词根:clim = ladder, slope
词根 clim = ladder,slope来源:来自拉丁语的clim意为ladder,slope。
1. acclimate [向某事物倾斜ac<ad(=to)+clim(=iadder,slope)]
vt. onesetf+to+sth 使适应,使顺应
vit. 刁惯,适应
acclimation/acclimatization n. 顺应
It takes athletes several days to acclimate to high altitude venues. 运动员们需要几天的时间采适应高海拔的比赛地点。
2. climax
n.顶点,高潮:性高潮(=orgasm) v.(使)达到高潮
3. climacteric
n. 更年期;绝经期
4. climactic
5. climber
climbing n.摹登
climb-down 放弃原来坚持的论点(或立场);让步
6. anticlimax
n.[语]突降法:虎头蛇尾 *anti(=against, opposite)
词根:scend, scent, scens, scan = to climb
来自拉丁语的scend意为to climb。变形有scent,scens,scan等。另外,来自拉丁语的scal有ladder的意思。含义相似。
1. transcend (越过某物爬tran<trans (=over,beyond) + scend (=climb))
transcendent adj.出众的,卓越的 transcendental 先验的;越自然的;晦涩的
transcendence/transcendency n. 卓越,超越
You can transcend your shyness by doing these exercises daily.你每天做这些练习可以克服羞涩。
2. condescend (和别人一样爬下来con<com(=together) + de(=down) + scend(=climb))
vi.to + sb/do 屈尊;带着优越感表示亲切
That instructor condescends to his students by treating them like babies.那个教练不摆架子,像对待孩子似的亲切地对待他的学生。
3. ascend
v.攀登(山);登上;上升 *a <ad(=to,toward)
The path ascends here. 路从这里开始就是上坡了。 ascend the throne 登基
4. ascendancy
n.权势;优势 *a < ad(=to ,toward)
ascendency (=ascendancy)
have the ascandancy over his rivals 比他的对手更有优势
5. ascendant
adj.上升的;优势的 *a < ad(=to ,toward)
in the ascendant 占优势的
6. ascension
n. 攀登;上升*a < ad(=to ,toward),scens<scend(=climb)
the Ascension [基督教]耶酥升天节
7. ascent
n.上升;上坡路;登高;提高 *a < ad(=to ,toward),scens<scend(=climb)
ascent of the mountain 登山 last part of ascent 坡路的尽头
8. descend
v. 下来,下降;(财产等)一代一代传下来;为...的后裔 (be descended from sb.);袭击,出其不意地访问(~on/upon);降低身份做...(~to) *de(=down)
descend the stairs 走下楼梯
descend upon the defenseless village 突袭毫无防备的村庄
9. descendant
n.孙子,后裔 *de(=down)
the descendants of Queen Victoria 维多利亚女王的后裔
10. descent
n.下降,下来;血统;(财产等)P继承,世袭;遗传;袭击;出其不意的拜访 *de(=down),scens<scend(=climb)
the descent of the mountain 下山
of French descent 有法国血统的
Darwin's Descent of Man 达尔文的《人类的由来》
The Danes made numerous descents upon the English coast during the 110th century. 10世纪的时候,丹麦人多次袭击过英国海岸。
11. scan
v.细看,审视;浏览(报纸等);扫描,用雷达监测(特定区域);标出韵律;符合韵律 *scan<scend(=climb)
scansion n.(诗歌的)韵律节奏分析;按韵律诵读
scan the hourizon anxiously every mouring 每天早晨不安地望着地平线
scan the newspaper while having his breakfast 吃早饭的时候浏览报纸
词根:scan, scend, scal = to climb(登;爬)
*拉丁文scandere(=to climb)。
1. scan v.审讯;按韵律吟诵(诗)(一步一步往上爬)
2. scansion n.诗之韵律分析
3. ascend v.上升;攀登《a- = ad- = to》
4. ascent n.攀登;上升
5. ascensive adj.上长升职的;进步的
6. ascension n.上升;(the A-)耶稣的升天
7. ascendant;-ent adj.上升的;优势的 n.优势;祖先
8. ascendancy;-ency n.主权;优越
9. descend vi.下降, 屈尊, 遗传, 世代相传, 袭击 vt.下降 《de- = down》
