词根:sequ, secut, su = to follow(跟随)
词根sequ来源于拉丁动词sequi;词根secut来源于其过去分词secutus,意为to follow,su为其变形。
1. consequence (con<com(=with)全部+sequ(=follow)连续→全部连续不断的跟随而来→结果,后果;重要性)
n. 结果,成果; [逻]结论; 重要性; 推论
consequent adj.作为结果发生的
consequential adj.作为结果发生的;重大的
consequently adv.所以,结果
Fifty-three people lost their homes as a consequence of the tornado. 那次龙卷风使53人失去了家园。
2. inconsequential(不一起跟随的 in (=not) + con<com(=with) + sequ(=follow))
An inconsequential number of people actually read my book. 只有极少数人认真地阅读了我的书。
3. obsequious(追随得让人感到碍碍脚的 ob(=in the way) + sequ(=follow))(ob加强+sequ跟随,追+ious……的→拼命跟随别人)
It's difficult for me to trust obsequious people. 我很难信任阿庚奉承的人。
4. subsequent(在下面或尾部接着发生的 sub(=under) + sequ( =follow))(sub在后面+sequ跟随,追+ent表形容词→随在后面的)
subsequently adv. 此后,其后,随后
subsequence n.后继
Subsequent tests revealed that she was suffering from pleurisy. 随后的检查结果表明她患上了肋膜炎。
5. persecute(坏事一直跟着per (=through,throughout) + secut(=follow)) (per始终+secut跟随,追+e→从头跟到尾→跟踪→迫害)
vt. 迫害;纠缠;为难
persecution n.迫害;纠缠
persecutor n.迫害者
I was persecuted for months by an IRS representative who said i owed more taxes. 几个月以来,我一直被一位美国国内收暑职员所纠缠,他说我欠缴更多税金。
6. prosecute (事物追踪行迹 pro(=before) + secut(=follow))(pro在前+secut追随+e→追随到[法院]前面→检举;指控)
prosecution n.起诉,告发;从事,经营;控方,原告;检察当局
prosecutor n.检察官;起诉人
The DA decided not to prosecute the young man,as it was his first offense. 鉴于那个年轻人是初犯,地方检察官决定不起诉他了。
7. ensue(紧接在某事物的后边发生 en (=intensive) + su<sequ(=follow))
vi. 随后发生;接着发生;因而发生
ensuing adj.接下来的,接着发生的
Widespread looting ensued after the race riot. 种族暴乱之后紧接着发生了大规模的掠夺。
8. inconsequent
adj.不一致的;不切题的 *in(=not) ,con<com(=with)
inconsequent remark 不切题的话
9. sequel
sequel to the novel 小说的续篇
in the sequel 后来
10. sequence (sequ跟随,追+ence表名词→跟随→连续)
sequent adj.连续的;继起的;作为结果而产生的
sequential adj.连续的,相继的,随之而来的;作为结果发生的
in regular sequence 按次序地,有条不紊地
in historical sequence 按照历史顺序
a sequence of had harvests 连续歉收
in alphabetical sequence 按照字母顺序
11. consecutive (con全部+secut跟随,追+ive ...的→一个接一个的) *con<com(=togehter)
consecutive holidays 连休
on five consecutive days 连续五天
12. execute (ex出去,即出去做+secut跟随,追+ecut<secut(=follow)→[判决]之后而来的就是执行)
executant n.实行者,执行者;演奏者
execute a plan 执行计划
execute a will 执行遗嘱
execute a murderer 处死杀人犯
13. execution (execute[v.执行, 实行, 完成, 处死]+ion表名词→n.实行, 完成, 执行)
n.(计划等的)实行,执行,履行;(作品等的)制作,完成;(音乐等的)演奏;技巧;(武器的)杀伤力,破坏效果;执行死刑,处决 *ex(=intensive),ecut<secut(=follow)
executioner n.死刑执行人
executor n.遗嘱执行人
execution by hanging 处以绞刑
a writ of execution 执行令
14. executive (execute[v.执行, 实行, 完成, 处死]+ive人→n.执行者, 经理主管人员)
adj.执行的;实行的;有执行权的;行政(上)的,行政性的 n.(the ~) (政府的)行政部门;执行官,(企业的)经理;主管领导
executive committee 执行委员
executive director 执行董事
Chief Executive 最高行政长官;<美>总统;州长
County Executive 县长
executive agreement (和他国政府间的)行政协定
executive officer 行政长官
executive order <美>总统的行政命令(一般写成 E.O.)
