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词根:lat = to carry(带来), to bear(搬运, 担负)

  在常用的translate,relate,superlative和legislate中,词根lat 来自拉丁动名词latum 意为to carry ,to bear,与fer来源相同。其实,lat正是不规则拉丁动词ferre的动名词词干。由于lat的形态与fer想去甚远,又有相当强的孳

生能力,所以词根lat是比较常用的。同义词根有来自拉丁语的ger/gest,port,veh/vect 和来自希腊语的phor/pher。


1. collate(一起搬运col<com(=together) + lat (= carry))
  collation n.对照
  After collating the data sets,the scientist realized the experimental medicine was ineffective. 对照了数据之后,科学家得知那种实验药物不起作用。

2. dilate(分别、远远地搬运 di<dis(=apart,away) + lat(=carry))
  vt.使膨胀,使扩大 vi.使扩大,膨胀;详述,细说
  dilation n.膨胀,扩大;详述
  The ophthalmologist dilated my pupils for the eye exam. 为了检查视力,眼科医生为我做了散瞳。

3. elated(向外、向上搬运的 e<ex(=out,up) + lat(=carry))
  elation n.喜气洋洋
  elate v.使兴奋,使兴高采烈
  I was elated to learn i'd been accepted at the university of my choice. 得知我被报考的大学录取之后,我十分高兴。

4. latent(抱着的lat(=carry,bear))
  latency n.潜在,潜伏
  Freud said infants may harbor latent hostility for their mothers when they stop nursing. 弗罗德曾说过,幼儿断奶后会对他们的母亲怀有一种潜在的敌意。

5. dilatory
  adj.缓慢的;拖延的 *di(=apart,away)
  The filibuster is an effective tool in dilatory campaingns. 以冗长的演说(在议会中)阻碍议事是一种有效的拖延手段。

6. oblate
  adj.扁圆的 *ob(=to, toward)
  The earth is an oblate sphere. 地球是一个扁圆形的球体。

7. oblation
  n.向神供奉;奉献物 *ob(=to,toward)

8. prelate
  n.高级教士(如 archbishop,bishop,metropolitan,patriarch) *pre(=before)

9. relate
  v.叙述,讲;使联系;有关 *re(=again)
  I am not related to him in any way. 我和他没有任何关系。

10. relation
  n.陈述,叙述;关系,关联;(pl.)(人、团体、国家等的)关系;联系;交往 *re(=again)
  diplomatic relations 外交关系
  public relations 公共关系
  public relations officer 公共关系人员(缩写:PRO)

11. relationship
  n.关系;联系;浪漫关系;血缘关系;感情关系 *re(=again)
  His affair with Susan has developed into a lasting relationship. 他和苏珊的恋情已经发展为持久的感情关系。
  degree of relationship 亲等

12. relative
  adj.比较的,相对的;(~to) 和...有关系的
  n.[语]关系词;亲戚 *re(=again)
  relatively adv.比较地,相对地
  relativity n.(爱因斯坦的)相对论
  in relative comfort 相对合适地
  papers relative to the case 和案件相关的文件

13. correlate
  v.关联;使相互关联 *cor<com(=together),re(=again)
  Her research correlates with his. 她的研究和他有一定的关联。
  correlate psychology with political sceience 把心理学和政治学联系起来

14. correlation
  n.相互关系;相关性 *cor<com(=together),re(=again)
  correlation between climate and vegetation 气候和植被间的相互关系

15. correlative
  adj.相互关联的,相关的 n.[语]关联词 *cor<com(=together),re(=again)
  correlative words 关联词
  correlative conjunction 关联连词

16. interrelate
  v.(使)相互联系 *inter(=between) ,re(=again)
  interrelated studies 相关的科学(如政治学、哲学、经济学等)

17. interrelation
  n.相互关系 *inter (=between),re(=again)
  interrelationship n.相互关系

18. superlative
  n.最好的人(或物);顶峰;[语]最高级 *super(=above)
  superlative degree 最高级
  speak in superlatives 说话夸张
  The subject of all these superlatives was plain old Miller. 受到最高赞誉的人是平凡的老米勒。

