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词根:err(arr) = to wander(漫游)

  来源:①来源于拉丁语 errare 徘徊,arr是它的变形。如果你“漫游”的脱离了正道,太离谱,当然会“犯错误”,所以该词根所构成的词汇有很多都含有“犯错”的含义;②来源于拉丁格言:Errare humanum est.即:人非圣贤,孰能无过;③来源于字母的含义,e 代表“眼睛”,r 代表“树枝”,理解为:眼看着大树的树枝不断漫无边际地双倍向外生长。
  同义词根有来自拉丁语的plan和来自希腊语的vag,异形同义词根是:-vag- 徘徊,迷失。


1. arrant
  arrant thief 臭名昭著的小偷
  arrant fool 十足的傻瓜
  arranf rogue  十足的恶棍
  arrant nonsense 一派胡言

2. err

3. errand
  a fool's errand 白跑腿的差事
  errand boy 供差遣的童仆
  run errands 跑腿

4. errant
  errant husband  犯了错误的丈夫

5. erratic
  erratic star 运行轨道不定的星星

6. erratum
  errata (erratum的复教)

7. erroneous

8. error
  clerical error 誊写工作中的笔误
  fall into error 误入歧途
  printer's errors 印刷错误
  error of judgment 判断错误

9. unerring
  adj.反正确无误的;没有偏差的 *un(=not)
  fire with unerring aim 瞄准射击
  strike an unerring blow 击中

10. oberrant
  oberrance n.越轨;逸出
  aberration n.越轨;恍惚;错乱

11. inerrant
  adj. 无错误的 in(=not)
  inerrantic adj.非反复无常的;有规律的;固定的

12. aberration [脱离某物徘徊ab(=from)+err(=wander)]
  n. the state of being abnormal; an abnormal act; failure of rays to focus 脱离常规;越轨;像差(焦点不准确而造成的物象模糊)
  aberrant adj.脱离常规的;越轨的;
  An aberration in the lens caused the telescope to reveal a flawed image. 镜头出现了像差,导致望远镜上的图像有些走样。

词根:pon, pound, pos(it) = to put(放置)


  词根pon来源于拉丁语 ponere 放 ,词根pos(it)是pon的变体,它们属于一对结合力非常强的同源异形根,pon是ponere的不定式词干,pos(it)是ponere的动名词词干,这族同根词不下百个。-posit- / -pound- 分别为 -pos- / -pon-

的变体;它相应的希腊语词根为:-the- 放,例如:thesaurosis 贮积病。


1. proponent(向前放、提出pro(=forward,forth) + pon(=put))
  I've always been a proponent of gun control. 我一直都提倡管制枪支。

2. expound(放在外边、彻底说明 ex(=out,intensive) + pound(=put))
  vt.详细说明 vi.on + sth 详细说明
  He loves to expound on any topic;he's such a blowhard. 他对每个话题都爱长篇大论,他真是个吹牛的专家。

3. component
  adj.组成的,构成(成品)的 n.成分,构成要素 (被放在一起) *com(=together)
  component parts 组成部分,零件
  the components  of a camera lens 照相机镜头的各组成部分

4. deponent
  n.[律]证人 *de(=down)

5. exponent
  n.说明者,解释者;(思想等的)拥护者;代表者;[数]指数 *ex(=out)
  exponent of Darwin's theory of evolution 达尔文进化论的解说者(指赫克斯利)

6. opponent
  n.(比赛、争论等的)对手,对方;对抗者,反对者(置身于反对的立场) *op<ob(=against)

7. compound
  v. 合成,混合;妥协;加重;[经]以复利计算(利息)adj.复合的,混合的,合成的 n.混合物,合成物 (放在一起)*com(=together)
  compound sentence 复合句
  compound interest 得利
  compound fracture 有创骨折

8. impound
  v.扣押(证物等),没收,将(牲畜等)关在圈中 *im<in(=into)
  impoundment n.扣押;没收

9. propound
  n.提议 *pro(=forth)

10. postpone
  v. 延期,推迟 *post(=after)
  postponement n.延期

词根:flat = to blow(吹)

  来自拉丁语的flat 意为to blow。

  (*拉丁文flare(=to blow),过去分词是flatus。)


1. inflate(在里面吹 in(=in) + flat(=blow))
  inflation n.膨胀;通货膨胀
  inflatable adj.可充气的;可膨胀的
  inflationary adj.通货膨胀的
  The street vendors often inflate their prices for tourists .路边的小贩常常向游人的高价格。

2. deflate
  v.紧缩(通货);放出(车胎等的)气体,抽出空气;使某人泄气 *de(=down)
  deflate a pompous politician 使傲慢的政治家骄气大挫

3. deflationary
  adj.通货紧缩的 *de(=down)
  deflationary measures applied by the Secretary of Treasury. 由财政部长实施的通货紧缩措施

4. deflation
  n.通货紧缩;抽出空气 *de(=down)

5. stagflation
  n.(不景气状况下的)滞胀 *stag(=pool)

6. afflatus
  n.灵感 *af<ad(=near,to)

7. flatulent

8. conflate
  v.汇集在一起;(将异文)合并(一起吹气)《con- = together》
  conflation n.异文合并

9. inflate
  v.(灌入气体)使膨胀;使得意;通货膨胀(吹入空气)《in- = into》
  inflation n.膨胀;得意;通货膨胀

10. reflation
  n.通货膨胀《re- = again》

词根词缀:flat-, flatu-

【来源及含义】Latin: to blow, a puff of wind or air; by extension, accumulation of gas in the stomach or bowels

【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word groups that are related, directly or indirectly, to: "air, wind": aello-; aeolo-; aero-; anemo-; atmo-; austro-; phys-; pneo-, -pnea; pneumato-; turb-; vent-; zephyro-.

【同源单词】afflatus, conflate, conflation, deflate, deflation, deflation lake

词根词缀:plag-, plagu-, plague-

【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: strike, stroke, blow, wound; beat the chest; lament loudly [while beating the chest]; pestilence

【同源单词】black plague, bubonic plague, pestis minor, plague, plague, plagueful

词根词缀:-plegia, -pleg, -plegic, -plegy, plego-, pleg-

【来源及含义】Greek: stroke, blow, strike; paralysis

【同源单词】blepharoplegia, cardioplegia, cardioplegic, cephaloplegia, cephaloplegic, cryocardioplegia

词根词缀:tympan-, tympano-, tympani-

【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: drum, kettledrum; stretched membrane; from "blow, impression, to beat"; a part of the ear

【相关词根词缀】 Related "ear" word families: auri-; myring-; oto-.

【同源单词】aerotympanal, bulla tympani, entotympanic, membrana tympanica, tympanal, tympanectomy

词根词缀:typo-, typ-, -type

【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: to beat, to strike; a blow; a dent, an impression, a mark, original form; a mold; a figure, an image, a form, a kind

【相关词根词缀】 Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "form, shape, appearance": eido-; figur-; form-; icono-; ideo-; imag-; morpho-; -oid.

【同源单词】allelotype, allotype, allotypy, ambrotype, androtype, antitype