词根:port = share 分
来源于拉丁语 portionem 意为share 分,它的同形异义词根是:port 运送, 携带;门。
1. apportion [给某物分份ap<ad(=to) +portion(=share)]
vt. 分配;分摊
apportionment n.分配;分摊
The judge apportioned the estate in equal shares to the survivors. 法官将财产分给了幸存者。
2. disproportion
n.不均衡,不均等 *dis(=not), pro(=according to)
disproportion in age 年龄的不均衡
3. disproportionate
adj.不均衡的,不成比例的 *dis(=not), pro(=according to)
pay that is disproportionate to the work done 与所做工作不成比例的薪水
4. proportion
n. 比例,比率;协调,均衡;部分,份儿;(pl.)面积;容积以使均衡;使协调;使成比例 *pro(=according to)
proportion of the expenditure to the income 支出占收入的比例
room of good proportions 布置得很协调的房间
large proportion of the earth's surface 地球表面的一大部分
a ship of majestic proportions 大容积轮船
direct/inverse proportion 正/反比例
5. proportional
adj. 成比例的;均衡的,协调的
proportional representation 比例代表制
6. portion
a portion of land 一块土地
a portion Of roast duck 一人份的烤鸭
词根:spect, speci, spec(spic, spi, spy) = to look, to see 看
词根spect,spec,speci是同源异形根,都来源于拉丁语的specere,其最早的来源可追溯到古印度的梵语 spac/spek 看,其中speci,是不定式词干;spect是specere的强调形式动词spectare的词干,它的孳生能力最强,spect中的元音e进一步弱化变形成了词根spic,c变成s就演变出了词根spis,spic,spi,spy都是spec的变形。
同义词根有来源于拉丁语的vid/vis及变形vic,view, voy ,vey/vei,vy/vi,ud,来源于拉丁语的the ,tu,来源于希腊语的orama,scop,以及来自盎格鲁-撒克逊语的see等。
1. aspect [看起来很近a<ad(=to)+spect(=look)]
n. 方面;外观;观点
ex) I don't understand all aspects of the subject. 我并不能理解这个主题的所有方面。
2. perspective [通过某物看per(=through)+spect(=look)]
n. 展望;观点,看法;透视画法;透视图
perspectively adv. 依透视画法
ex) It's difficult to get a good perspective on problems while they' re occurring. 人们很难对正在发生的问题有正确的看法。
3. specious [外表上看见的spec(=look)]
adj. 外表美观的,华而不实的;似是而非的,貌似有理的
Al Gore was roundly criticized for his specious claim that he invented the internet. 阿尔.戈尔貌似有理地宣称自己发明了互联网,遭到了严厉的指责。
4. auspicious [看鸟的au<avi(=bird)+spic(=look)+ous(=having the quality of)]
adj. 吉利的,吉祥的;顺利的
5. conspicuous [看起来非常好的con<com(=intensive)+spic(=look)]
adj 显眼的;引人注目的;显著的
conspicuously adv. 显著地
A conspicuous mole disfigures the beauty of her tace. 一颗很显眼的痣破坏了她脸部的美。
6. despicable [向下、向低处看的de(=down)+spic(=look)]
adj. 卑鄙的,卑劣的
despicably adv. 卑劣地
Apologize to your mother for your despicable language. 你要为你卑劣的言辞向你妈妈道欺.