executive privilege (为保护机密而享有的)行政特权,总统特权
executive secretary 行政秘书,执行秘书
15. pursue (pur+su跟随,追+e→v.追赶, 追踪, 追击, 继续, 从事)
v.追赶,追踪,追击,纠缠;进行,执行;以...为目标,追求 *pur<pro(=forth,before)
persuer n.追赶者;追求者
persue a robber 追赶强盗
pursue pleasure 追求快乐
pursued by misfortune 被厄运纠缠
16. pursuit (pur+su跟随,追+it走→n.追击)
n.追赶,追击;追求;职业;消遣 *pur<pro(=forth,before)
a fox with the hounds in hot pursuit 被猎狗猛追的狐狸
17. pursuant
adj.遵循的 adv.相符地,一致地 *pur<pro(=forth,before)
pursuance n.追赶,追求;进行;遵循
pursuant to your instructions 依照您的指示
pursuant to Article 12 (依据第12条)
18. sue (su跟随,追+it走→跟在后面走→相配)
sue for a divorce/peace 提出离婚诉讼/请求和解
19. suit
n.控告,诉讼;恳求;一套外衣 v.适合;适当;合...的心意;相配
suiting n.西装料
suitable adj.合适的,适当的
bring a suit against somebody 对某人提出诉讼
criminal/civil suit 刑事诉讼/民事诉讼
20. suitor
21. suite
dinning-room suite 一款餐厅家具
lounge/bedroom suite 一套休息室/卧室家具
computer suite 计算机套装软件
22. unsuitable (un不+suitable[adj.适当的, 相配的]→adj.不适合的, 不相称的)
adj.不适合的, 不相称的
23. suitable (suit[v.合适, 适合, 相配]+able……的→adj.适当的, 相配的)
adj.适当的, 相配的
24. secondary (second第二+ary……的→adj.次要的, 二级的, 中级的, 第二的)
adj.次要的, 二级的, 中级的, 第二的
25. second (second=sequ跟随,追→次等的→第二→秒[分为小时第一等级,秒为二])
26. second (second=sequ跟随,追→次等的→第二→秒[分为小时第一等级,秒为二])
27. ensue
v.随起;结果(继续~)(en- = in- = upon)
词根:ger, gest(gist) = to carry(运、载)
来源于拉丁语的ger,gest是一对同源异形根,意为 to carry,to bear,其中,ger 是拉丁动词 gerere的不定式词干;gest 是这个动词的动名词词干,其意思相当于to carry(运送,携带,传送)。在英语中ger只出现于
belligerent(交战中的),congeries (堆积)和gerund(动名词)等单词中;gest却有很强的孳生能力。词根的变形为gist。同义词根有来源于拉丁语的fer,lat,port,veh/vect 和来自希腊语的phor/pher。
1. congest(一起搬运 con<com(=together) + gest (=carry,bear))
congestion n.拥挤;充血
congested adj.拥挤的;充血的
A number of large vehicles congested the bridge. 众多大型车辆使大桥拥堵。
2. belligerent(带来战争的 bell (=war) + ger(=carry))
adj.战争的,交战中的,好战的 n.交战国;参加斗殴的人(或组织)
belligerency n.交战状态,好战性 cf.bellicose 好战的
Son,i can't tolerate much more of your belligerent attitude. 孩子,我实在不忍受你好斗的态度了。
3. digest(di- < dis-(=away)离;gest = to carry 运送 --> " to carry away 运走或取去" --> " to take in 吸进来")
v.消化;领悟;做...的摘要 n.概要,摘要,纲要
digestible adj.可消化的
4. digestion
food hard/easy of digestion 难/易于消化的食物
have a good / poor digestion 消化力强/弱
5. digestive
