词根词缀:can-, cann-
【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: reed, pipe; the word for "reed" in Hebrew, Arabic, and Egyptian was kaneh; then the word element passed into Greek and Latin, and into the languages of western Europe
【相关词根词缀】 A cross reference of word units that are related, directly and/or indirectly, with "tube, pipe": aulo-; duc-, -duct (to lead, leading); fistul-; siphon-; syringo-; tub-.
【同源单词】canal, cane, canister, cannon, cannonarchy, cannonate
【来源及含义】Latin: a suffix; to act in a certain way; to treat in a certain way; to make into; to treat with; to do; to make; to cause
【相关描述】These word entries are just a small listing of the many words that exist with the -ize endings; so, be aware that there are many more words with this suffix which exist in this lexicon.
Another closely related suffix family with the same meanings, but a different spelling, is located at this -ise unit.
【同源单词】acidize, adrenalectomize, aestheticize, aggrandize, agonize, albumenize