7. perspicacious [通过某事来透视的per(=through)+spic(=Iook)]
adj. 有洞察力的;聪明的,敏锐的
8. respite [在后边看或者拉开距离看re(=back, away)+spi(=look)]
n. 休息;延期.延缓;缓期执行
The shady pines offered respite from the burning sun. 松树的绿荫为我们提供了一个避开灼热阳光的休息场所。
9. circumspect
adj. 慎重的,谨慎小心的 *circum(=around)
circumspection n. 慎重,谨慎小心
10. conspectus
n. (问题、事件等的)概观;概要,摘要;一览表 *con<com(=together)
11. expect
v. 期待;预计;认为;怀孕 *ex(=out), pect<spect(=look)
expected reply 所期望的回答
expected objections 预想到的反对
as was expected 正如所预期的
I am expecting 我怀孕了。
12. expectation
n. 期待,预想;期待、预想的事物;前程;可望继承的遗产 *ex(=out),pect<spect(=look)
beyond expectation 预料之外
expectation of life 预期寿命
not come up to one's expectations 没有达到某人的预期
13. expectancy
n. 期待;预期 *ex(=out), pect<spect(=look)
life expectancy 预期寿命
with a look of expectancy 带着期待的表情
14. expectant
adj. 预期的,期待的;待产的;(父或母)未来的 *ex(= out), pect<spect(=look)
expectantly adv. 期待地,期望地
expectant father 准爸爸
expectant mother 准妈妈,孕妇
15. inspect
v. 检查;视察;检阅 *in(=into)
inspect troops 检阅军队
16. inspection
n.检查;视察;检阅 *in(=into)
medical inspection 检疫
aerial inspection 空中视察
close inspection 严密的检叠
17. inspector
n. (工矿等的)督察员;检阅者;检查员(官);(警察)巡官 *in(=into)
inspectorate n. 视察团
inspector general 督察长
inspector of Taxes 税务稽查员
18. introspect
v. 内省,自省 *intro(=within)
introspection n. 内省
introspective adv.内省的,自省的
19. prospect
n. 预想;期待的事物;
v. 勘探(金矿、油矿等)勘察 *pro(=forth)
prospector n. 勘探者,勘察者
prospect for gold 勘探金矿
good/bad prospect 好的/不好的前景
20. prospective
adj. 预期的;未来的 *pro(=forth)
prospective advantage/wealth 预期的好处,财富
prospective buyer 可能的买主
my prospective bride 我未来的新娘
prospective Republican candidate 未来的共和党候选人
21. prospectus
n. (新公司等的)创办计划书;(新出版书籍的)内容说明书 *pro(=forth)
22. respect
n. 尊敬,尊重;童视;关系;方面;(pl.)问候
v. 尊敬,尊重;重视;关于,涉及 *re(=again)
in all/some/any/every/this respect(s) 在所有/某些/任何/每个/这个方面
with respect to 关于…
pay respect to 尊敬…
23. respectable
adj. 值得尊敬的;体面的;相当的 *re(=again)
respectability n. 可敬;体面:受尊敬者
respectably adv. 体面地;高尚地;相当地
respectable citizens 正派的市民
respectable position 相当高的地位
24. respectful
adj.表示敬意的,恭敬的;有礼貌的 *re(=again)
respecttully adv. 恭敬地,谦恭地
stand at a respectful distance from 恭敬地、保持距离地站着
25. respective
adj. [一般和复数名词一起使用]分别的,各自的,各个的 *re(=again)
respectively adv. 各个,各自,分别地
have one's respective merits 各有优点
according to one's respective abilities 根据各自的能力
26. retrospect
n. 回顾,回急 *retro(=backward)
retrospection n. 回顾,回想
in retrospect 回想起来,事后看来
27. retrospective
adj. 回顾的,回想的:(法律或决定)溯及既往的 *retro(=backward)
retrospective exhibitiOn of a painter's work 画家的作品回顾展
retrospective legislation 有追溯效力的立法
retrospective wage increase 有追溯效力的加薪
28. spectacle
n. 壮观的景象;公开展示;(pl.)眼镜
spectacled 板眼镜的
see everything through rose-coIored spectacles 乐观地看待每一件事
29. spectacular
adj. 引入注目的;壮观的;惊人的 n. 奇观 精彩的表演:惊人之举
president Nixon's spectacular visit to Peking 尼克松总统访问北京的惊人之举
spectacutar display of fireworks 壮观的烟火表演
Christmas T.V. spectacular 精私的圣诞节的节目
30. spectator
n. (公开展示或比赛的)观众;旁观者
spectator sports 吸引众多观众的体育运动,如足球
31. specter
n. 幽灵,鬼怪;(萦绕在心头的)担忧
32. spectral
adj. 幽灵的,鬼怪的;光谱的
spectral apparatus 分先器
spectral colors 谱色
33. spectroscope
n. 分光镜 *scop(=see)
spectroscopic adj. 分光镜的
34. spectrum
solar spectrum 太阳光谱
the whole spectrum of recent philosophical inquiry 近来哲学探索的总体范畴
