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词根词缀:bi-, bin-, bino-, bis-

【来源及含义】Latin: two, twice, double, twofold; a number; it normally functions as a prefix

【相关描述】This bi- is used before s, c, or a vowel. Don't confuse this bi- with another one which means "life".

All words except biennial referring to periods of time and prefixed by bi- are potentially ambiguous. Since bi- can be taken to mean either "twice each" or "every two", a word like "biweekly" can be understood as "twice each week" or "every two weeks".

【同源单词】biacid, biangular, biannual, biannual, biarchy, biarticulate

词根词缀:gamo-, gam-, -gamy, -gamous

【来源及含义】Greek: marriage, union; wedding; pertaining to sexual union

【同源单词】adelphogamy, agamete, agamic, agamist, agamodeme, agamogenesis

词根词缀:-ous, -ious, -eous

【来源及含义】Latin: full of or having the qualities of; in chemistry, a suffix denoting that the element indicated by the name bearing it, has a valence lower than that denoted by the termination -ic; as, nitrous, sulphurous, etc., as contrasted with nitric, sulphuric, etc.

【相关描述】Only a small number of the hundreds of examples are presented because there are just too many to include at this time.

【同源单词】abdominous, abiogenous, ablepharous, abstemious, acanthaceous, acanthocephalous