词根词缀:amplect-, amplexi-, amplex-
【来源及含义】Latin: embrace; clasp, clasping
【同源单词】amplectant, amplexation, amplexicaudate, amplexicaul, amplexicaulis, amplexifoliate
【来源及含义】Latin: clasp, brooch; outer bone of the leg
【同源单词】astragalofibular, digitofibular, fibula, fibular, fibulocalcaneal, infibulation
词根词缀:prehend-, prehens-
【来源及含义】Latin: to clasp, seize; reach, attain; hold, take
【同源单词】apprehend, apprehender, apprehending, apprehensible, apprehensibly, apprehension
词根词缀:rigi-, rig-
【来源及含义】Latin: stiff, hard, numb; to be frozen, to grow stiff with cold, to be chilled
【同源单词】acid rigor, calcium rigor, catatonic rigidity, cerebellar rigidity, clasp-knife rigidity, cogwheel rigidity