a broad spectrum of 广泛的
35. suspect
v. 怀疑;疑有,察觉 n. 嫌疑人,嫌疑犯;可疑分子
adj. 可疑的;不可信的 *sus<sub(=under),pect<spect(=to look)
political suspect 政治嫌疑犯
36. especial
adj. 特别的,特殊的 *e<ex(=out)
especially adv. 特别,尤其
in especial 特别,格外
37. spec
n. 投机(speculation的缩略形式)
on spec 碰运气
38. special
adj. 特别的,特殊的;专用的;额外的 n. 临时巡警;专列;特刊,号外;特色菜
specially adv. 特别地
special effects 特殊效果
Special Forces <美>[军]特种部队
39. specialist
n. 专家;专科医生
eye specialist 眼科医生
specialist in plastic surgery 外科整形专家
40. specially
n. 专业,专长;特制品;名产
make a specialty of 以…为专业,专攻某学科
Embroidery is her specialty. 她的专长是刺绣。
Wood-carvings are a specialty of this village 木刻是这个村庄的名产。
41. specialize
v. 专门从事,专攻;专业化;限定(意义、范围等)*ize(=make)
specialization n. 专业化;限定
specialize in political science 专攻政治学
specialized knowledge 专业知识
specialized magazine 专业杂志
42. species
n. [生]种
speciation n. 物种形成
a species of 一种
ex) The Origin of Species 《物种起源》
43. specific
adj. (叙述等)明确的,具体的;特有的;[医]有特效的;[生]种的凡.特效药 *tic(=make)
specifically adv. 明确地;具体地
specific orders 明确的命令
specitic remedy 特效药
specific purpose 明确的目的
44. specification
n. 详述:(产品的)说明书;( pl.)明细(单);规格 *fic(=make)
technical specifrcations of a new car 新型汽车的技术规格
45. specify
v. 明确说明,载明;详述;把…列入计划或说明书 *fy(=make)
46. specimen
n. 样本,标本;(化验用的)抽样;家伙,怪人
zoological specimens 动物标本
urine specimen 化验用尿样
What a queer specimen he is! 他真是个怪人!
47. speculate
v. 思索;玄想;推测;投机,做投机买卖
speculate in oil shares 做石油股票投机买卖
on speculation 碰运气
48. speculative
adj. 思索的,冥想的;[哲]思辨的;推测的;投机的
speculative philosophy 思辨哲学
speculative purchase of grain 投机购买谷物
speculative market 投机市场
speculative stock 投机股票
speculative buying 投机购买
49. speculator
n. 沉思者;投机商;票贩子
50. perspicuous
adj. 明了的 *per(=completely,intensive)
perspicuity n. 明了
perspicuously adv. 明了地
51. spice
n. 调味品,香料;(喻)风味,情趣;香味 v. 加香料于;使增添趣味
spicy adj. 香料的;香的;下流的;痛快的
mixed spice(s) 混合香料
a spice of humor 幽默情趣
52. suspicion
n.嫌疑;怀疑,猜疑;少量 *sus<sub(=under),pic<spic(=look)
above suspicion 不容置疑
ex) There was a suspicion of sadness in her voice. 她的声音里带着一丝伤感。
53. suspicious
adj.可疑的;怀疑的;多疑的 *sus<sub( = under), pic<spic( = look)
inspect all suspicious cars 检查所有可疑的车辆
suspicious look 怀疑的眼神
suspicious nature 多疑的性格
54. despise
v. 蔑视,鄙视 *de(=down)
56. despite
n. 侮辱;损害;恶意prep,尽管 *de(=down)
despiteful adj. 有恶意的
57. espionage
n. 刺探;间谍活动 *e<ex(=out)
counterespionage 反间谍活动
58. espy
v. 发现;窥见 *e<ex(=out)
59. frontispiece
n. (书的)卷首插画 *front(=forehead)
60. spy
n. 间谍;密探以暗中监视;发现
police spies 警方的密探
industrial spies 工业间谍
spy on the enemy's movements 侦察敌人的动态
spy satellite 间谍卫星
spy ship 间谍船
词根:tend, tens, tent = to stretch(伸)
tend,tens,tent这三个为同源异形根,tend来源于拉丁动词tendere, 意为to stretch(伸开,伸长,延伸);tens和tent都是这个拉丁动词的动名词词干(tendere有两个动名词形式:tensum和tentum),主要用来构成相应的名词和形容词。
1. contend (con<com(=together) + tend(=stretch)相互拉扯,共同伸取某物 --->)
vi. for/with + sth 争辩;争论;竞争
vt. 主张
contention n.争辩,争论
contentious adj.有争议的
Despite what the officer said,the driver contended she was only driving at 30 mph. 不管警察说什么那个司机都争辩说自己的架车时速只有30英里。
2. extensive(向外伸展的 ex(=out) + tens(=stretch))
extend v.扩展,扩大;伸(手、脚等)(ex出+tend伸展,趋向→伸出去→扩张)
extension n.延长,扩大
extent n.宽度,程度,范围;[律]<英>扣押令
extensively adv.广大地,广泛地
An extensive system of underground aquifers provides water in the Midwest. 大范围的地下蓄水层为中西部地区提供用水。