10. descent n.降下;遗传;侵袭, 家系, 血统
11. descendant n.后裔(延着家谱而下), 子孙, 后代 adj.传下的, 下降的
12. condescend v.屈尊;降格相从(和对方一起下降)《con- = together》
13. condescension n.谦虚, 硬要人家领情的态度, 屈尊, 傲慢态度
14. transcend vt.超越, 胜过;凌驾(攀越)《trans- = beyond》
15. transcendent adj.越凡的;卓越的
16. transcendence;-ency n.超凡;卓越
17. transcendental adj.卓越的;先验的;超自然的
18. scale v.以梯子登;爬越 n.音阶;比例尺;规模;尺;尺上的刻度
19. escalade v.用梯攀登《接丁文scala = ladder》
20. escalator n.自动梯
词根:scal = ladder
词根scal来自拉丁语的sal意为ladder。另外,请注意来自拉丁语的scend/scens/scent/scan 与此词根含义相似,意为 to climb。
1. escalate [使通过梯子、向上走e<ex(=out,up) + scal (=ladder)]
escalation 逐步上升,逐步扩大
The conflict between the neighbors continues to escalate. 邻居间的矛盾在不断升级。
2. de-escalate v.使(范围、规模、数量等)逐步缩小,使逐步降级 *de(=down),e<ex(=out)
de-escalation (逐步缩小;逐步降级)
后缀:-en ①[动词后缀]
shorten 使缩短
gladden 使快活
harden 使变硬
flatten 使变平
strengthen 加强
moisten 弄湿,使湿
deepen 加深,使深
sharpen 削尖
rechen 使富
quicken 加快
darken 使黑,变黑
youthen 变年轻
heighten 加高,提高
fatten 使肥
lengthen 使延长,伸长
straighten 弄直,使直
broaden 加宽
sweeten 使变甜
thicken 使变厚
soften 弄软,使软化
wooden 木制的
leaden 铅制的
woolen 羊毛制的
golden 金质的,似金的
silken 丝的,如丝的
wheaten 小麦制的
earthen 泥质的,泥制的
waxen 蜡制的,似蜡的
ashen 灰的,似灰的
oaken 橡树制的
warden 看守人
citizen 公民
vixen 刁妇,泼妇
denizen 居民
maiden 少女
chicken 小鸡
kitten 小猫
词根词缀:asco-, asci-, asc-, ascidi-, ascid-
【来源及含义】Greek: little bag, bag; bladder, pouch; bladder like, sac like; from leather bag, wine skin
【同源单词】Aschelminthes, asci, ascian, ascidate, ascidial, ascidian
词根词缀:bili-, bil-
【来源及含义】Latin: bile; which is a digestive juice secreted by the liver, stored in the gallbladder, and aids in the digestion of fats
【同源单词】atrabiliary, atrabilious, biliary, biliary flux, biliation, biliferous
【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: to let down, to insert, to thrust in [kata, "down" plus hienai, "to send"]
【同源单词】arterial catheter, balloon catheter, bladder catheter, cardiac catheter, catheter, catheterization
词根词缀:cholecysto-, cyholecyst-
【来源及含义】Latin: gall bladder, bile bladder, bilebladder
【同源单词】cholecyst, cholecystagogic, cholecystagogue, cholecystalgia, cholecystangiography, cholecystatony
词根词缀:choledocho-, choledoch-
【来源及含义】Greek: choledochos, from chole, "bile" + dechomai, "to receive"; the common bile duct or tube; conveying bile; containing bile, which is a yellow-green fluid that is made by the liver, stored in the gallbladder, and passes through the common bile duct into the first section of the small intestine or duodenum where it helps to digest fat
【同源单词】choledochal, choledochectasia, choledochectomy, choledochitis, choledochocholedochostomy, choledochoduodenostomy