词根:bell = beautiful, war
来自拉丁语的bell意为beautiful,war,在盎格鲁-撒克逊语里意为bag,to swell。当bell 用做beautiful 这一含义时,其同义词根有来自拉丁语的pulchr和来自希腊语的calli,cosmet。
(*拉丁文 bellum(=war) —— 英文根字典)
1. embellish(使变美丽em<en(=make) + bell (=beautiful))
vt. sth + with + sth 美化;装饰;使(故事等)更有趣;润色
embellishment n.装饰(物);润色
She embellished the cake with real cut flowers. 她用折来的鲜花装饰蛋糕。
2. belle
n.美女 *bell (=beautiful) ,e(=person who)
the belle of the ball/society 舞会花魁/交际花
3. belles-lettres
n.<法>纯文学(与商业,技术、科学等文献相对)*bell (=beautiful)
4. belladonna
n.(植物)颠茄;颠茄制剂 *bell (=beautiful),don(=give)
5. bellicose
adj.<正>好战的,好争吵的,好斗的;黩武 *bell(=war)
6. Bellona
n.司战女神 *bell(=war)
Mars 战神
7. rebel
n.造反者;叛逆者;反抗者 adj.选择者,叛逆的 v.造反;反叛;反抗 *re(=against) ,bell(=war)
rebel forces 叛军
8. rebellion
n.造反,叛乱 *re(against),bell(=war)
rebellion against the dictator 针对独裁者的叛乱
9. rebellious
adj.造反的;反叛的;难控制的 *re(=against),bell(=war)
rebellious behavior 造反行为
10. antebellum
11. belly
n.肚子,腹部;胃;鼓起(或凹进去的)部分(小提琴等的腰部)v. 涨满,鼓胀 *bell(=bag,swell)
belly button 肚脐
The sails bellied in the wind. 帆在风中鼓起
12. Belgium
13. bellied
adj.(构成合成词)有腹的;腹...的 *bell(=bag,swell)
big-bellied 大腹便便的
empty-bellied children 饥肠辘辘的孩子们
14. bellyful
n.过量(of);满腹 *bell(=bag,swell)
a bellyful of advice 过多的功告
15. bellow
n.(像牛一样)吼叫,怒吼,咆哮;大声发出 *bell(=bag,swell)
bellow out a drinking song 放声高唱祝酒歌
16. bellows
n.(用以送风助火的或风琴的)风箱;肺 *bell(=bag,swell)
后缀:-ful ①[名词后缀]
handful 一把,一把的量
spoonful 一匙的量
houseful 满屋,一屋子
armful 一抱
bagful 一满袋
drawerful 一抽屉
cupful 一满杯
mouthful 一口
dishful 一喋的量
boatful 一船所载的量
boxful 一满箱,一满盒
bellyful 一满腹
useful 有用的
fruitful 有结果的
hopeful 富有希望的
dreamful 多梦的
peaceful 和平的
powerful 有力的
sorrowful 悲哀的
changeful 多变化的
shameful 可耻的
fearful 可怕的
forgetful 易忘的
truthful 真实的
skillful 熟练的
doubtful 可疑的
careful 小心的
cheerful 快乐的
词根词缀:abdomin-, abdomino-, abdomen-
【来源及含义】Latin: belly, venter [the use of "stomach" is considered incorrect for this root word]; from Latin abdo-, to put away
【同源单词】abdomen, abdominal, abdominal adhesion, abdominal aorta, abdominal aortic aneurysm, abdominal aortography
词根词缀:gastr-, gastro-, gaster-, gastero-, gastri-, -gastria-
【来源及含义】Greek: stomach, belly
【同源单词】aerogastria, agastria, agastric, amphigastrium, amphigastrula, arachnogastria
词根词缀:ventricul-, ventriculo-
【来源及含义】Latin: [little] belly; hence, "a small cavity; especially of the heart or brain"
【相关词根词缀】 A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, indirectly, or partially with: "opening, hole, cavity, tract": alveolo-; antro-; anu-; celo-; coelio-; concho-; fenestra-; hernio-; hiat-; meato-; ora-; parieto-; poro-; pyl-, pyle-; pylor-; sphinctero-; splanchn-; stomato-; syringo-; uretero-; urethro-; vagino-.
【同源单词】accelerated idioventricular rhythm, atrioventricular, idioventricular, ulcus ventriculi perforans, ventricular, ventricular fold
词根词缀:ventro-, ventri-, ventr-
【来源及含义】Latin: stomach, belly or a relationship to the abdomen or the front or anterior aspect of the body
【同源单词】ventral, ventricle, ventricose, ventriduct, ventriduction, ventriloquism