词根:port = share 分
来源于拉丁语 portionem 意为share 分,它的同形异义词根是:port 运送, 携带;门。
1. apportion [给某物分份ap<ad(=to) +portion(=share)]
vt. 分配;分摊
apportionment n.分配;分摊
The judge apportioned the estate in equal shares to the survivors. 法官将财产分给了幸存者。
2. disproportion
n.不均衡,不均等 *dis(=not), pro(=according to)
disproportion in age 年龄的不均衡
3. disproportionate
adj.不均衡的,不成比例的 *dis(=not), pro(=according to)
pay that is disproportionate to the work done 与所做工作不成比例的薪水
4. proportion
n. 比例,比率;协调,均衡;部分,份儿;(pl.)面积;容积以使均衡;使协调;使成比例 *pro(=according to)
proportion of the expenditure to the income 支出占收入的比例
room of good proportions 布置得很协调的房间
large proportion of the earth's surface 地球表面的一大部分
a ship of majestic proportions 大容积轮船
direct/inverse proportion 正/反比例
5. proportional
adj. 成比例的;均衡的,协调的
proportional representation 比例代表制
6. portion
a portion of land 一块土地
a portion Of roast duck 一人份的烤鸭
词根:mand, mend = to order(命令), to entrust(委托)
来自拉丁语的mand,mend意为 to order,to entrust。同义词根有来自拉丁语的ordin,意为to order。
(*拉丁文mandare (= to command,to entrust)——英文字根字典)
1. mandatory (和命令有关mand (=order))
adj. 命令的;受委托的;强制的,义务的
The hour of morning exercise is mandatory during basic training.在基础训练期间必须保证晨练的时间。
2. commandeer (严厉命令com (=intensive) + mand(=order))
The FBI agent commandeered a private vehicle to chase the suspect.联邦调查局特工为追击嫌疑人征用一辆私家车。
3. commend (完全委托 com (=intensive) + mend (=entrust,order))
vt.sb + for +sth; sb + to +sb 称赞;赞赏;委托,托付
commendation n.称赞
commendable adj.值得称赞的
With some trepidation,I commended my young son to the boarding school's care.把我儿子托付给寄宿学校,我很担心。
4. remand (命令向后发送 re (=back) + mand (=order))
After having testified,the prisoner was remanded to his prison cell.罪犯在法庭上作证后被押回牢房候审。
5. command v.命令;指挥,统率;控制;博得;俯瞰 n.命令,指挥权;运用能力 *com (=intensive)
command the air /sea拥有制空/制海权;Great men command our respect.传人值得我们尊敬;The hill commands a fine view.这座小山的俯瞰视野很好;chain of command指挥系统;I am at your command.服从你的命令;command module (宇宙(指令舱;command post指挥所(缩写:C.P);have a good/great command of the English language 精通英语
6. commanding adj.指挥的;有权威架子的;居高临下的 *com (=together)
commanding officer 指挥官;commanding ship 指挥舰 ;in a commanding tone 以权威的口气;in a commanding position 站在指挥的位置上
7. commander n.指挥官;司令官;海军中校
commandant n.指挥官;司令
8. commandment n.戒律 *com (=together)
the Ten Commandments [基督教]十诚
9. commando n.突击队(员) *com (=together)
10. countermand v.取消,撤回(命令等)*counter (=against)
11. demand v./n.要求;需要 *de (= down)
demand an apology from her要求她道歉
12. recommend v.推荐,举荐;劝说,劝告;使受欢迎 *re (= again),com (=intensive)
Behavior of this sort will not recommend you.那样的行为使你无法获得别人的好感。
13. recommendation n.推荐,举荐;劝告;推荐信;长处 *re (= again),com (=intensive)
letter of recommendation 推荐信
14. reprimand v./n.申斥,斥责 *re (=again),pri<press(=press)
15. mandamus n./v.(上级法院向下级法院发布的)执行令
16. mandarin n.(中国旧时的)官吏;中国官话(普通话的旧称);(作品风格的)繁复晦涩
mandarin prose of some civil servants(一些公务员写的繁复晦涩的文章)
mandarin duck 鸳鸯
mandarin orange 柑橘
词根:draw = pull, 表示”拉”
drawdack n. 障碍,缺点(draw+duck→[把人]拉回来→缺点)
drawl v. 拉长语调说话
withdraw v. 撤回,缩回(with向后+draw→向后拉→撤回)
后缀:-ling ①[名词后缀]
birdling 小鸟,幼鸟
catling 小猫
pigling 小猪
wolfling 小狼,狼崽
duckling 小鸭
gosling 小鹅
seedling 幼苗,籽苗
princeling 小君主
starveling 饥饿的人
weakling 体弱的人
hireling 被雇的人
underling 部下,下属
nurseling 乳婴,乳儿
suckling 乳儿,乳兽
fondling 被宠爱者
witling 假装聪明的人
earthling 世人,凡人,俗人
fingerling 一指长的小鱼
cageling 笼中鸟
yearling 一岁的动物
firstling 初产的动物
fatling 养肥备宰的幼畜
worldling 凡人,世俗之徒
youngling 年轻人,幼小,动物,幼苗
darkling 在黑暗中(的)
sideling 斜向一边(的)
词根词缀:anseri-, anser-
【来源及含义】Latin: geese [as well as swans and ducks]
【同源单词】anser, anserated, anseres, anseriform, Anseriformes, Anserinae