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【词根来源】:-rect-来源于拉丁语动词rego, regere, rexi, rectus。

【同源单词】:address, correct, correction, correctly, direct




【同源单词】:correct, correction, correctly, correlate, correlation

前缀:il-, in-, ir-, im-


【词根来源】:(il-用于l前;im-用于b, m, p前;ir-用于r前;in-用于其它情况)   来源于拉丁语in。

【同源单词】:illegal, illegality, illegitimate, illiterate, illogical


【来源及含义】Latin: no, not [ig-, il-, im-, ir-]

【相关描述】This in-, "not", becomes i- before gn, as with "ignore"; il- before l, as with illiterate; im- before b, m; and p, as with imbalance, immiscible, impecunious; and ir- before r, as with irrefragable.

Don't confuse this Latin prefix, in-1, meaning "not", with another Latin prefix in-2 meaning "in, into, within, inside, on, toward" or with the prefix for English-origin words in-3 meaning "in, into; within".

【同源单词】ignorance, illiterate, imbalance, immaculate, immature, immovable

词根词缀:regi-, reg-, rec-, rex-

【来源及含义】Latin: to direct, to rule, to lead straight, to keep straight; to guide, to govern

【相关描述】Although it does not appear to be correct, all of the words in this unit etymologically come from this family group. Some words; such as, surge and its related formats, may be presented as separate units; however, they originally evolved from this family unit.

【相关词根词缀】Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "master, lead, leading, ruler, ruling, govern": -agogic; agon-; arch-; -crat; dom-; gov-; magist-; poten-; tyran-.

【同源单词】address, address, addressee, addresser, addressograph, adroit