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词根:-judic-, -just-, -jur-


【词根来源】:-jur-来源于拉丁语名词jus, jur.is, n(法律,公正);-just-来源于由jus派生的形容词just.us, just.a, just.um(公平的,正义的); -judic-来源于judex, judicis, n(判决)。judex原义是“说法律”,由jus(法律)和-dic-(说)复合而成。

【同源单词】:judge, judgement, judgment, judicial, judiciary


【来源及含义】Latin: a suffix; a person who, a place where, a thing which, or pertaining to; connected with; having the character of; apparatus

【相关描述】The following examples of this suffix represent a very small number of those that exist in other parts of this lexicon.

【同源单词】ablephary, ablutionary, aboriginary, admaxillary, adversary, agynary

词根词缀:jud-, judic-

【来源及含义】Latin: decide, determine a result; declare to be; right and power to interpret the law

【相关描述】Directly related to the jus-, just-, jur- unit.

【同源单词】adjudge, adjudicate, adjudication, adjudicator, argumentum ad judicium, district judge