3. intensive(在...里拉长的 in(=in) + tens(=stretch))
intensify v.加强
intensification n.激化,强化
intensity n.强烈;极度
intension n.强度
intense adj.强烈的,激烈的;热情的
I took a 2-day intensive course on how to use my new computer. 为学会使用我的新计算机,我参加了一个为期两天的强化培训课程。
4. ostensible(向上拉长的 os<ob(=over,against) + tens(=stretch))
ostensibly adv.表面上
The ostensible reason for their divorce was "irreconcilable differences". 他们离婚的表面理由是“性格不和”。
5. ostentatious(向某物的反方向拉长的 os<ob(=against,over) + tent(=stretch))
ostentation n.夸耀,卖弄;虚饰 (os-(obs-) = in front of 在...之前;tent = to stretch 展开;-ation n. = the act 表行为 --> " the act of stretching one's belongings in front of others 在他人面前展示财物" -->)
ostentatiously adv.卖弄地
We want an elegant but not ostentatious wedding. 我们希望办一场高雅而不铺张的婚礼。
6. pretentious(向前伸展的 pre(=before) + tent(=stretch))
pretend v.做作,自负(pre- = before 在...之前;tend = to stretch 伸展 -->" to stretch one's mind before the public 在众人面前展开或夸张自己的想法" -->)
pretense n.虚假;做作
pretension n.自命,自称;做作;假装;借口;托词
pretender n.妄提要求者;伪装者
The people at the coutry club aren't pretentious at all. They're very nice !那个乡村俱乐部的人一点都不狂妄,他们很新切!
7. attend
v.出席,参加;(~to)致力于;护理;陪同,伴随;侍奉 *at<ad(=to)
The lectures were well attended. 听演讲的人很多。
attend to what others are sying 注意听别人说的话
have the honor of attending upon the Prince 很荣幸侍奉王子
My good luck attends you!祝你好运!
8. attendance
n.出席,出勒;出席人数;侍奉,照料 *at<ad(=to)
certificate of attendance 在学证明书
prize for regular attendance 全勒奖
attendance book 出勒簿
large/small attendance 出席人数多/少
in attendance upon the Queen 陪同女王
9. attention (at加强+tent伸展,趋向+ion表名词→伸展出去→注意;照料)
n.注意,注意力;(pl.)殷勤;照料;立正姿势;治疗 *at<ad(=to)
Attention,Mr.Roberts (用在商务文书、公文中)罗伯茨先生亲启
Attention,please! 各位请注意!
attract/draw attention 引起注意
listen with attention 倾听
Pay one's attentions to a lady 讨一位小姐的欢心
Attention! (口令)立正!缩略语:Shun!
receive immediate attention 得到紧急救治
10. attendant
n.侍从;出席者;(pl.)随行人员 adj.伴随的;侍候的,护理的 *at<ad(=to)
attendee n.出席者
the Prince and his attendants 王子及其侍从
famine and its attendant diseases 饥荒和紧随其至的疾病
old age and its attendant evils 老龄及紧随甚至的麻烦
11. attentive (at加强+tent伸展,趋向+ive……的→一再把脑袋向前伸(例如,我们见到老师都要向躬身问好;发现有吸引力的东西特别是看书时,我们都要下意识地伸头)→)
adj.注意的,留意的;专心的;体贴的 ;注意的,有礼貌的
attentively adv.注意地;周到地
attentive to one's studies 专心致志学习的
attentive to her young brother 关心她弟弟的
attentive audience 倾听的观众
12. detente
n.<法>紧张关系的缓和 *de(=down)
13. distend(dis- 散开,tend 伸,扩)
v.扩张,扩大;使膨胀,膨胀 *dis(=away)
distension /distention 膨胀
14. hypertension (hyper- 超高,tension 张力,压力;“血的压力过高”-->)
n.高血压 *hyper(=over,above,excessive)
15. hypotension (hypo在……下面,次等+tension压力[引申血压]→n.血压过低)
n.低血压 *hypo(=under,less)
16. intend (in- 入,tend 伸;“把心思伸向某事”-->打算做某事-->)
v.想要;计划,打算;意指 *in(=into)
intended adj.预谋的,故意的;(n.)已订婚者
Let me introduce you to my intended. 我向你介绍我的未婚妻。
17. intent (in- 入,tent(=tend))
n.目标;意图;意味,意思 adj.(表情)热切的;(~ on )专心致志的 *in(=into,intensive)
intently adv.专心地,专注地;热切地
shoot with intent to kill 故意开枪杀人
with good/evil (malicious) intent 善意地/恶意地
to all intents and purposes 事实上
intent on his work 埋头于他的工作的
intent on beautiful scenery 陶醉于美景的
18. intention (同上,-tion 名词后缀)
n.意向,意图,目标,目的 *in (=into,intensive)
with good intentions 善意地
without intention 无意中
with the intention of ~ing(打算做...)