adj.消化的 *di<dis(=away,apart)
digestive system 消化系统
suffer from digestive trouble 消化不良
6. exaggerate (ex出+ag=ad+ger带来,表达+ate表动词→表达太过分)
v.夸张,夸大 *ex(=out),ag<ad(=intensive)
7. exaggerated
adj.夸张的,夸大的 *ex(=out),ag<ad(=intensive)
He has an exaggerated sense of his own importance. 他过于看重自己。
8. exaggeration
story full of exaggerations 充满夸张的故事
It is no exaggeration to say that 说...一点也不夸张
9. gerund
10. gestation
11. gesticulate
gesticulation n.手势,示意动作;做示意动作、手势
12. gesture
n.手势,示意动作 v.用手势、动作示意
gesture of refusal 表示拒绝的手势
13. ingest
v.摄取(食物)等 *in(=into)
14. nonbelligerent
n.非交战国 adj.非交战国的 *non (=not) ,bell(=war)
15. suggest(sug<sub = under 在...下面;gest = to carry 送--> " to carry ( some idea) from under 从下面呈上(某种想法)" --> " to bring up for consideration 提出以供参考" )(请注意:本实例中带sug的单词意思
v.提议,建议;暗示;使想起,使联想到 *sug<sub(=under)
suggestible adj.易受影响的;可建议的
16. suggestion
n.提议,建议;暗示,启发;示意;联想;细微的迹象 *sug<sub(=under)
suggestion(s) -box 建议箱
hypnotic suggestion 催眠暗示作用
not even a suggestion of fatigue 没有一点疲劳的迹象
suggestion of blue in the gray 蓝灰色中还有一丝微蓝
17. suggestive
adj.暗示的;启发的,示意的;引起联想的,使想起...的;挑动色情的 *sug<sub(=under)
suggestive remarks 暗示的话
suggestive jokes 挑动色情的笑话
18. register
n.(出生、船籍的)登记簿;记录,登记,注册;(速度、现金出纳等的)自动登录机,收银机;通风调节设备 v.记录,注册,登记;用挂号方式邮寄;流露(感情等);(温度计等)显示,(机器)标示,记录 *re
register of voters 选举人名簿
cash register 收银机
register one's car /the birth of a child /a new trademark 给车登记/给孩子办理出生登记/注册新商标
19. registered
regustered desugb / trademark /letter/mail 注册图案/注册商标/挂号信/挂号邮件
registered nurse 注册护士(有证书的护士)(缩写:RN)
20. registrar
n.(美国大学里从事学生注册、核发成绩证明书、学籍管理等工作的)注册主任;户籍员 *re(=back),gist,gest(=carry,bear)
Registrar's Office (美国大学的)学籍科
21. registration
registration number (汽车)牌照号码
registration fee 注册费,登记费
22. registry
marriage at a registry (office) (不举行婚礼的)登记结婚
词根:fer = to carry(拿), to bring(带来), to bear(负担,
来源于拉丁语 ferre 的不定式词干这个根的含义在不同的派生词里略有差异,可以用这三个词来概括它的含义to carry(拿),to bring(带来),to bear(负担,生产)。词根lat与fer 都来源于拉丁语的ferre,lat 来自该词的不规
则过去分词,两个词根可以一起学习。同义词根有来源于拉丁语的ger/gest,port,veh/vect 等和来源希腊语的phor/pher等。
1. confer(带着某物搬运或一起搬运 con<com(=with,together) + fer(=carry))
vt. sth + on + sb 授予,赠与
vi. with + sb;about + sth 协商;比较,参看(缩写:cf.)
