词根:clud, clus(clos, clois, claus, clot) = to shut(关闭)
clud,clus是同源异形根,来源于拉丁动词claudere意为to shut(关闭)。clud来自不定式词干claud,常见于英语动词;clus 来自动名词词干claus,多见于相应的名词和形容词。clos,clois,claus,clot 是它们的变形。
1. conclusive(一起关闭的 con<com(=together) + clus(=shut) + -ive)
conclude v.下结论
conclusion (conclude 的对应名词:conclus = to conclude 结束,决定;-ion n. = the act or result 表示行为或结果 --> " the act result of concluding 结束,决定的行为或结果" -->)n.结论
conclusively adv.决定性地,最终地
The investigator presented conclusive evidence that the criminial was guilty. 那位调查员出示了确凿的证据,证明那个犯人有罪。
2. preclude(事先关上、关押起来pre(=before) + clud(=shut))(pre预先,提前+clud关闭+e→提前关闭→阻止)
vt. 阻止,妨碍;排除;防止
preclusion n.排除;妨碍;防止
preclusive adj.排除的;妨碍的;防止的
Some medical conditions preclude getting facial cosmetic surgery. 某些医疗条件妨碍脸部整形手术的进行。
3. recluse(不露面,躲在里面过着封闭的生活 re(=back) + clus(=shut))
My aunt is agoraphobic and something of a recluse. 我姑姑有广场恐惧症,活得像个隐士。
4. seclusion(脱离,过着封闭的生活se(=away) + clus(=shut))
seclude v.隔绝;使隐退 (se分开+clud关闭+e→分开关→隐居的)
secluded adj.隔绝的;隐退的;偏僻的
She went into seclusion after the traffic death of her toddler. 自从她那蹒跚学步的孩子死于车祸后,她便过起了隐居的生活。
5. exclude (ex-(=out 外) + clud(=to shut关闭) + -e --> " to shut out 关在外面 " )
exclusion n.拒绝;排除
exclude all possibility of doubt 排除一切怀疑的可能性
6. exclusive
adj.排除的,除外的;孤傲的;(集团、团体)排他的;(商品)独家经营的;独占的,唯一的 *ex(=out)
exclusively adv.专有地;排他地;独占地
exclusive economic zone 专属经济区(缩写:EEZ)
exclusive right 专有权
7. include (in- (= in 内) + clud (= to shut 关闭) + -e -->" to shut in 关闭在内 " -->)
v.包含,算入 *in(=in)
inclusion n.包含,算入
This atlas contains fifty maps,including six of North America. 这本地图册共由50幅地图组成,其中包含6张北美地图。
postage included 包含邮资
8. including
prep. 包含,包括 *in(=in)
There are seven of us including myself. 把我算在内共有7个人。
9. inclusive
adj. (~of)包括的,包含的
inclusively adv.包括地,在内地
five inclusive of the driver 包括司机共5个人
10. disclose (dis分开,打开+clos关闭+e→把关的打开→揭发)
v.揭露,暴露,揭开,透露;分开 *dis(=not)
refuse to diclose one's name and address 拒绝透露姓名和地址
11. disclosure
n.暴露,透露;公开;被揭发的事 *dis(=not)
12. enclose (en进入+clos关闭+e→被关起来→包围)
v.围绕,(用围墙或栅栏等)围起来;封(信);放入(纸袋、包裹),封入 *en(=in)
A check for 50 dollars is enclosed. 附上一张50美元的支票。
Enclosed please find a check for 50 dollars . 请收下附上的50美元支票。
13. enclosure
enclosure of common land 用围栏圈起一块公有土地
14. close (close=clos关闭→靠拢→近的→接近)
close a deal 成交
close call/thing/shave 侥幸脱险
close cut 捷径
close friend 密友
close relatives 近亲
close election/contest/match /finish 势均力敌的选举/竞争/比赛/结局
You are very close. 你已经接近正确答案了。
in close order 以密集队形
15. closed
Closed today. 今日停业
closed-door 秘密的,非分开的 <-->open-door 公开的
closed primary 仅由一个政党的成员参加的预选
16. closing
adj.结尾的,结束的;闭会的 n.密封,封闭;终结,结束;结算
closing date 截止时间
closing address 闭幕词
17. closeness
the closeness of a resemblance 非常想像
18. closely
listen closely 倾听
closely contested election 势均力敌的选举
19. closure (clos关闭+ure表名词→close的名词)
pit closures 闭坑
20. closet (clos关闭+et小东西→关的小东西→壁橱)
n. 壁橱;(旧用法)私室;书斋;厕所 adj.私人的;空谈的;关起门来的;秘密的
v.把...引进私室密谈 *et(=small)
closet thinker/strategist 纸上谈兵的空想家/战略家
closet theory 空谈理论
He was closeted with his advisor for two hours. 他和他的导师密谈了两小时。
21. cloture
n.结束;截止 v.结束辩论 *clot<clos(=shut)
22. cloister
n.修道院;(修道院、大教堂等的后院围成四角形的)有房顶的回廊;(the ~)隐居生活
v.使居于修道院中 *clois<clos(=shut)
live a cloistered life 过修道院的隐居生活
23. clause
penal clause 处罚条款
clause by clause 逐条地
subordinate clause 从句
24. claustrophobia
n.幽闭恐怖(症) *phob(=fear)
25. mare clausum
n.领海(<-->mare liberum 公海) *mar(=sea)
26. occlude (oc一再+clude=clud关闭→一再关起来不畅通→堵塞)
词根:test = witness(证据)
来自拉丁语的testis意为 witness。
1. detest(在眼前看到脱离正常的事物 de(=from) + test(=witness)
vt. 厌恶,憎恶
detestation n.厌恶,憎恶
detestable adj.令人厌恶的
Many children detest the taste of Brussels sprouts. 许多小孩子都讨厌芽甘蓝的味道。
2. attest
v.证明,证实,是...的证据;(使)发誓 *at<ad(=to)
attest a signature 证明签名是真的
fests which attest to his strength of will 可证明他坚强意志的功绩
3. contest
n.竞争,竞赛;争论,论战,争辩 v.竞赛,争夺,竞争;争辩 *con<com(=together)
contestant n.竞争对手,竞争者
beauty / musical /speech contest 选美比赛/音乐比赛/演讲比赛
three-round featherweight contest (拳击)三轮的次轻量级选手比赛
4. intestate
adj.未留遗嘱的 *in(=not)
die intestate 死时未留遗嘱
5. pretest
n.预备考试 *pre(=before)
6. protest
v.抗议,提出异议;断言,主张 n.抗议,异议;主张 *pro(=forth,forward)
protest movement 抗议运动
protest march 抗议游行
7. protestation
n.断言,声明,主张 *pro(=forth,forward)