well-intentioned/ill-intentioned 善意地/恶意地
19. intentional
adj.故意的,蓄谋的 *in (=into,intensive)
20. portend (por- = pro- 前,tend(=tent) 伸;出现在...之前的情况或事物-->)
v.预示(未来);预先警告 *por<per(=through)
Black clouds portend a storm. 乌云预示着风雨即将来临。
21. portent (por- = pro- 前,tend 伸;“伸到前面”-->出现在前面,(某种情况或事物)出现在...之前-->)
portentous adj.不祥的,凶兆的;令人惊讶的;自命不凡的
22. superintend
v.主管;监督;指挥 *super(=over),in(=into)
superintendence 主管;监督
23. superintendent
n.监督者,管理者;(企业,机关等的)负责人 *super(=over),in(=into)
superintendent of schools 教育局局长
superintendent of a revenue office 税务局局长
24. tend
25. tendency (tend趋向+ence表名词→n.趋势,趋向)
strong upward tendency in oil shares 石油类股票的强劲上涨趋势
26. tendentious
tendentious/tendencious reports 宣传性报道
27. tender (tend 伸-->伸出;“刚伸出(长出)的嫩芽”-->)
adj.(色彩、光线等)柔和的;柔弱的;年幼的,未成熟的;敏感的,容易受到伤害的,一触就痛的;棘手的;(肉)易咀嚼的,嫩的;亲切的,温柔的,体贴的 adv.温柔地,亲切地 n.看护人员;补给船;投标;法定货币;提出,提供 v.提出,提供;投标
tender green 嫩江绿
tender skin 娇嫩的皮肤
tender subject 棘手的问题,微妙的问题
tender loin (牛或猪)腰部的嫩肉
tender looks/care 和蔼的表情/温柔的照料
tender tender parents 体贴的父母
tender hearted 心肠软的,富于恻隐之心的
Love me tender. 温柔地爱我
tender his resignation to the president 向总统递交辞呈
28. tendon
29. tense(tense 伸,伸开-->拉紧)
adj.拉紧的;紧张的 v.使拉紧,使绷紧;使紧张 n.[语]时态
tensible(见上,-ible 可...的)n.可伸展的,可拉长的
tensity(见上,-ity 表情情况、性质)n.紧张,紧张度
faces tensed with anxiety 焦虑、紧张的面孔
tense atmosphere 紧张的气氛
He tensed his muscles for the effort. 他将自己的肌肉绷起来发力。
He's always tensed up before an exam. 他在考试前总是紧张。
30. tent (tent 伸;能够“伸开(张开)”的东西(如皮革、帆布等),用作掩盖、庇护之用-->)
n. 账篷,帐棚
词根:lin, lign = line
来自拉丁语的lin,lign 意为 line。
1. delineate(好好地描写de(=intensive) + lin(=line))
delineation n.画轮廓;描述
The CEO delineated the company's 5-year growth plan at the shareholder's meeting. 首席执行官在股东大会上描绘了公司的五年发展计划。
2. line
draw a line 画线
fishing lines 钩鱼线
line busy. (电话)通话中
hot line 热(指两政府首脑之间随时联系的电话线或电报线路)
a line of trees 一排树
form a line 排成一队
deep lines on her face 她脸上深深的皱纹
Korean Air Lines 大韩航空
communication lines 交通线路;通信线路
follow the party line 服从党的路线
descendant of King David in a direct line 大卫王的直系后裔
the last of his line 他最后的血脉
Page 5,line 10 第五页第十行
road lined with police 排满警察的路
read between the lines 体会言外之意
Hard linest !倒霉
lined face 布满皱纹的脸
fru-lined gloves 用毛皮作衬里的手套
He has lined his purse well. 他中饱私囊,赚了不少钱。
3. linage
advertizing linage 按行数计算的广告费
4. lineage
5. lineal
lineal descendant / heir 直系后裔/继承者
