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wordage 文字,词汇量

percentage 百分比

tonnage 吨数,吨位

wattage 电的瓦数

mileage 英里数

herbage 草本植物

acreage 英亩数

leafage 叶子(总称)

assemblage 集合的人群

peerage 贵族(总称)


orphanage 孤儿院

village 村庄

anchorage 停泊所

cottage 村舍

hermitage 隐士住处

vicarage 牧师住所

passage 通道

pasturage 牧场


postage 邮资

wharfage 码头税

railage 铁路运费

freightage 货运费

waterage 水运费

pilotage 领航费

cartage 车运费

towage 拖船费

expressage 快运费

porterage 搬运费

lighterage 驳运费

brokerage 经手费

haulage (拖)运费

demurrage 滞留费


marriage 结婚

rootage 生根

brigandage 强盗行为

breakage 破碎,破损

stoppage 阻止,阻塞

brewage 酿造

clearage 清除,清理

tillage 耕作,耕种

wastage 耗损

pilgrimage 朝圣

shrinkage 收缩,皱缩

storage 贮存,保管


shorage 短缺

parentage 出身,门第

pupilage 学生身份

advantage 利益

alienage 外国人身份

verbiage 冗词,赘语

visage 面貌

dotage 老年昏惯

reportage 报告文学

language 语言


roofage 盖屋顶的材料

roughage 粗粮,粗饲料

package 包裹

blindage 盲獐,掩体

bandage 绷带

wrappae 包装材料

carriage 马车,客车厢

droppage 落下物

altarage 祭坛的祭品

appendage 附属物


【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: [originally, Academus/Akademus, a name of a hero in Greek mythology; then it became a gymnasium near Athens where Plato taught]

【相关描述】In the beginning, academy referred to the "olive grove of Academus" or "the groves of Academe". Plato established his school in 387 B.C. Music, philosophy, and literature were taught there. Some accounts say that Plato sat on the ground and taught while resting against the trunk of an olive tree.

Now academies generally exist as private-secondary schools, military institutions; as art, literary, and scientific societies; and institutions in the entertainment world. According to John Ayto, the more general meanings "college, place of training" derive from French.

【同源单词】academe, academia, academic, academical, academician, academicism

词根词缀:kathis-, cathis-, kathiso-, cathiso-

【来源及含义】Greek: to sit; sitting

【同源单词】acathistus, akathisia, kathisomania, kathisophobia

词根词缀:pollaki-, pollaci-, pollach-

【来源及含义】Greek: frequent, frequently; often, diverse

【同源单词】pollakanthic, pollakiambulation, pollakicoprosis, pollakidipsia, pollakifecation, pollakiphagia