词根词缀:ambi-, amb-, ambo-
【来源及含义】Latin: both, on both sides; around, about; vague; obscure
【相关词根词缀】 Related "around, round, surrounding" units: ampho-; circ-; circum-; cyclo-, -cycle; gyro-; peri-.
【同源单词】ambiance, ambiciliate, ambicolorate, ambidexter, ambidexterity, ambidextrous
【来源及含义】Latin: adjective suffix signifying action or being; performing a particular acion
【同源单词】abducent, abhorrent, abluent, absorbefacient, absorbifacient, abstinent
词根词缀:itiner-, it-, -it
【来源及含义】Latin: to go, to walk away; to travel, to journey, a journey
【同源单词】adit, ambience, ambient, ambition, ambitious, ambitiously