词根:linqu ( lic, lict) = to leave
来自拉丁语的linqu 意为 to leave,它的变形为lic,lict。同义词根有来自拉丁语的lip。
1. delinquent(从某物上分离出去 de(=away) + linqu(=leave))
delinquency n.懈怠;过失;少年犯罪;违法
The power got shut off because i've been delinquent in paying the electric bill. 我拖欠了电费,所以断电了。
2. derelict(完全置后de(=intensive) + re(=back) + lict<linqu(=leave))
dereliction n.遗弃;玩忽职守
The family farm where i grew up is now a derelict ruin .我在家里的农场上长大,如今那里已经成为一片被遗弃的废墟。
3. relinquish
v.放弃,抛弃;让与 *re(=back)
relinquish a hope/shares to a partner 放弃希望/把股份让给合作伙伴
4. relic
n.圣骨,圣徒遗物;(风俗、信仰等的)残余;遗物;遗迹 *re(=back),lic<linqu(=leave)
relics of antiquity 古代的遗风
relics of superstition 迷信的残余
cultural relics 文化遗迹
5. relic
n.遗孀,寡妇 *re(=back) ,lict<linqu(=leave)
Alice,relict of Arthur Williams 阿瑟.威廉斯的遗孀艾丽斯
词根:tort(tor) = to twist(卷缩)
来自拉丁语的tort 意为to twist,它的变形为tor。
(*拉丁文torquere(=twist) —— 英文根字典)
1. distortion(用力拧dis(=intensive) + tort(=twist)
distort v.歪曲,使变形
distorted adj.歪曲的
What he says is a distortion of the truth. 他的话是对事实的歪曲。
2. extort(扭曲使出来ex(=out) + tort (=twist))
vt. sth + from + sb 敲诈,强求,逼取;强夺,强取
extortion n.强求,强夺;勒索钱财
extortionate adj.勒索的;强求的
The Mafioso extorted money from an old widow to pay her husband's debt. 黑手党成员微个老寡妇勒索钱财以偿还她丈夫的债务。
3. tortuous(扭曲的tort(=twist))
My arms are tired from steering along this tortuous mountain road .沿着这条曲折的山路开车,我的胳膊很累。
4. contort
face contorted with pain 因疼痛而扭曲的脸
contort a word out of its ordinary meaning 曲解词义
5. contortion
n.(特指脸、身体的)扭曲,歪曲;扭曲状态 *con<com(=together)
contortionist n.(身体可以自由弯曲的)柔体杂技演员
contortions of an acrobat 杂技演员的软功
6. retort
v.(特指对指责、挑战等)回嘴;反击,报复 n.回嘴,反驳;蒸馏器;曲颈瓶;(提纯水银等使用的)干馏釡 *re(=back)
retort insult for insult 以牙还牙
retort an argument 反驳观点
make an insolent retort 傲慢地回嘴
7. tort
8. tortoise
Hare and Tortoise 龟兔赛跑
tortoiseshell 龟甲,鳖甲
9. torture
n.拷问;折磨,痛苦 v.拷问;折磨;歪曲
torturer n.拷打者
torture politics 酷刑政治
instruments of torture 刑具,刑架,拷问工具
tortured with anxiety 困焦虑而备受折磨
10. torch
torchlight n.火炬之光
torchlight procession 火炬游行
torch race (古希腊的)火炬接力赛跑
torch of Hymen 爱情
11. torment
n.(身体、精神上的)剧痛;苦恼 v.使痛苦,折磨;烦扰
torments of jealousy 因嫉妒而痛苦
tormented with neuralgia/hunger/mosquitoes 受神经痛的折磨/受饱的折磨/受蚊子的烦扰
12. tornado
13. torpedo
n.鱼雷,水雷 v.用鱼雷攻击(破坏);使彻底完蛋,破坏(政策、制度等)
torpedo boat 鱼雷艇
torpedo tube 鱼雷发射管
Who torpedoed the Disarmament Conference ? 谁破坏了裁军会议?
