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词根:-heredit-, -herit-


【词根来源】:-her-和-hes-来源于拉丁语动词haereo, haerere, haesi, haesus(粘着,粘附); haerere(粘着,粘附)的潜在意义还有两方面,一为“阻止”或“口吃”而造成说话做事不敏捷、不果断,此意义下的派生词haesitare(粘附,犹豫)产生的英语词根为-hesit-(犹豫);一为“粘附于上”→“继承,遗传”, 此意义下的派生词hereditare (继承,遗传)产生的英语词根有-heredit-和-herit-。

【同源单词】:hereditarian, hereditary, hereditism, heredity, heritable

词根:medit = ponder (思考)

meditate 思考

premeditate 预先思考

词根词缀:cred-, credit-, creed-

【来源及含义】Latin: believe, belief; faith; confidence; trust

【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "faith, trust; faithful, trusting; believe, belief": dox-; fid-.

【同源单词】accredit, accreditation, accredited, accrediting, Carpe diem, concredit

词根词缀:medita-, meditat-

【来源及含义】Latin: from meditatus; a form of meditare, to muse, to ponder; to think over, to consider; to think, to reflect

【同源单词】active meditation, Christian meditation, medical meditation, meditate, meditation, meditation therapy