protestations of innocence /friendship 声明无罪/友好宣言
8. protestant
adj. 新教的,新教徒的 n.新教徒
protestantism n.新教,新教教义
Protestant Reformation 新教改革
9. testament
n.遗嘱;(T~)(基督教的)圣约书(Old/New Testament)
testamentary adj.遗嘱的,据遗嘱的
10. testamur
adj./n. 留有遗嘱的(人)
testator n.立遗嘱者
testatix n.女遗嘱人
11. testicle
n.(pl.)睾丸 *cle(=small)
12. testify
v.作证,证实,是...的证据,证明 *ify(=make)
13. testimonial
14. testimony
give false testimony 作伪证
His poverty is a testimony to his innocence. 他的穷困证明他是清白的。
15. test
16. textile
adj.织物的 n.织物(的原料)
17. textual
adj. 本文的;原文的
18. texture
19. textural
20. context
n.上下文;某事的前后关联(使和本文在一起的)《con- = together》
21. contextual
22. contexture
23. subtle
adj.阴险的;微妙的;敏锐的(织法的精细)《sub- = beneath,closely》
24. pretext
n.藉口(眼前所编的话)《pre- = before》
25. subtlety
26. tissue
词根词缀:coct-, cocto-
【来源及含义】Latin: to cook, to boil; to prepare; to digest
【相关词根词缀】Closely related to the coqu-, cocu- family of "to cook, to ripen" words.
【同源单词】coction, coctoantigen, coctoimmunogen, concoct, concocted, concocter
词根词缀:coqu-, cocu-, coc-
【来源及含义】Latin: to cook, to prepare food, to ripen, to digest, to turn over in the mind
【相关词根词缀】Closely related to the coct- family of words.
【同源单词】biscuit, cook, cooker, cookery, cuisine, kitchen
【来源及含义】Latin: to make, to produce, to bring forth
【相关描述】The words in this creat- unit are closely related to the cresc- unit.
【同源单词】concreate, create, created, creating, creation, creationism
词根词缀:cresc-, -cret, -crease
【来源及含义】Latin: to become greater or larger in amount or size, to grow, to multiply; to reproduce
【相关描述】The words in this cresc- unit are closely related to the creat- unit.
【同源单词】accretion, accretion disk, accretive, accrue, accrued, concrete
词根词缀:crim-, crimino-
【来源及含义】Latin: judicial decision, verdict; object of reproach, judgement; legal offense, fault, accusation
【相关描述】Closely related to the cern- family of "separated, set apart" words.
【同源单词】crime, crime victim, criminal, criminal, criminal anthropology, criminality
【来源及含义】Latin: raw, not cooked; literally, trickling with blood, bleeding; raw, bloody, cruel
【相关描述】The terms, cruelty and crudeness are closely linked etymologically. Cruel came via Old French cruel from Latin crudelis, a relative of Latin crudus; which actually meant "cruel" as well as "raw" and "bloody".
【同源单词】crude, crudely, crudeness, crudity, cruel, cruelly
词根词缀:inter-, intero-
【来源及含义】Latin: between; among, mutually, together; on the inside, internal
【相关描述】Although abstracted from the many compounds in which it entered English, the form inter- was not generally considered a living prefix in English until the 1400s.
During the later period of Middle English many words borrowed in the Old and Middle French forms entre-, enter- began to be consciously respelled with Latin inter-; although vestiges of the older French borrowings are found in entertain and enterprise.
The living prefix inter- is now freely added to almost any element in English to create such formations with the meaning of "between" and "among". The words formed by intra- are closely related to this inter- prefix; in fact, they both apparently came from the same Latin source.
【相关词根词缀】 Related "together" units: com-; greg-; struct-. Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "internal organs, entrails, inside": ent-; enter-; fistul-; incret-; intra-; splanchn-; viscer-.
【同源单词】ad interim, anterointernal, Caput inter nubila condit, electrical interference, electron compound, inter canem et lupum
【来源及含义】Latin: within, inside, on the inside
【相关描述】Borrowed from late Latin intra-; closely related to inter-, "between". The use of intra- is largely a product of modern times, occurring in words of common and technical vocabulary, where once it was generally a term used in science and the academic world.
While some words are borrowings from Medieval and even Late Latin, few if any come from Classical Latin.
【相关词根词缀】Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "internal organs, entrails, inside": ent-; enter-; fistul-; incret-; inter-; splanchn-; viscer-.
【同源单词】Ab intra, abdominohysterotomy, Discere si cupias intra, endopelvic, international, intra muros