19. translate
  v.翻译;解释;调动;(圣经中)肉体不死而升天 *trans (=change,through)
  translatable adj.可译的
  translator n.翻译者

20. translation
  n.翻译;解释 *trans (=change,through)
  errors in translation 翻译错误
  literal/close translation 直译
  read Milton in translation 阅读米尔顿作品的译本

21.制定法律 *leg(=law)
  legislation n.立法,法律的制定;法律
  legislator n.立法者,国会议员
  legislature n.立法机关;<美>州议会
  legislate against gambling 制定禁赌法案

22. latitude
  n.纬度(<-->longitude 经度);(pl.)地区,地带;(活动、见解、思想等的)范围,自由;(胶片)曝光宽容度,曝光时限 *lat(=carry,wide)
  latitudinal adj.纬度的
  north/south latitude 北纬/南纬
  high/low latitudes 高/低纬度地区
  cold /warm latitude 寒带地区
  Does the South Korean government allow much latitude in political belief ? 韩国政府在政治信仰方面给予国民很大的自由度吗?

23. latitudinarian
  adj./n. (特指在宗教信仰、教理方面)不拘泥于教条的(人),宽容的(人) *lat (=carry,wide)

24. ablation
  n.除去;切除(搬走)《ab- = away》.

25. illation
  n.推论;结论(被带到内部的东西)《il- = in- = in》

26. ventilate
  v.使通风;以空气净化;自由讨论(把风带进来)《venti =wind》
  ventilation n.通风;通风设备;自由讨论

27. delay
  v.延期;延缓 n.耽搁 (运往远处)《de- = dis- = apart》


① 表示“在…下”

underground 地下的(under+ground地)

underwrite 在…下面写(under+write写)

underline 划线于…下(under+line线,在字底下划线,引申为强调)

undersea 在海底(under+sea海)

undermine 破坏,损坏(under+mine挖→挖墙角)

underling 下属(under+ling小人物→下属)

underclothing 内衣裤(under+clothing衣服)

underwear 内衣(under+wear穿衣服)

② 表示“不足,不够”

underestimate 估计不足(under+estimate估计)

underplay 对…轻描淡写(under+play玩→没玩够→说得不够的)

underpopulated 人口稀少的(under+populated有人住的)

underdeveloped 不发达的(under+developed发展→发展不够)

undersized 不够大的(under+sized大的→不够大的)

③ 表示“副手”

underagent 副代理人(under+agent代理人)

underofficer 下级官员(under+officer官员)



underground 地下的

underworld 下层社会

underfoot 在脚下

underwrite 写于...之下

undersea 在海底

underlay 置于...之下

underline 划线于...之下

underside 下侧,下面


underclothing 内衣裤

underthings 女子内衣裤

undershirt 贴身内衣

underskirt 衬裙

undervest 贴身内衣

underpants 内裤,衬裤

underwear (总称)内衣

undershorts 短衬裤


underpay 付资不足

underproduction 生产不足

underestimate 估计不足

underdress 穿衣太少

undermanned 人员不足的

underfed 喂得太少的

undersized 不够大的

underwork 少做工作

underdeveloped 不发达的

underpopulated 人口稀少的


undersecretary 次长、副部长

underagent 副代理人

词根词缀:morpho-, morph-, -morphous, -morphically, -morphia, -morphosis, -morphously, -morphy, -morphic, -morphism

【来源及含义】Greek: shape, form, figure, appearance

【相关描述】The Roman god of sleep is Somnus; so, when we are sleepy, we are "somnolent". Sleep walking is "somnambulism" which in Latin means exactly the same thing; that is, "sleepwalking".

The son of Somnus is Morpheus, the god of dreams, indicating that sleep gives birth to dreams. Morpheus goes back through Latin to the Greek word for "form" or "shape" because dreams are forms and shapes developed in the mind while sleeping.

【相关词根词缀】 Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "form, shape, appearance": eido-; figur-; form-; icono-; ideo-; imag-; -oid; typo-.

【同源单词】acrostomorphilia, actinomorphic, actinomorphous, actinomorphy, adelomorphous, aeromorphosis