源及含义】Greek: jaw
【相关描述】The jaw is the name applied to the bones which contain the teeth.
The two upper jaw-bones, the maxillae, are firmly attached to the other bones of the face.
The lower jaw, the mandible, is shaped in a form similar to that of a horseshoe, and, after the first year of life, it consists of a single bone.
It forms a hinge-joint with the squamous part (thin, plate-like section) of the temporal bone, immediately in front of the ear.
Both the upper and the lower jaw-bones include deep sockets known as alveoli, which contain the roots of the teeth.
【同源单词】agnathia, anisognathous, atelognathia, brachygnathia, chaetognath, cheilognathoschisis
词根词缀:insecto-, insect-, insecti-
【来源及含义】Latin: a bug; literally, "cut into," from insectum, with a notched or divided body; literally, "that which is cut up, segmented" [as the bodies of the first invertebrates to which the term was applied or appeared to be]
【相关词根词缀】 An entomological unit of words about insects.
A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, or indirectly, with: "insects, bugs, worms; invertebrates":
Dung Beetle Survival;
Dung Beetles Important;
Eating Worms;
Guinea worms;
Insects: Importance;
Mosquito, other Languages;
Mosquitoes, Pt. 1;
Mosquitoes, Pt. 2;
【同源单词】disinsectization, insect, Insect Biotechnology, Insecta, insectarian, insectarium
词根词缀:phront-, phorntid-; phronemo-, phron-
【来源及含义】Greek: thought, care, attention; think, thinking, contemplation
【相关描述】The Greeks had a word, phrontisterion, to indicate a place for thought and study or a "thinking-shop" (think tank?). Aristophanes (c. 450-c. 380 B.C.), was an Athenian dramatist who is known to have written more than 40 comedies that gave satiric expression to his strong, conservative prejudices against certain trends and personalities in the Athens of his day. It was this Aristophanes who used the Greek equivalent of phrontistery to ridicule the school of Socrates.
The Greek noun was derived from phrontistes (philosopher, profound thinker, one with intellectual pretensions) from the verb phrontizein (to reflect), based on phrontis (thought, reflection). The word phrontist applies to a "deep thinker," a "person involved in study, reflection, meditation," and it, too, in its Greek form, was applied ironically by Aristophanes to Socrates himself.
【同源单词】philophronesis, phronemophobia, phronesis, phronosis, phrontifugic, phrontistery