conference n. 协商,商谈
conferment n.授予
Please confer with your academic advisor before enrolling in the course. 在选修这门课之前,请先向你们的导师咨询一下。
2. deference(向下搬运 de(=down) + fer(=carry))
defer v.顺从,服从;表示敬意;延期
deferential adj.恭敬的
deferentially adv. 恭敬地
deferment n.延期
The judge gets cranky if the attorneys don't show her proper deference. 如果律师没有表现出诚挚的敬意,法官就会变得很苛刻。
3. infer(在里面搬运 in(=in) + fer(=carry))
vt. (根据事实)推广理,推断,推定;暗示;意味着
inference n.推论;推断
inferential adj.推论的,推理的
inferable n.能推理的, 能推论的 (infer[v.推论,推断]+able能……的→adj.能推理的, 能推论的)
I infer from your dour expression that you're angry with me. 你脸色阴沉,可以推断你生我的气了。
4. opprobrium(和某人敌对,向前搬运 op<ob(=against) + pro(=forth) + br<fer(=carry))
opprobrious adj. 侮辱的,辱骂的;丢脸的,差耻的
Many Republicans said that Clinton brought unprecedented opprobrium to his office. 很多共各党人说,克林顿给他的职位带来了前所未有的耻辱。
5. preferment(向前搬运pre(=before) + fer(=carry))
He is a gentleman who never sought preferment at the cost of personal integrity. 他是一位绝不会牺牲自己的正直而谋求晋升的绅士。
6. proffer(朝着某个东西向前输送pr<pro(=forward) + of <ob(=toward) + fer(=carry))(pro向前+ffer=fer带来,拿来→带到前面去→贡献出来)
n. 提供;提议
We proffered our services as house painters to all our neighbors that summer. 那年夏天我们帮助所有的邻居粉刷了房子。
7. vociferous(出声的 voc(=call,voice) + fer(=carry))
vociferate v.叫喊
vociferation n.吵闹,高喊
The protestors made a vociferous but unsuccessful demonstration in the street. 抗议者们在街上大喊着抗议示威,但却没有取得成功。
8. fertile(可以搬运的,可还来的fer (=carry))
fertilize v.使肥沃;使受精
fertility n.肥沃,多产性;生殖力;丰富
fertilizer n.(化学)肥料
ertilization n.施肥;肥沃
Some people seem to have been born with a fertile imagnation. 有些人似乎天生就具有丰富的想像力。
9. indifference(搬运时注意使不脱离 in(=not) + dif<dis(=away) + fer(=carry))
indifferent adj.不关心的;无关紧要的;平凡的
It's hard to be in love with you when you show me only indifference. 你对我如此冷淡,我很难爱上你。
10. afferent
adj.[解]传人的 *af<ad(=to ,toward)
efferent 传出的
11. circumference
n. 周围,周边;圆周;周长 *circum(=around)
the circumference of the earth 地球的周长
12. differ (dif不同+fer带来→带来不同→不同)
v.不同,区别;意见不同 *dif<dis(=away,apart)
13. difference
n.差异,相异,不同,(量、程度、方式等的)差别;(意见的)分歧,不和 *dif<dis(=wawy,apart)
make a difference 区别对待;起重要作用
make no difference 没有差异;无关紧要
That makes all the difference 那使情况截然不同
14. different
adj.不同的,相异的;各种的;个别的;与众不同的,独特的 *dif<dis(=wawy,apart)
differently adv.不同地
at different times 在不同的时期
Different nations have different customs. 不同的民族有不同的风俗。
It's a different natter. 那是另一码事。
tobacco that is different 特别的烟草
15. differentiate (different[adj.不同的]+iate做→v.区分,区别;[使]不同)
v.区别,区分 *dif<dis(=wawy,apart)
differentiation n.区别
differentiate varieties of plants 区分各种植物
differentiate between pupils 对学生区别对待
16. differential
differential tariffs 差别关税
differential diagnosis [医]鉴别诊断
differential gear 差动齿轮
differential calculus [数]微分学(integral calculus 积分学)
differential coefficient 导数
differential equation 微分方程
wage differential 工资差异
17. interfere
v.干涉,干预;(工作、事情等)相冲突;打扰,妨碍 *inter(=between)
interfering old lady 爱管闲事的老太婆
18. interference
n.干涉;妨碍 *inter(=between)
interference in internal affairs 干涉内政
19. offer (of一再+fer带来,拿来→一再带来→提供)
v. 提供,提出;提议;备有...出售;出价;施加;贡献,奉献
n.提议;提供;开价;报价;奉献 *of<ob(=to ,toward)
offer an opinion 提出意见
offer $500,000 for a house 房子要价50万美元
You offer. 你出个价吧。
accept/decline an offer 接受/拒绝一项提议
special offer 特价优惠
20. offering (offer[v.提供,提议,出现 n.出价,提议,意图]+ing表名词→n.报盘,提供的货物)
n.提议;提供;(向神)贡献;祭品,供品;捐款 *of<ob(=to ,toward)
offering of bribes 行贿
offering plate (教会的)损款盘
21. offertory
n.(礼拜时的)献金 *of<ob(=to ,toward)
22. prefer
v.宁愿(选择),更喜欢;提出(控告等);<古>提升,提拔 *pre(=before)
prefer a charge against a motorist 控告汽车驾驶人
23. preferable
adj.更好的,更可取的 *pre(=before)
preferably adv.宁愿,宁可
Poverty is preferable to ill health. 贫穷总比得病强。
24. preference
n.更喜爱,偏爱;偏爱的事物,优选物;优先(权);(关税的)特惠 *pre(=before)
have a preference for French novels 更喜欢法国小说
What are your preferences ?你更喜欢什么?
