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词根词缀:dento-, dent-, denta-, dentino-, denti-, dentin-

【来源及含义】Latin: tooth, teeth

【相关词根词缀】 Related "tooth, teeth" word units: bruxo-; odonto-.

【同源单词】bident, bidentate, dandelion, dental, dentate, denticle


【来源及含义】Latin: from -icalis, a suffix that forms adjectives from nouns; of or having to do with; having the nature of; constituting or being; containing or made up of; made by or caused by; like, characteristic of; art or system of thought; chemical terms

【同源单词】abdominovesical, abiological, ableptical, academical, acarological, acarologically

词根词缀:mechano-, mechan-; mechanico-; machin-

【来源及含义】Greek makhana, machana > Latin machina: machine, device, tool; an apparatus for applying mechanical power to do work; mekhanikos > machynen, decide a course of action, contrive, plot contrivance; a machine or the workings of machines

【同源单词】aeromechanics, agricultural mechanics, backyard mechanic, biomechanical, biomechanics, dentomechanical