词根:vest = to dress
来自拉丁语的vest 意为to dress。
1. travesty (超过某种程度的穿衣服tra<trans(=over,acrss) + vest(=dress))
The trial was a complete travesly——totally unfair. 这场审判简直就是一场滑稽剧——根本不公正。
2. invest
v.投资(~in);赋予(勋章等)(~with);包围,围攻 *in(=in)
investor n.投资人
invest $10,000 in stocks 在股票上投资10,000美元
The military governor has invested full authority. 军政长官被授予全权。
3. investment
n.投资;投资额;包围;封锁(城市、要塞等) *in(=in)
investment company 投资公司
wise and profitable investment 英明的、有利可图的投资
investment of $1,000 in oil shares 在石油股上投资的1,000美元
4. vest
play it close to the vest 避免冒险
In some countries authority is said to be vested in the people.据说在某些国家权力属于人民。
vested interest / rights [律]既得利益/ 既定权利
power /authority that vests in the Crown 属于王室的权力/权威
5. vestment
6. vestry
7. vesture
n.衣服 v.给...穿衣
① 表示“不,无,非,没有”
unreal 不真实(un+real真实的)
unequal 不平等的(un+equal平等的)
unfortunate 不幸的(un+fortunate幸运的)
unabashed 不害臊的(un+abashed难为情的)
unassuming 不摆架子的(un+assuming自以为是的)
uncommitted 不承担责任的(un+committed担责任的)
unscrupulous 肆无忌惮的(un+scrupulosu小心的)
untoward 不幸的;逆境的(un+toward顺利的→不顺的)
unconditional 无条件的(un+conditional有条件的)
unlimitted 无限的(un+limited有限的)
unambitious 无野心的(un+ambitious有雄心的)
unconscionable 无节制的(un+conscionabe明智的)
unfailing 无尽的,无穷的(un+failing有尽头;失败的→没有尽头的)
unofficial 非官方的(un+official官方的)
unjust 非正义的(un+just公正的)
unworldly 非尘世的(un+worldly世俗的)
uneducated 未受教育的(un+educated有教养的)
uncivilized 未开化的(un+civilized文明的)
undecided 未决定的(un+decided决定的)
unalloyed 未掺杂的(un+alloy合金,混合+ed→没混合的)
uncharted 图上没标明的(un+chared图上标明的)
② 表示“打开,解开,弄出”
unlock 开锁(un+lock锁)
unbind 解开(un+bind捆住)
unbutton 解开钮扣(un+botton钮扣)
uncover 揭开盖子(un+cover盖子)
undress 脱衣服(un+dress衣服)
untomb 掘墓(un+tomb墓)
unearth 从地下挖出(un+earth土地)
unbosom 吐露)(un+bosom胸→打开心胸→吐露)
unravel 解开;拆散(un+ravel纠缠)
词根词缀:arena, areni-
【来源及含义】Latin: harena; sand, sandy place, sea-shore; place of combat [literally, "place strewn with sand"]
【相关词根词缀】Other related "sand" units: amatho-; ammo-; silico-; thino-.
【同源单词】arena, arenaceous, arenarious, arenicole, arenicolite, arenicolous
词根词缀:capit-, capt-, cap-, cep-, ceps-, chapt-, chef, cip-
【来源及含义】Latin: head; leader, chief, or first
【相关描述】It may be surprising to see that a "captain" and a "chef" both belong to the same word family; however, a captain is, of course, the "head of a company of military soldiers", and a "chef is the captain of a group of cooks".
A chef, especially to those who love good food, is not a lowly official; and when it is remembered that the old saying that "an army travels on its stomach", a chef is every bit as important as a captain.
When the French borrowed words from Latin, they frequently used soft sounds. These French words, with their softer sounds, then made their way into the English language. At the same time, English borrowed words directly from Latin. So it is that in English we often have two words which share the same root, but which have different, though related, forms and meanings.
Don't confuse the words in this capit-, capt- unit with those in the cap-, cip-, "catch, seize" unit.
【同源单词】a capite ad calcem, achieve, achievement, achiever, acid rain, alopecia capitis totalis