25. preferential
adj.优先的,优先提供(或接受)的;(关税等)特惠的 *pre(=before)
get preferential treatment 获得优待
preferential voting
26. refer (refer[v.参考,查询;提到,引用,涉及;提交,上呈]+ee人→被双方提及的人→裁判)
v.谈及;查询;参考;把...归因于 *re(again)
referable adj. 可归因于...的
27. reference
n.查阅;参照,参考;谈及;委托;推荐信;参考文献,参考资料 *re(=again)
referential adj.参照的,参考用的;与...有关的
reference book 参考书(如词典、百科全书等)
excellent references from former employers 前雇主的特别推荐
28. referendum
n.公民投票 *re(=again)
29. referee
n.(比赛的)裁判员 v.裁判 *re(=again)
referee a football match 担任足球赛的裁判
30. suffer
v.承受(痛苦、损害等),经受,经历(不快的事),遭受;忍受 *suf<sub(=under)
sufferer n.承受痛苦的人;患者;受难者
sufferable adj.可忍受的,可容忍的
suffer from headaches. 头疼
31. suffering
n.(身心的)痛苦;(pl.)苦难;令人痛苦的事 *suf<sub(=under)
the sufferings of Jews 犹太民族的苦难
32. sufferance
n.忍受,忍耐 *suf<sub(=under)
on sufferance 勉强的
33. transfer (trans变换,交换+fer带→转移过去→转学,转移)
轮;转让证书;转学证书;转队证书;调职者,调任者;转学生;调换部队者;(股票等的)过户;过户凭单 *trans(=over,through)
transference n.转移,传递,传输;(职务等的)调动,市调任;(财产等的)转让,让与;[心]移情
transfer fee 搬运费
transfer ticket 渡轮票
34. transferable
adj.可转移的;可流通的;可转让的,可转换的 *trans ( =over,through)
transferable accounts 可转拨账户
Railway tickets are nto transferable. 火车票是不可转让的
35. infertile
adj.不肥沃的,贫瘠的,不毛的;不结果的,不生育的 *in(=not)
infertile eggs 未受精卵
36. odoriferous (odori=odor气味+fer带来,拿来+ous……的→带来气味的)
37. floriferous(flori=flor花+fer带来,拿来+ous……的→带来花→有花的)
38. auriferous (auri(aurum) = gold 金;-ferous ad.= bearing 含...的 -->)
adj.bearing of yielding gold 含金的:auriferous ore 金矿
39. luminiferous (lumini (lumen) = light 光;-ferous adj. = bearing 产...的-->)
adj.giving light 发光的:luminiferous insects 发光的昆虫
40. somniferous (somni (somnus) = sleep 睡眠;-ferous adj. = bearing 产...的,导致......的-->)
adj. bringing to sleep 催眠的:somniferous medicine 催眠药。
词根:act, ag = to do, to drive (做, 驱使)
词根 ag 来自拉丁动词 agere 的词干部分,意思相当于英语的 to do (做)或to drive(驱使)。act 是个英语核心单词,其实它的前身 act 是ag的同源异形词根,来自agere(过去分词actus) 的动名词形式 actum 的词干部分,基本含义也是to do 或to drive。
1. act
1. do something 行动:to act at once 立刻行动;2. function 起作用:The brakes wouldn't act. 刹车失录。3.take part in a play or film 扮演:Who is acting Hamlet ? 谁演哈姆雷特?
