后缀:-s [副词后缀]
afternoons 每天下午
nights 每夜,在夜间
weekends 在每个周末
sometimes 有时
besides 此外,而且
unawares 不知不觉地
nowadays 现今,当今
outdoors 在户外
indoors 在屋内
upstairs 在楼上,往楼上
downstairs 在楼下,往楼下
weekdays 在每个周日
【来源及含义】Old English, Middle English: in, into; within; toward; a prefix used in front of English words, not Latin or Greek elements; as in the words, indoors and inland
【相关描述】Don't confuse this in-3, meaning "in, into; within", with another in-2 Latin prefix meaning "in, into, within, inside, on, toward" or with the Latin prefix in-1 meaning "not".