词根:hod(od) = way, road
来自丁语的hod 意为way,road,其变形为od。
1. exodus(走上外出的道路 ex(=out) + od<hod(=way))
n.(大批)的出走,迁出;(the E~) 古代以色列入出埃及;(E~)基督教《圣经》中的《出埃及记》
After the earthquake,an exodus of peasants from the decimated city clogged the highways. 地震后,大批从遭到破坏的城市中逃离的农民堵塞了公路。
2. methodical(端正地走路的met<meta (=intensive,change,beyond) + hod(=way))
method n.条理,秩序;方法
methodology n.方法论,方法学
Science can be defined as a methodical approach to knowledge acquisition. 科学可以被定义为一种系统获取知识的方法。
3. anode
n.(电子管的、电解槽等的)阳极,(干电池、蓄电池等的)正极 *an<ana(=up),od<hod(=way,road)
4. cathode
n.(电池的)阴极,负极 *cat,cata(=down)
cathode ray (雷达、电视等使用的)阴极射线
5. odometer
n.(汽车等的)里程表 od<hod(=way,road),meter(=measure)
6. period
n.期间;周期;时代,时期;(学校的)学时,一节(课);句号;疾病的期间(周期);经期 *peri(=around),od<hod(=way,road)
transition period 过渡期
the second period 第二节课
period of incubation 潜伏期
7. periodic
n.周期的;定期的 *peri(=around),od<hod(=way,road)
periodic attacks of malaria 疟疾的周期性发作
periodic revolution of a heavenly body 天体的周期运转
periodic table (元素)周期表
8. periodical
n.期刊(期刊除外) adj.定期发行;期刊的;周期的;定期的 *peri(=around),od<hod(=way,road)
9. synod
n.宗教会议 *syn(=together),od<hod(=way,road)
【来源及含义】Latin: one and a half; normally used as a prefix; from Latin, semis “half” + que “and”
【相关描述】In chemistry, three atoms or equivalents of the [specified] element or radical are combined with two of another, as in iron sesquioxide, Fe 2O3. Also defined as the proportion of two (of one radical or element) to three (of another).
【同源单词】hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian, hippopotomonstrosesquipedalianism, hippopotomonstrosesquipedalianist, hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, hyperpolysyllabicsesquipedalianist, sesquialteral
词根词缀:sol-, -sol
【来源及含义】Latin: base, ground, soil, bottom; the lowest part of something; sole of the foot or a shoe
【相关描述】Soil orders are named by adding the suffix -sol to a root word, as shown in the table of the United States Soil Taxonomy and the soil classification system of the Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO (agency of the United Nations).
Many of the applicable soilwords which are listed and defined in this unit do not use the -sol suffix; however, they are included because they are essential parts of the major listings of the U.S. Soil Taxonomy and the Food and Agriculture Organization presentations.
The soil groups are based on extensive sets of field and laboratory observations and on extensive technical criteria.
【同源单词】Acrisol, Albeluvisol, Albolls, Alfisol, Alisol, Andisol