actor n.男演员;行动者
actress n.女演员
re-act v.重做,再做;重演,再演
overact v.演得过于夸张
2. action
n. 1. process of doing,or deed 行动,活动:Actions speak louder than words. 行动比语言更有说服力。
2. result of doing ,or effect 作用:the action of an acid on metal 酸对金属的作用
3. charge 诉讼:to bring an action against someone 起诉某人
actionable adj.可控诉的
3. active (act = to do 做;-ive adj.= able 会......的)
adj.able to do 活跃的,积极的:Although he is over 70,he is still active. 他虽然年过70,但依然很活跃。
activate v.使活动
activism n.[哲]能动主义;积极,活跃
activist n.活动分子,积极分子
activity n.能动性;活跃;[复]活动
4. actual(act = to do 做;-u-;-al adj.= the act or fact 表行为或事实)
adj.existing in fact;real 实际的;现实的:the actual amount of money 实际金额
actualist n.现实主义者
actuality n.事实,现在情况;现实性
actualize v.实行,使现实化
5. actuate(act = to do 做;-u-;-ate v.=to make or cause 使......)
v. cause to do 驱动,激励:What motives actuated her ? 什么动机驱使她这样做的?
actuation n.驱动,激励;开动
6. exact (ex- = out 出;act = to drive 驱使-->“to drive out;driven out 逼出来(的)”)
v.demand or obtain by force 强求,索取:He exacted obedience from his students. 他强要学生服从他。
adj.correct and without mistake 准确的,精确的:to be exact in conduct 行为一丝不苟
exacting adj.苛求的,严厉的;强索的
exaction adj.强索的;勒索;榨取
exactutude n.精确(性);严格,严谨
7. react (re- = back 回返;act = to do 做)
1. do or act in reply 反应:She was slow to react. 她反应迟钝。
2. do against 反动,反作用:to react against oppression 反抗压迫
reaction n.反应;反作用;反动
reactor n.引起反应的人或物;[原]反应堆
reactive adj.反应的;反动的
8. interact (inter- = between 在......之间;act = to do 做 --> “to do between two things 在两者之间互动”)
v.have an effect on each other 互相作用,互相影响:All things are inter-related and interacted on each other. 一切事物都是互相联系又互相影响的。
interaction n.相互作用;相互
interactant n.[化]反应物
interactive adj.互相作用的;[计]交互的
9. transact(trans- = across or through 穿过;act = to drive 驱使 --> “to drive through 使通过”)
v. carry on;manage 执行,办理:He transacted some business at bank. 他在银行处理了一些事务。
transaction n.办理,处理;交易,业务
transactor n. 办事人,处理者
10. enact
vt.制定法律, 扮演, 颁布 *en(=in)
11. exactitude
n. 正确;精密;严正《-itude 抽象名词后缀》
12. inaction
v.不活动;懒散;怠惰《in- = not》
inactive adj.不活动的;不活泼的;懒惰的
13. agent
14. agile
15. agitate
v. 震动;煽动
16. agitation
17. agitator
18. agony
19. cogent
adj.强有力的;使人信服的(劝动另人一起去)《co- = com- = together》
20. cogitate
21. cogitable
22. exigent
adj.急切的;紧急的;所需极多的(驱逐出去)《ex- = out;ig = act = to act》
23. prodigal
n.浪费者;浪子《拉丁文 prodigere = to drive forth》
词根:cur, curs ( cor, cour, cours, coars) = to run
来自拉丁语的cur,curs 意为to run ,它们的变形为cor,cour,cours,coars。同义词根有来自拉丁语的lop,来自希腊语的drom,以及来自盎格鲁-撒克逊语的run。此外,还有意为vehicle 的car/char等。
(*拉丁文currere(=to run) —— 英文根字典)
1. discursive(分开跑的dis(=apart) + curs(=run))
adj.(人) 言行散漫的,不得要领的;离题的;推论的
discursiveness n.散漫,不得要领
discursively adv.散漫地
He gave a discursive speech,difficult to follow. 他说的话东拉西扯,让人难以理解。
2. concur(一起跑con<com(=together) + cur(=run))
vi. with + sb;in + sth 同意,一致;同时发生;合作
concurrence n.同意,一致;合作;同时发生
concurrent adj.同时发生的;合作的;一致的
concurrently adv.同时地
I concur with my parents that illegal drugs carry many risks. 我同意我父母关于非法药品带有很大风险的意见。
3. precursor(事先、首先跑pre(=before) + curs(=run))
precursory adj.先驱的;先觉的;预备的
It has been said the Poe's novels were precursors to the modern detective novel. 坡的小说被认为是现代侦探小说的先驱。
4. cursory(仿佛跑似的curs(=run))
The customs agent gave only a cursory glance at our luggage. 海关人员是草草地看了一眼我们的行李。
5. recourse(向后跑re(=back) + cours<curs(=run))
The condemned man had no legal recourse left to him and was executed. 那个死刑囚犯没有任何法律求助途径,最终被处死。
6. extracurricular
adj.课外的 *extra(=outside)
extracurricular activities 课外活动
7. incur
v.招致,带来;背负(债务),蒙受(损失),遭受 *in(=into)
incur debts/hatred/great expense/danger/displeasure 负债/招致仇恨/花费大量经费/招致危险/触犯,得罪
8. occur
v. 出现,发生;(在心中)浮现;存在;被发现 *oc<ob(=to)
An idea has occurred to me. 我有了一个主意。
It occurred to me that~ 我想到...
9. occurrence
n.发生的事情、事件;出现,发生 *oc<ob(=to)
happy occurrence 喜事
10. recur
v.再发生,复发;回归,重新浮上心头,重新忆起 *re(=again)
problem which recurs periodically 定期反复出现的问题
11. recurrence
n.重新想起;复起,反复 *re(=again)
frequent recurrence of these headaches 这样的头疼的频繁复发
12. recurrent
adj.定期(频繁)重复的;复发的,周期性的 *re(=again)
recurrent expenses 定期开支
recurrent fever 回归热
13. undercurrent
n.底线,潜流;(不浮于表面的思想、感情等的)暗流 *under(=under)
undercurrent of opposition /melancholy 潜在的敌对/潜在的忧郁
14. curriculum
curriculum vitae 履历
15. currish
16. current
adj.通用的,现行的;现在的,正在进行的;流通的 n.(电、水、气等的)流;(时间、舆论、思想等的)潮流,倾向,趋势
currently adv.通常地,普遍地;现在,目前
current money 通用货币
current news 时事新闻
go (swim)with(against) the current (of the times) 随波逐流(反潮流)
the current of time (the times) 潮流,时代潮流
air currents 气流
17. currency
gold/paper currency 金币/纸币
foreign currencies 外币
currency circulation 货币流通
Many slang words have short currency. 很多俚语的流行时间都非常短。
18. courier
n.送快信、外交信件的信使;(旅行社的)导游,向导 *cour<cur(=run),ier(=person who)
act as a diplomatic courier bringing an important message from the president for the new premier 以外交信使的身份向新任首相传达总统的重要信息
19. succour
n.(困难时的)援助,救助 v.帮助(困难的人),援助 *suc<sub(=under),cor<cur(-run)
20. corridor
n.走廊,回廊 *cor<cur(=run)
corridors of power 权力走廊;暗中左右决策的权力中心
Polish Corridor 波兰走廊
21. excursion
n.远足,短程旅行 *ex(=out)
excursionist n.运足者;短程旅行者
make an excursion to the mountain 去大山中运足
22. incursion
n.(多指非永久占领的)袭击,侵犯,入侵 *in(=into)
the Danish incursions on our coasts in early times 早期丹麦人对我们(英国)海岸的入侵
23. cursive
24. curse
v.诅咒,咒骂;(be cursed with)使因...而遭难
n.诅咒,咒骂;祸因,祸根;被诅咒的东西;(the ~)月经
cursed adj.被诅咒的;可恶的,可惜的
curse at a fate 诅咒命运
25. course
v.以犬(灰狗)狩猎(特别是野兔);(快速移动地)穿过;(液体的)流动 *cours<curs(=run)
coursing n.带着猎犬打猎(野兔)
courser n.猎狗;骏马
in due course 在今后适当的时候
a matter of course 理所当然之事,必然的结果
stay the course 坚持到底,不放弃
graduate course 研究生课程
a dinner of six courses 六道菜品(一般包括汤、鱼、肉、糖果、奶酪、甜点)
main course 主菜
Tears coursed down her cheeks. 泪水滑过她的脸颊。
26. concourse
n.(物品或人等的)集合;合流;集合场所;(站、机场、会馆等的)中央大厅,中央广场 *con<com(=together),cours<curs(=run)
unforeseen concourse of circumstances 未能预料到的各种情况的同时发生
27. intercourse
n.(个人间的)交往;(人、国家间的)往来;(意见等的)交换;性交 *inter(=between),cours<curs(=run)
social /sexual intercourse 社交/性交
our commercial intercourse with the Soviet Union 我国与前苏联的贸易往来
28. coarse
adj.粗劣的;(布、网等)质地粗糙的;粗俗的,下流的 *coars<curs(=run)
coarse food 粗粮
coarse joke 低价的笑话
29. decurrent
adj.(叶等)从茎下部向上生长的《de- = down》
30. transcurrent
adj.横亘的;横贯的《trans- = across》
词根:egyr = to bring together
来自希腊语的egyr意为 to bring together。
panegyric n.颂词(所有的东西一起带来pan(=all) + egyr(=bring together))
Read this panegyric Elton John on this website. It's great! 读一读这个网站上关于埃尔的赞词。真是太棒了!
fer =bring,carry带拿
confer [con共同,一起,fer拿;把意见“拿到一起来”] 协商,商量,交换意见
conference [见上,-ence名词后缀] 协商会,讨论会,会议,会谈,讨论
differ [dif-分开,fer拿,持;“分开拿”,“分取”,“各持已见”,“各执一词”→互异] 不同,相异,意见不同
difference [见上,-ence名词后缀] 相异,差别,差异,不同
different [见上,-ent形容词后缀,…的] 不同的,相异的
differential [见上,-ial形容词后缀,...的] 不同的,差别的,区别的
differentiate [见上,-ate动词后缀,使…] 使不同,区分,区别
differentiation [见上,-ation名词后缀] 区别,分别
offer [of-向,向前,fer拿;’拿到前面来”] 提出,提供,奉献,贡献
offering [见上,-ing名词后缀,表示行为,物] 提供,捐献物
prefer [pre-先,fer拿,取;对某物’先取”,’先选”,宁愿’先要”某事物] 宁可,宁愿(选择), 更喜欢…,偏爱…
preferable [见上,-able形容词后缀,可…的] 更可取的,更好的
preference [见上,-ence名词后缀] 优先,偏爱,优先权
preferential [见上,-ial形容词后缀,…的] 代先的,优待的
transfer [trans-越过,转过,fer拿;’拿过去”] 转移,传递,传输,转让
transference [见上,-ence名词后缀] 转移,传递,转让
floriferous [flor花,-i-,fer带有,-ous形容词后缀,…的] 有花的,多花的
aquiferous [aqu水,-i-,fer带有,-ous形容词后缀,…的] 含水的
cruciferous [cruc十字形,-i-,fer带有,-ous形容词后缀,…的]
词根词缀:-agogic-, -agogue, -agog, -agogic, -agoguery, -agogy
【来源及含义】Greek: usually a suffix meaning: lead, leading, leading forth, guide, guiding; bring, take; promoting, stimulating
【相关词根词缀】Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "master, lead, leading, ruler, ruling, govern": agon-; arch-; -crat; dom-; gov-; magist-; poten-; regi-; tyran-.
【同源单词】agogic, agogical, agogics, anagoge, anagogic, anagogical
【来源及含义】Latin: master, leader; he/she who brings about [something]
【同源单词】authority, authorization
词根词缀:coagulo-, coagul-
【来源及含义】Latin: to curdle; from a verb meaning "to bring together"
【同源单词】anticoagulant, chemocoagulation, coagulant, coagulate, coagulopathy, electrocoagulation